Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 291: The 9th official live broadcast ends! (Big

   This is a terrifying earthquake that humans have never seen since the record.

   In the deep space 100,000 kilometers away, you can clearly see the torn plates on the surface of Gisela. It's like a set of jigsaw puzzles that were originally tightly closed, falling apart and falling apart.

   Rock masses, mountains, plains, ravines, craters...

   After all the matter on the surface of the asteroid lost part of its gravitational restraint, it was almost instantaneously flung by the powerful centrifugal force of the stars, layer by layer, piece by piece, leaving a series of terrifying deep scars.

   Some of the long and narrow pits may even reach a depth of tens of thousands of meters!

   beautiful and cruel...


【too exaggerated. 】

  【It looks like a peeled orange. |??ω?`)】

  【O……MyGod! 】


  【Jupiter enters the live broadcast room and clicks a like. 】

  【This is the most spectacular scene I have ever seen in my life! 】


   [The computer special effects are simulated, which is too different from the real one. 】

   [The road of human destruction begins here...]



   As a large amount of material is not thrown out, a violent collision between the rock mass and the rock mass is inevitable!

   The fire is dazzling, and the lightning is fierce.

   Although the medium for transmitting sound is lacking, the waves of radiation that hit are still captured by Chen Yu's protective clothing.

   From a distance, the whole planet seems to be expanding! That is a precursor to disintegration caused by the diffusion of more and more substances.


   Suddenly, a distorted red light soared into the sky, breaking through the material layer, and jetting into the sky above 10,000 meters.

   "Magma! That's magma!" Chen Yu's eyes lit up: "There is such a rich geological activity inside this planet!"



   More and more magma is being ejected under high pressure! Losing most of the drag of universal gravitation, these deadly substances can stay in the air for a long time, and with the inertia spread, they adhere to the aerosol state of limestone and rock, causing more intense light radiation and explosions.

   The whole Gisela instantly turned into a big red ball shining strange light.

   "No, the speed of the disintegration of the stars is too fast." Chen Yu looked solemn, activated the engine without hesitation, and fled upward again.

   Unlike small meteorites, the high temperatures and pressures generated when asteroids disintegrate are extremely dangerous. Chen Yu does not decide whether his protective clothing can hold it.

  【Fuck! exploded! 】

  【True·Fuck! exploded. 】

   [Be confident and remove the exclamation point. 】

   [Too enjoyable, right? ! 】

   [Thanks for the invitation, at the scene, it is disintegrating, there are too many people in the circle, it is inconvenient to talk more, and hide. 】

   [This is just the beginning, it will be more fierce when it collapses in a while! 】

  【The best documentary. 】

   [To be honest, seeing this kind of scene, I always want to have a wave on the earth. 】

   [Humans are so small...]

   drove more than 50,000 kilometers, Chen Yu stopped, turned and looked around, and saw that the Gisela asteroid had expanded into a "big planet".

   One glance, it looks like a "loose" gas planet.


   Not long after stopping to watch, he saw the rapidly changing sets of data in the helmet, and his expression changed: "Fuck it? You want to explode?"

   Without any hesitation, Chen Yu flees again holding the Planet Smashing Oscillator.


   Three seconds later, a loud noise of over 400 decibels erupted from the inside of the spreading asteroid! The whole planet...exploded...

   The surging kinetic energy lifted up 60% of the uppermost material, and the originally solid star finally disintegrated completely under the centrifugal force.

   If Chen Yu inserts the camera into the explosion zone at this time, he can clearly see the torn and melted metal lumps inside.

   That is the solid matter in the mantle layer of Gisela asteroid.

   "The speed of light is really fast. Now the temperature of my armor surface has exceeded 600°C, and it is still rising. But this temperature is far from reaching the critical value of the armor, so there is no need to worry."

Filtered by the helmet and goggles, Chen Yu witnessed the whole process of the explosion and disintegration of the asteroid. He shook his head and sighed: "I don't know what to say, it's so spectacular. Gisela used its life to offer us a wonderful The show. It's so great."

  [Gisella: cnm! 】

  【Forcing to be great is okay. 】

  【Happy to play GG. 】

  【This wave of explosions is awesome. 】

   [There must be light on this side of the earth! The astronomical telescope is ready. 】

   [There is no sound! Bad review! 】

   [You die when you hear the sound. 】

  【Seeing passionately! I have to do something, so I dig my feet...]

   When the burning outer layer of Gisela spread to the size of Mercury, the suppression function of "recoil particles" finally disappeared, and the remaining solid inner core showed its power again.

   So, all the matter that did not reach the escape speed slowly fell under the drag of gravity, faster and faster, and finally, under the gaze of more than 40 million spectators, it fell on the core like a mountain topping and overwhelming!

   "Duang!" Chen Yu opened his mouth and dubbed.

   A far more spectacular explosion light rises up!

   As if a new sun was born...

   "The temperature of the frontal armor has exceeded 1,000 degrees Celsius. It doesn't work, I have to withdraw it."

   explained to the audience, Chen Yu reactivated the engine and continued to escape.

The big explosion caused by    collapsed the material that had fallen off again. The violent friction between matter and matter leads to a chain explosion! Part of it will fall again under the drag of gravity, and then explode...

   This is a terrifying picture that is difficult to describe in words.

   In contrast, the violent natural disasters on the earth are really insignificant.

   Not to mention life, even the big planets cannot be safe and sound under this kind of kinetic energy.

   Gisela, completely dead.

  Perhaps, after a prolonged explosion, high pressure, and high temperature, crystalline carbon matter can still be left, proving that it once existed...

   Stopping his figure, Chen Yu lowered his head, glanced at the planet smashing oscillator in his hand, and suddenly felt heaviness inexplicably.

   This is the weight of technology.

"The so-called centipede is dead but not stiff. It seems that the struggle before death will persist for a while." Turning around, looking at the camera, Chen Yu took a deep breath, calmed the complex emotions in his heart, and said: "This time should be used. The month comes as a unit. Maybe a year later, the explosion will continue. But compared to its original long life, the time of one year can be described as fleeting."

   "As for astronomy, I don't know much about professional knowledge. It is estimated that in each explosion, it will throw out 80 to 90% of the matter. A considerable part of these diffused matter will fly into the inner solar system."

"But it doesn't matter. We have two bodyguards, Jupiter and Saturn. Their gravity can capture most of the uninvited guests. On the macro-scale of the solar system, this corpse of Gisela is not even a dime. The possibility of harm to the earth. Minimal."

Finally, he glanced at the "boiling" asteroid, Chen Yu turned around, faced the camera, and began to summarize: "The effect and performance of the planet smashing oscillator are very clear to everyone. It is very good. For asteroids like Gisela, It can be regarded as a cannon hitting mosquitoes. Perhaps, it is really suitable for it to play large planets such as Jupiter, Saturn, and even the Earth. The scene is absolutely shocking a hundred times."

   "Here, I also dig a hole. I have the opportunity to go outside the solar system in the future, and I will definitely detonate a big planet for everyone to play."

   [Listen, is this human? 】

  【In the eyes of the anchor, the planets are all firecrackers. 】

   [No problem, he will blow up stars next year! emmmm……】

  【Go on, Gisela, we are all Gisela tonight. 】

  【What an old stem! Stop brushing. 】

  【There is one round of ammunition left, and one anti-matter bomb for the Chinese New Year. Always suspect that UP is mainly doing big things. 】

  【The universe is so terrible, I have noticed the tremor all over the earth. (funny)】

   [This is the real art...]

   [It's over? Can you delay it for a while, I haven't watched it. 】

   [After the explosion, there are absolutely diamonds inside! Don't forget to take it for the anchor, it will definitely make a fortune. 】

   [Diamond? Oh, there are too many things on the earth. Is it valuable? 】

   "So that's it, this issue of official evaluation will come to an end."

Let go, and the visual oscillator slowly floats in the deep sky, echoing the light of the death burst of the distant planet, Chen Yu’s iconic ten fingers intersect: "Thank you to our old friend-Harbin Military Industry for this [Planet Smash Oscillation] Maker], among all the products in the hyperspace evaluation program, it is currently the most powerful and should be the most attractive. After all..."

   "That boy doesn't want to destroy a planet?"

"Next, thank you for the 40 million viewers in the live broadcast room. Thank you for always supporting my live broadcast. Obviously, more and more people will know about this show. Maybe in a few more episodes, netizens all over the world will Participating in this monthly evaluation will be more stressful, but I believe it will be more exciting."

   "Perhaps, many people will feel that the evaluation of this period ended a bit quickly, but please believe that this is not because of the short period, but because the evaluation of this period is full of dry goods...well."

"Before the live broadcast ends, by the way, let’s make an advertisement for the next official review. Time has passed really fast. Three months passed in a blink of an eye. Everyone should know that my authority level will be raised again. This time, I will start from D+ Officially promoted to C-! This is definitely a milestone leap."

Stretching out his finger, Chen Yu made a C gesture, and said solemnly: "Because no matter D-, D, or D+, after all, it is only with D-level authority. And C-level is a whole new world. There is no need for a premonition. It can be inferred from simple reasoning that the next product...must be very powerful!"

"let us wait and see."

   "I am a super-time UP master, one month later, the tenth period of official evaluation, we..."

   "See you or leave!"

  The words fall, ten live broadcast rooms with 43 million people are closed at the same time, plunged into the darkness like deep space...


   (Note: After re-checking the whole book, I found that the deleted by the reviewer was fragmented, and I could only reluctantly change it...

   I write at the front, and the big guys delete it at the back...... (T▽T))

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. The fastest mobile version update URL:

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