Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 283: College interview is over

   After another half an hour, the written test is completely over.

  All the professors rushed to the square and quickly reviewed the test papers with reference answers.

  The way to advance is very simple. You can participate in the interview if you pass.

   After hundreds of professors "burst scores" on the spot, 1764 candidates directly swiped 1,107, and the elimination rate was astonishing, leaving only 657.

  The losers were sad and sad, lined up on the helicopter, and left silently.

   The victor looked serious, and took a huge squid across the Black Lake and entered the castle for a more brutal interview.

   Twenty minutes later, all the candidates walked across the wide corridor and came to the auditorium. Under the command of the professors, they randomly found a seat and sat down.

   No candidates talk to each other.

  At this point, everyone is a competitor.

"Classmates." Standing on the high platform, Professor Li said condescendingly: "Next, please concentrate. I will inform you to enter the cabin behind me in order of numbering. Each number is repeated three times, and no one answers. To give up."

   "No. 0021, 0045, 0047!"


"And I!"

   The three candidates reacted violently, and at the same time they raised their hands desperately and rushed out of their seats.

   "Well, go in. Be polite."

   "Thank you mentor." *3

   The three of them glanced at each other, pushed open the wooden door, walked into the cabin, and stood side by side.

   There are a total of five examiners in the house, and it is Chen Yu sitting in the center.

"Because there are so many candidates, we are not polite to each other, and we will start the test directly." Chen Yu crossed his chin with ten fingers, and after looking at the three of them from left to right, he stretched out his fingers and pointed at the candidate on the left, and asked: "Excuse me, periodic table of elements. How many elements are there?"

   The candidate on the left side was taken aback. It seemed that the test questions were so simple, and he blurted out "118."

   "Very good." Chen Yu nodded and looked at the second person: "Excuse me, how many cycles do they have? How many elements are there in each cycle?"

  The intermediate candidates thought a little and said: "Two in the first cycle, eight in the second and third cycles, eighteen in the fourth and fifth cycles, and thirty-two in the sixth and seventh cycles."

   "Excellent." Chen Yu gave a thumbs up and looked at the third person.

   The candidate on the right thought that Chen Yu would ask the names of all the elements next, and proudly stood up and waited for questions.

   "Excuse me, what is the relative atomic mass of each element?"

   Candidate on the right: "???"

   "Hmm." Chen Yu shook his head slightly, picked up a pen, and scratched the paper a few times: "It seems that there is still a problem with your knowledge reserve."

   Putting down the pen, Chen Yu looked up again and looked at the candidate on the left: "The second round, may I ask, excluding other language families, how many major language families are there in the world?"

   The candidate on the left glancing at the two companions, blurting out "Seven major language families."

   "Very good. Excuse me, what are their names?"

   The intermediate candidates hesitated a little: "They are Indo-European, Sino-Tibetan, Altaic, Semitic, Dravidian, Caucasian, and Ural."

   "It's great, it's your turn." Chen Yu looked at the third candidate and smiled: "Please speak all the representative languages ​​of these seven major language families."

   Candidate: "……"

"Classmates, there is indeed a problem with your knowledge." Chen Yu wrote again and stroked a few times before starting the third round again: "First classmate, may I ask, since there is evidence, the earliest time when humans began to pay attention to astronomical phenomena , When is it?"

   The candidate on the left almost jumped up excitedly: "Neolithic age, about 2500 BC!"

   "The second question is, how did humans observe astronomy in 2500 BC?"

  The candidate in the middle frowned, thinking for a moment, and said: "Place the boulders in a specific position to symbolize the movement of the moon and the sun, as well as the time of the winter and summer solstices within a year. Other characteristics have not yet been cracked by humans."


   "Excellent!" Chen Yu applauded.

   "Papa Papa."

   The other four background examiners also applauded.

   The applause fell, and Chen Yu looked at the third candidate.

   Candidate: "……"

   "Excuse me, what was the name of the leader who established Stonehenge at that time?"

   Candidate: "……"

   "Why don't you know anything?"

   "School...Mr. Principal." The examinee on the right turned dark.

"what happened?"

   "No...nothing..." The candidate finally held back.

   "Then the interview is over, everyone go down." Chen Yu waved.

   "YES!" The first examinee was overjoyed, bowed to Chen Yu and strode out.

   "Thank you examiners." The candidate left silently.

  Only the third candidate, his face flushed with anger, wanted to speak, but did not say anything, and left angrily.

"how about it?"

  Waiting for the three candidates to leave, Chen Yu looked around: "Which one do you think can stay?"

  The professors all smiled "kindly": "You have the final say, you have the final say..."

   "Okay." Chen Yu nodded, and his tone was suddenly serious: "Just the second one. From the beginning to the end, I didn't get too much interference from the outside world. I focused on my own problems and thought twice. It was good."

   "The first candidate has too much mood swings, poor self-control, easy to get overwhelmed, and may be depressed after being hit. From the beginning to the end, he has not seen professors other than me. He has a high self-esteem and is not suitable for joining the college."

"Third, patience is also problematic, unfair treatment, not calm enough to retort questions, except for anger, did not reveal any good qualities. The courage is also insufficient, it is very easy to be suppressed by power and deviate from the original heart. It is also not suitable to join. College."

   This is the selection method that Chen Yu decided.

   More than 600 candidates who entered the interview In terms of strength, each is a big shot. So the purpose of the interview is mainly to examine the character.

   As for the quality of each personality, he naturally has his judgment.

   permission dog, you can do whatever you want...

   At this point, in the afternoon two years, the interviews of 657 candidates were all over.

   Eliminated 577 people and just advanced to 80 people.

   "Principal, this is the name list of 80 students, do you announce it now?" Within three minutes, Professor Li walked into the cabin with the printed list file and placed it at Chen Yu's desk.

   "Wait a moment, let me see if there is anything wrong."

Picking up the list file, Chen Yu quickly scanned it from top to bottom, thought for a moment, and added the names of eight candidates at the end with a pen: "Added eight people, eighty-eight, auspicious. Professor Li, take it. Announce it."

  Professor Li took it, wondering, "President, haven't these eight people been eliminated?"

   "Yes." Chen Yu nodded: "Although they were eliminated in the interview, in my opinion, they are all excellent students. They have the talents that make me amazing. I can't let it go."

   "Really?" Professor Li was surprised: "What talent?"

   "Everyone is beautiful."


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