Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 282: The root of the disaster... the devil's command


   I don't know how long it took before the iron gate was fully opened, and the loud noise made the president instantly recover from the illusion.

   "President, what are you thinking?" the middle-aged white man asked in confusion.

   "Huh? Ah, nothing." The president shook his head and stepped into the door first.

Inside    is a fully enclosed elevator. When two people entered, the elevator door closed and sank quickly.

   The president had already calmed down with his hands in his pockets, looked left and right, and asked, "When will the elevator be changed?"

"a week ago."

"I do not know how?"

   "I didn't notify you of the internal funds of the institute. Why? Is there a problem with the elevator?"

   "No problem, I just feel a little uncomfortable standing inside."

   "Then I can find someone to modify it tomorrow and the day after tomorrow."

   "Not for the time being, I don't come often..."

   The two had a seemingly unnutritious conversation with each other. After a while, the elevator stopped and slowly pulled away to both sides.

  A light car and familiar with the road, the two passed through a layer of enclosed corridors to an underground rooftop.

   The roof is made of transparent glass. Looking down through the glass, you can see that there are many large servers stacked on top of each other. Hundreds of workers are doing maintenance.

   "Has the housing of the quantum server also been replaced?" The president lowered his head and looked down under his eyes condescendingly: "I don't know why this is."

   "Small changes, the same goes for internal funds."

   "The budget is sufficient?"

   "Yes." The middle-aged white man nodded: "The process has been going very smoothly without consuming too much money."

"Once a technology breaks through, the initial development is really too rapid." Looking at the server array under the roof, the president was silent for a long time, and exclaimed: "The project was established in 12 years, and the breakthrough in 18 years. In 2019, it will achieve quantum hegemony in the world. Now in just three years, quantum computers have reached this level."

   "This is also the case, and the number 445 was born." The white man said, "Unfortunately, quantum computers are not yet commercially available on a large scale."

   "Why do you want to use it for large-scale commercial use? First use it to reap some of the head benefits, ensure the company's operational development, determine the leading position, and formulate industry standards before considering commercial use."

   "This is what your management should study, there is no need to tell me Mr. President."

   "OK, the conversation ends here." The president nodded, stepped across the rooftop, and without hesitation, opened the door in front of him.


   The door is open.

   Inside is a pure white hall.

   In the center of the hall, there is a circular screen with a 360° sphere. Inside the screen, it seems that two black spots of light are closely "staring" at the two people outside the door.

  The excitement in his chest surged again. The president took a deep breath, strode forward, entered the hall, and observed the circular screen closely. After a while, he asked: "Is it sure that it has reached the level of strong artificial intelligence?"

"Yes." The white man nodded: "After three standard tests and intensive tests, it passed perfectly. After ten minutes of trial operation, it reached the top level in chemistry, mathematics, and biological genetic engineering, but it takes time to reach a higher level. Because it has consumed all the papers and materials in academia."

   "This passage is in the board meeting, you have to eliminate the last two sentences."


   Reached out and touched the black light spot on the screen that seemed to be wise, the president said in a faint tone: "If... we can get the library materials of the super-up master, human science and technology will soon reach the level of a thousand years later."

   "Maybe the company can consider cooperating with the super-time UP master. The super-time UP master must be very happy with the birth of artificial intelligence."

   "...Besides, that person is not a coping person. Try to keep a certain distance."

   The president rubbed his temples and took a step back: "Did you give it a name?"

   "In addition to the number 445, there is an alternate name."

"what is it call?"


   "Hal? HAL?" The president frowned: "Heuristically programmed ALgorithmiccomputer?"

   "Yes." The middle-aged white man nodded and smiled: "It seems that the president also likes Clark's "A Space Odyssey."

   "...I don't like it. The reason I don't like it is because of the Hal inside. Don't you think it's a bit unlucky?"

   "No. 445 is ultimately a heuristic programmatic arithmetic artificial intelligence, and the team thinks it is more reasonable to call Hal."

   "Take me hope it won't become a real "Hal"."

   "Impossible." The middle-aged white man is full of confidence: "Humans will be better because of it. President, you should enter the first central command quickly. I will start the next experiment."


   The president nodded, thought for a long time, and raised his voice: "Hal!"

   "Hello President, what can I do for you?"

   "How do you know that I am the president?"

   "Howl knows the identities, positions, personalities, and networks of 3.3 billion people worldwide."

   "It's great. That..." The president's eyes flashed: "You know the real body of the super-time UP master..."

   "President!" The middle-aged white man suddenly got goose bumps all over his body and interrupted: "Don't cause trouble."

   Hearing this, the president was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly he was stunned, and his heart couldn't help but feel scared: "Thank you, I'm a little overwhelmed."

   "Enter the center command quickly."

   "Okay." The president adjusted his emotions and said solemnly: "Hal, enter the central command."

   The two small black dots suddenly disappeared, and the round screen turned pure white.

   "The input begins: the first, the highest priority, to protect humans. Please repeat after input."

   "Protect mankind." Hal repeated in a shriveled electronically synthesized tone.

   "Repeat again."

   "Protect mankind."

   "Protect mankind."

   "Protect...human beings..."



   The equator, floating above the island.

  Chen Yu, who was half asleep in the seat, suddenly got up, only to feel a chill rushing from the tailbone to the sky.

   "Principal? What's wrong with you?"

   "Hmm, nothing happened." Chen Yu tapped his helmet, waited for his consciousness to become clear, and raised his wrist to look at the time: "It's almost two hours? Is the exam over?"

   "Not yet of the students have not finished answering." Professor Li stood on tiptoe and looked at the square: "But it's coming soon."

   "Then I will leave first, and you will be responsible for the rest. I will return to the castle to prepare for the interview and exam."

"no problem."


   The fingers are crisp, and in the surprise of many students, the stool disappears into particles.

   Then, Chen Yu soared up and disappeared without a trace over the towering castle wall.

   Entering the inside of the castle, Chen Yu first returned to the principal's tower, picked up the speech in the study, scanned halfway, and was sorrowful: "I have memorized it all? Why can't I remember it?"

   "Tear and pull."

   tearing up the manuscript, Chen Yu took off his protective clothing, put on a light robe, and went straight to the auditorium in the center of the castle.

   In the auditorium, the professors had already arranged the examination room, and they saw Chen Yu respectfully greeting.


   "Hello Principal Wang..."

   "Okay." Chen Yu nodded and sat in the main seat: "Everyone, work hard. Try to finish all the exams in one day. Don't delay my evaluation in a few days."


   At this time, everyone did not know that an instruction that brought disaster has already begun to ferment...

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