Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 284: expose! Identity exposed!

   After more than 600 candidates were expecting, desperate, indifferent, or nervous, the interview results were announced.

   Eighty-eight people are the victors of joy and become the first batch of students in the College of Super Time.

   The remaining five hundred people left sadly and embarked on the journey home.

   Follow-up student registration, class assignment, accommodation management and other trivial matters, Chen Yu no longer participates. The ninth live broadcast is approaching, he needs to recharge his energy and prepare in advance.

   Putting on a set of clean home clothes, Chen Yu returned home, greeted Xiao Taohong who was busy in front of the computer, and walked out of the bedroom.

   In the living room, Chen Erke stood in the corner, sobbing with his head down.

   Chen Sanke sat aside, eating snacks and watching the excitement.

   "Huh?" Chen Yu sat on the sofa, picked up an orange on the tea tray, pushed aside the orange peel, opened his mouth to eat most of it, and said vaguely: "Standing again?"

   "No." Chen Erke wiped away tears: "Sit tired, stand for a while."

   "She was beaten by her mother." Chen Sanke decisively informed: "It's miserable."

   "Youngest!" Chen Erke was annoyed.

   "On average, I get beaten every week." Chen Yu ate the remaining oranges in one bite: "Do you want to keep the weekly watch?"


   "Speak." Chen Yu picked up the ruler and stabbed Chen Erke: "What's the cause this time?"

   Chen Erke continued to close his mouth tightly.

   "Because she has been playing with her mobile phone and did not do homework during the winter vacation, her mobile phone was confiscated by her mother." Chen Sanke continued to inform.

   "The soul is pale!"

   Chen Erke clenched his fist and rushed forward, Chen Sanke hurriedly shouted: "Mom! Second sister is going to run!"

   was so scared that Chen Erke quickly stood back to his original position, couldn't help feeling sad, crying loudly: "Wow..."

   "It's alright. Isn't the phone confiscated? Brother has money..."

   "Are you going to buy it for me again?" Chen Erke stopped crying, her big watery eyes full of expectation.

   "...My brother has money and can't spend it, so I can't buy it for you." Chen Yu added.


   "Okay, don't cry. I'll discuss it with my mother later..."

   "Let my mother return the phone to me?" Chen Erke stopped crying, expecting.

   "...discuss how to give the phone to Chen Sanke. Don't play with it in the future and study hard."

   " wow wow!"

   Chen Yu and Chen Sanke clap their hands to celebrate.


   Chen Yu: "Ahahaha!"

   Chen Sanke: "Hahahaha."

   Husky: "Haha..."

   "Wow!!!" Chen Erke lay down on the ground, crying and rolling all over the floor.

"Brother!" Hearing the voice, Chen Yike walked out of the room, holding an English vocabulary book with a dissatisfied expression on his face: "When you come back, you will make you jump! Go back to your floating castle and stay! Don't affect me Recite words."

   "How interesting is the castle?" Chen Yu waved his hand and pointed at Chen Sanke and laughed: "Look at her crying to death,"

   The laughter slowly stopped, and Chen Yu slowly turned his head, staring at Chen Yike in a daze.

   "Ha." Chen Yike threw away the vocabulary book casually, and narrowed his eyes: "It's really you! Have you finally shown your feet? I caught it."

   "Um..." Chen Yu's brain was running fast.

   "Do you have anything else to say?" Chen Yike raised his head, his eyes gleaming with excitement and wisdom.


   After a long silence, Chen Yu sighed deeply, stood up, turned his head and glanced at Chen Erke who was still crying, and Chen Sanke who was watching the lively, waved: "Let's go, let's talk."

   "Yes." Chen Yike showed a smile exclusively for the winner, opened the door of her boudoir, and invited Chen Yu to enter: "Talk well."

   The two entered the room and locked the door. Chen Yu sat on the chair in front of the desk and looked around: "It's still so clean. I haven't entered your room for more than half a year."

   "Uh huh." Chen Yike was noncommittal.

   "I can't think of it." Chen Yu leaned back tactically, and looked up and down his elder sister: "Unknowingly you have grown up, you will be able to make tactics."

   "I will do it all the time? Don't change the subject. Tell me honestly, how did you become a super-time UP master? It's so happy in the world? It's hidden deep enough."

   "Well... before answering, can I ask you some questions."

   "Yes, you can ask."

   Chen Yu thought a little, and his eyes were sharp: "How did you find out? I hid it so deeply that I have concealed it from countless elite agents all over the world."

"You may be able to hide the whole world, but you can't hide it from me." Chen Yike triumphantly raised his head, raised Erlang's legs, and his little feet swayed: "I doubted you a long time ago. The earliest was half a year ago, you He always hides in the room and makes all kinds of abnormal noises. As your smart sister, how can you not notice it?"

   "Continue." Chen Yu gestured.

"For the past six months, I have been trying to figure out what's in your room. I have failed in many ways. Until the first day of the Lunar New Year, sister Xing Biqi came to pay a New Year's greeting. His words and deeds naturally think of you."

   "That alone is not enough to prove it?"

"Yes, of course it can't be proved by these subjective guesses." Chen Yike took out his phone, clicked on the album, and showed the screenshots of the photos on the screen to Chen Yu for viewing: "But real evidence can prove it. Look at these, The first program of "Cross-Time Evaluation", the evaluation of the U-238 Nuclear Energy Laboratory, and the first time there was an unknown loud noise in your room, only one day away!"

"In the latter part, especially for the evaluation of quantum glasses, which books you use are from our family. I look at that dictionary very familiar, maybe I have used it. As for the later live broadcasts, every time it is broadcasted on Sundays and 9ths. After you clicked, there was no movement in your room! Not once or twice. Can this not be proved?"

   Hearing this, Chen Yu nodded and was amazed: "It's a wonderful conclusion. Your wisdom has defeated 99.99% of the agents in the world."

   "It's not that I am excellent." Chen Yike smiled: "It's that I have inherent advantages."

   "But if strictly speaking, these are your speculations after all. If I don't admit it, it's just a coincidence. You can't help it?"

   "Yes. So even if I got speculative evidence, I did not act rashly. I was looking for an opportunity."

"and so……"

"This afternoon, my mother and I gave a small report, added fuel and jealousy to make her confiscated her second child's cell phone, and fined her. I know that with your personality, if you show up, you will definitely bully your second child for happiness with your third child. "Chen Yike's eyes flickered: "So, just wait for your most negligent moment to give you a fatal blow! Let you show your tail without going through your brain, and get the most conclusive proof! Hey, I succeeded."


   stood up, Chen Yu looked at Chen Yike up and down: "It's amazing! You are really a conspirator."

   "Concession and concession."

   "It's amazing..." Muttering, Chen Yu slowly took out a small thing from his pocket and put it in front of his mouth to blow it.


   The amnesia stick extended immediately!

   " this the future technology product?" Chen Yike was surprised: "It's amazing!"

   "Yes." Chen Yu nodded, and suddenly a stick knocked on Chen Yike's forehead.


   "..." Chen Yike stared at Chen Yu and blinked.

   Chen Yu also stared at her.


   Three seconds later, Chen Yike rolled his eyes and fainted on the bed.

   "It's amazing..." Take back the memory stick, UU read www.uukanshu. Com Chen Yu quietly walked out of the boudoir and sat on the sofa again, watching Chen Erke rolling all over with interest: "It's amazing..."


   Five minutes later, Chen Yike's cry awakened Chen Yike.

   She got up suddenly, looked around, frowned: "Huh? Why did you fall asleep in bed?"


   Outside the door, there was a loud laugh from Chen Yu.

   Chen Yike was in awe, quickly picked up an English book on the desk, squatted by the door, took a deep breath, ready to start the important action code-named 001!

  According to her hard-planned layout and analysis calculation, she is 98% sure that her "stupid" brother will be recruited truthfully!

   All the things that the world cannot do officially will be done by her.

   This is the wisdom of a younger sister...


After adjusting his emotions, Chen Yike knew that he had no opportunity to lose. Without hesitation, he pushed open the door, put on an expression of dissatisfaction, and waved the English book at Chen Yu: "Brother! You will make you jump when you come back!" Go back to your floating castle and stay! Don't interfere with my recitation of words."

   "Huh?" Chen Yu looked back blankly: "Floating castle? What floating castle?"

   Chen Yike: "?"

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