Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 290: The end of mankind is only extinction...

   The world does not revolve around one person.

   Forty million viewers are indeed a huge number.

   But among all mankind, 40 million is less than 2%.

   Therefore, when Chen Yu’s evaluation gradually reached its climax, the strong nation of the earth and the Hall Hall under Google’s corporate headquarters were also holding a board meeting that affected all mankind.

   Looking at human history from a point in time in the future, this meeting is much more important than Chen Yu’s live broadcast...

   "Three days of trial operation, stable operation, learning efficiency has reached the limit of server load."

The middle-aged white man was holding a stack of documents and reporting to the president and many directors of the board of directors with a serious face: "In the early design stage, many logic-level loopholes were also modified under Hal's independent study. In addition to the huge energy consumption. , This strong artificial intelligence has no flaws."

   "Let the directors see the breakthroughs in medicine." said the president.

   "Okay." The white doctor nodded and said, "Hal, show the results of OCD drugs."


  The electronically synthesized sound fell, and a group of pictures was switched on the circular screen.

   Taking a step forward, the white doctor pointed to the picture and introduced: "As we expected from the beginning, the advantages of artificial intelligence in designing drugs are simply...unimaginable."

"At present, there are too many molecules that can be used for drug treatment. This number is very large, and it loses the meaning of describing it with numbers. In short, even if all seven billion of humanity are medical researchers and they are all involved, they cannot Complete all tests."

"But for strong artificial intelligence, this is too simple. Hal can discover and dig through different molecules, compare them with massive parameters, and efficiently develop more compounds with more therapeutic potential. Like this..."

While talking, Dr. White swipes the screen, pulls out a picture, and zooms in: "The compound produced yesterday, called DSP-1181, can effectively inhibit obsessive-compulsive disorder. It lasts longer and has a stronger effect than other existing drugs. The patent is already being registered." (Note: This drug does exist, developed by artificial intelligence, and has advanced to the clinical stage.)

"And for such drug patents, in three days, Hal has created 2,145, 32 valuable. This is only for medicine. Shareholders, you can now reduce your capital in biotechnology investment. To invest more funds in the field of artificial intelligence."

  The words fell, the white doctor stepped back and nodded: "I'm done."

   "Papa Papa..."

   At the scene, there was elegant but warm applause.

   The directors talked and whispered to each other, and they all expressed their unanimous satisfaction with Hal.

"Thank you very much, Doctor. But in addition, we have to recognize one thing...that is, Hal's learning speed is still limited." The president took the speech and persuaded him, looked through the information in his hand, and turned to many directors. Said: "The performance of the server array limits her evolutionary speed."

"I know."

   A plump lady smiled: "Additional funds will never be less. This is the beginning of the fourth industrial revolution. The board of directors will fully support the bold assembly of quantum servers."

   "It's not just an issue of additional funds." The president looked at the two eyeballs in the circular screen with awe-inspiring expression: "We want to go further."

"Please speak."

   "Incorporate into the global Internet." The president speaks surprisingly.

   "Merge into the global Internet?!!!"

   Except for the white doctor, everyone at the scene was surprised.

"Incorporated into the global Internet, computing power will be greatly improved. This not only saves high costs, but also obtains more information support! For a strong artificial intelligence such as Haer, massive amounts of data are evolutionary Driving force."

  "This..." In the crowd, a male director hesitated: "Such behavior is illegal."

"We have a million ways to avoid legal provisions, and the legal aspect is the last thing to worry about." The president smiled: "In the Internet world, for organizations at the top of the technology pyramid, they are outside the law. And the progress of the times is Unstoppable, it will crush everything. Even if we don’t do it, others will do it in the near future. This is the tide of technology."

   "But after all, Howl is the world's first strong artificial intelligence. Will there be any unexpected danger or result?"

"Dear Mr. West, you have seen a lot of science fiction movies. Reality is not the same as fantasy." Putting down the documents, the president pointed to Hal on the screen and said meaningfully: "Also, even artificial intelligence The birth of "will bring 100% danger to mankind, and the opening will lead to the destruction of mankind, and people know this. But under the impetus of the times, interests and competition, mankind will still open it without hesitation..."

   "I know that the birth of nuclear weapons is a disaster, but it is still born in large quantities, and one day it will be at the same time-Duang."

   "Knowing that deforestation will cause ecological disasters and chain reactions, the number of vegetation disappeared is still increasing year by year."

   "Knowing that the increase in greenhouse gases will cause the collapse of the human living environment, the deposition of harmful metals will cause the loss of the food chain, and the deepening of the jungle and the digging of icebergs will release countless deadly viruses..."

   "Knowing that these are all wrong, humans still have to do this."

   After hearing the words, everyone was silent.

   "This is the sorrow of civilization. Excluding those illusory love, ideals, and propaganda, the end of mankind has long been fixed, that is, extinction, no one has a second choice."

   "Look at the future high-tech products of the super-super-temporal UP master. Almost all of them have terrible dangers. I said that none of those things have caused human deaths or injuries. Would you believe it?"

   Everyone remained silent.

The voice paused slightly, and the president touched Hal’s screen and said quietly: “If there is an artificial intelligence crisis, it will inevitably appear, without any fluke. After the disaster, as long as human beings do not become extinct, the second, third, The Nth intelligence crisis will continue to be staged until the disappearance of human"

   "What can you hesitate? Incorporate Hal into the Internet. At least, let us start this big era..."


   At the same time, the outer solar system.

   Chen Yu, who was suspended at an altitude of 20,000 kilometers, found that the gravity data displayed in the helmet had changed dramatically!

   "The gravity parameter changes, which means that Gisela’s destruction is about to begin. In order to make everyone see more clearly, let me fly a little higher."

   The words fell, Chen Yu flew into the depths of space holding the planet smashing oscillator.


   Driven by the full load of the plasma engine, the speed is extremely fast. After a while, the Gisella asteroid that originally extended out of the field of view in the lens becomes a sphere in the field of view.

  【What a beautiful planet. 】

   [If you get closer to the sun, it can be as bright as the moon. 】

   [It will explode 2333 on the spot...]

   "It should work here."

   stopped, Chen Yu turned his head to look at the Gisela asteroid.

   And just now!

   witnessed by 40 million viewers!

  The huge star...crashed!

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. The fastest mobile version update URL:

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