Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 261: Pacific Rim (below)

The empty office is quiet and depressed.

Director Nasa stared at the big screen outside the window with cold hands and a dull expression.

"Bureau... Director! The funds have arrived!"

At this time, the door was suddenly pushed open, and the assistant ran in panting: "Has the campaign begun?"

"……It has ended."

Stretching out his trembling right hand and taking off his glasses, the director bowed his head, escaped from a cardboard box under the desk, and silently packed office supplies in.


"Don't call me the chief."

The former director of Nasa held up the box, looked around the chicly decorated office, and muttered: "Listen, there seems to be a sound..."

"What... what sound?"

The former director closed his eyes: "Here, a festive voice..."


"Ten participants are all drawn, let's start sending. The order is the same as usual."

At the end of the speech, Chen Yu skidded on the virtual earth with both hands and entered the address of the first participant in the reward group.

"First of all, it's the Youtui platform, Oushen with the id named ‘longsenve’!"

The moment the space twists and turns successfully, a blond brawny man with a big waist rushed out of the metal arch, his face flushed with excitement, opened his bear hug, and rushed to Chen Yu frantically: "Selected! I was selected by the anchor!"

In response to this, Chen Yu was prepared and decisively took out the high-frequency lightsaber: "Don't come here!"

The strong man stopped.

"Go back! Stand at attention! Turn right! Start!"

"Right...the right is the sea..."

"Yes, just walk into the sea and flush with the water to calm down."

"Don't... stop making trouble with the anchor, I calm down..." The blond brawny raised his hands and stood honestly in the corner of the metal platform.

Putting away the lightsaber, Chen Yu stepped forward and looked up and down with sharp eyes.


The brawny man was like a bullied little daughter-in-law, Chu Chu pitifully swallowed his saliva: "Lord... anchor, what's wrong?"

Chen Yu did not reply, was silent for a while, suddenly took off his helmet, and took a deep breath beside the strong man: "Sniff—"

Strong man: ?д?;

"Don't mind." Pulling on the hood, Chen Yu laughed out: "The New Year is almost coming, take European breath."

Bold man: "..."

"Continue sending!"

With that, Chen Yu returned to the portal and entered the address of the second participant: "Station b platform, id Shanhe 467."

Half a minute later, a gentleman with glasses walked in and bowed: "Thank you very much, Lord, for giving me the opportunity of this space trip."

"So calm?" Chen Yu was surprised: "The mentality is amazing!"

"My profession is a clinician." The young man pushed down his glasses: "I just gave myself a tranquilizer."


Next, Chen Yu successfully transmitted the remaining three lucky guys in the barrage group.

Dicra, a university teacher. Suck……

Misty Yisheng, the housewife of the universe country. Suck……

cc178, a girl from Japan, looks pretty cute. Suck suck...

After gathering the five European spirits, Chen Yu put on his helmet, speeded up, and sent the five members of the reward group.

They are: Dean of China Academy of Aerospace Sciences; Director of Airbus Airlines; General Manager of Google Planetary Resources; Representative of Arion Space; and CEO of Spacex Space Exploration Company-Elon Musk.

For the first four, Chen Yu simply shook hands.

Only in front of Musk, he opened his arms and hugged him tightly.

This is a person Chen Yu admires extremely.

In Chen Yu's eyes, Musk, who has devoted himself to the field of space, is a truly pure deep space pioneer.

Regardless of creating spacex, joining Tesla, or even Suncity, it is all about laying the foundation for entering the universe in the future. Never do useless work, aim firm and down-to-earth. Money, status, connections, knowledge, technology... everything is a tool for his great career.

Although, such an excellent persona may be false. But as long as it is not broken, Chen Yu's favorability for him will not decrease.

"Hi, nice to meet you."

"Hello, hello!" Musk was flattered.

"Your company's repeated use of rockets is great! Only such a great company can bring human progress." Chen Yu seemed to be a big boss and patted Musk's shoulder kindly.

" are serious. It's just a small mess. Only a future technology leader like you can lead human progress."

"Yeah." Chen Yu nodded, "What you said is quite reasonable."

"...Yes...Yes." Musk's Chinese is very poor, and his pronunciation is a little floating.

"Wait for a while, after the evaluation is over, I may have a cooperation negotiation with you."

"Cooperation?" Musk stunned, and tentatively said: "About space..."

"Yes. To be precise, it is about your dream. In fact, that is also one of my dreams."

Hearing that, Musk's pupils shrank suddenly.

"Okay, let's not talk about it."

Turning around, scanning the crowd, Chen Yu disconnected from the portal, then walked to the space capsule, knocked on the iron ladder, and said, "Since the personnel are all there, no time is wasted. Everyone lined up and followed the order of transmission. Enter the space capsule and wait for takeoff."

"[Earth Water Spouting] During the spewing process, it is calculated intelligently and the acceleration should be very stable. But for your safety, friends with heart disease, severe hypertension, fear of heights and epilepsy will consciously quit the interaction for your safety. . Otherwise, I will not be responsible for the accident."

Everyone shook their heads at the same time.

This kind of opportunity may happen once in a lifetime, even if you die, you will earn blood...

"Okay, get in the cabin now!"

With an order, ten participants immediately lined up, climbed the iron ladder one by one, and jumped into the space capsule.

"And me!"

The little Taohong in the helicopter in the distance got anxious and turned around twice before jumping directly into the sea.


Water splashes everywhere.

"Wait for me to grumble... I want to grumble too..."

Within three minutes, Xiao Taohong swam to the metal platform using a dog's planing method, climbing up with both hands and feet.

Chen Yufufu: "I didn't say not to take you, are you going crazy?"

[Female assistant?~]

[Wet body. 】

[What a good figure! He looks absolutely beautiful! 】

[It's 2021, all faceless will be treated as Qiao Biluo. 】

[You are greedy for her body! You are mean! 】

[I just greet her body, I'm honest. (Dog head)]

Not long after, everyone, including Xiao Taohong, pretended to enter the space capsule and lay down in the thick glass windows, looking at Chen Yu eagerly.

"The shocking scene is coming soon. In order for the audience in front of the screen to enjoy a more exciting picture, the camera is placed outside the space capsule."

"In a way, you are more fortunate in front of the screen. Because of that super fountain, you can't see it in the capsule."

Having said that, Chen Yu clicked the start button on the console, then jumped into the space capsule, and closed the door with a "bang" and locked it.

[The test has been completed. 】

【Planning the lift-off path. 】

[Planning is complete. 】

【Storage 100%】

The mechanical monadic sound echoed over the sea.

Then, a thunderous muffled sound came from inside the pipe...


Next second...

The world is shaking violently!


(Three lines: Since many red envelopes have been sent to all readers, some time has been delayed and the update is late. I will continue to post it in a while!

I wish you all a happy Year of the Rat! )

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