Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 292: Irregular daily life (all in 1

   Jinzhou, Lanhe District, Chen Family.

   Chen Yike held up the phone and stared at the dark screen, in a daze.

   "The more you look, the more it looks like! How could it not be?"

   murmured to herself for a while, she did not give up, exited the live broadcast room of station B, entered the homepage of the super-time evaluation, looked through Chen Yu's previous videos, and tried to find out what important information.


   At this time, the door of the room was knocked vigorously.

   Chen Yike looked up, looked at the dust falling from the ceiling, and sighed: "Lao San, what are you doing?"

   "Sister! Open the door."

   Putting down the phone, she rubbed her temples with a headache, and stepped forward to unlock the door lock: "What happened to you?"

   "It's snowing again." Chen Sanke straightened his fat belly and pointed out the window: "I want to go to a snowball fight."

   "No." Chen Yike shook his head: "Sister will be cooking later, you go find your second sister to play."

   "She is playing on the phone, she won't play with me."

   "Let's play with your brother."

   "Isn't brother sleeping?"

   "That..." Chen Yike shrugged: "Then there is no way, stop playing."

   "No!" Chen Sanke pouted: "I want to play, I want to play, I want to play!"

   "Good." Chen Yike reached out and stroked the youngest's head: "It has just snowed, so I can't build a snowman. Moreover, it is interesting to play snowball fights. Even if I accompany you to play, there are only two people, which is very boring."

   "You can find Sister White Rabbit! If you call her, she will definitely come! She is the most gentle."

   "That's impolite. No way!"

   "Hmm..." Chen Sanke covered his face, frowned and thought, and raised his hand after a moment: "Go to the square! Isn't there a sister there too? Every time we play with her... She will join. Go find her!"

   "Is that a stranger? We can't...Huh?"

   Before finishing speaking, Chen Yike suddenly realized something, and his inspiration flashed: "Right!"

   "What's the redemption?" Chen Sanke tilted his head.

   "That's right!" Chen Yike jumped up excitedly: "Why didn't I think of it? That girl!"

   hurriedly returned to the house, picked up the phone she was wearing, and immediately clicked on Chen Yu's previous video, and focused on listening to Xiao Taohong's speech in the video.

   "Yes! That's right! This voice..."

   Memory slowly recovered, and Chen Yike's excited face flushed.

   She finally remembered.

   The voice of the girl who appeared during the two snowball fights is exactly the same as that of the female assistant of the super-time evaluation program!

   Only because she didn't have much contact with the "girl" and didn't hear the other person say several times before she didn't realize this.

   "That's great, the third child!" Chen Yike excitedly picked up Chen Sanke and lifted her high: "You are amazing!"

   Chen Sanke blinked big eyes: "Am I worth the money?"

   "Huh? (two beeps

   "Ah. (soon

   "What are you talking about!" Putting down Sanke, Chen Yike said solemnly: "Don't pester me, now I have big things to do."

   "Can you still play the snowball fight?"

   "Don't play."

   Pushing her sister away, she walked straight to Chen Yu's door, her brain running fast.

   Under Chen Sanke's undoubted reminder, she figured out the key points, and her thinking became smoother and smoother. She quickly noticed the missing character-the female assistant in the evaluation process today.

   clicked on the previous video of Chrono-Time Evaluation again, she found that almost every official live broadcast, the female assistant will be present. Even if you did not participate in the detailed evaluation, you will show up.

   But today, in this important official live broadcast, the female assistant did not even show up.

   "If Chen Yu is the prerequisite of being a super-up master, he will have the ability to change his voice. Then it is easy to change his assistant's voice, right?"


   Chen Sanke's eyes flickered: "Chen Yu in the room is a fake?"

   Putting down the phone, she lowered her head to ponder, recalling the words and deeds of the female assistants in each evaluation program, and reminiscing about the process of two face-to-face encounters with her, and she had a vague understanding of Xiao Taohong's personality.


Standing up straight, Chen Yike looked back at the younger sister behind him, gave her a silent gesture, then cleared her throat and shouted in a very lively voice: "Miss Sister! It's snowing outside again! Let's hurry up! Have a snowball fight! I still have the last cannonball!"


   Inside the house, Little Pink, who was frantically writing code, was suddenly surprised when he heard the words, and quickly opened the curtains, looked at the snow scene outside the window, and jumped up excitedly: "Divide me in half! The snowball is best fried... OK..."

   Before finishing the words, Xiao Taohong's expression changed from joy to surprise...


   Chen Yike couldn't help showing a smile like a "master gate" and raised his hand to knock on the door.


   "Come out, young lady! Your hiding has failed, hurry up and open the door!"


   Xiao Taohong ran around in a panic: ", just..."

   "Don't find reasons to quibble." Chen Yike said with hands on hips: "In the eyes of a famous detective, there is nowhere to hide any truth. Open the door quickly!"


   "Open the door! Hurry up! I will call the police if I don't open the door! Then it will be up to you to explain to my brother."

   After hearing this, Xiao Taohong became more panicked, and quickly opened the door lock.


   The door of the room was opened.

   Chen Yike and Xiao Taohong looked at each other, and they didn't know what to say for a while.

   "Huh?" Chen Sanke leaned forward, surprised: "Miss snowball fight? Why are you at my house?"

   "Hehe." Chen Yike regained consciousness, strode into Chen Yu's room, and looked left and right: "It seems that the truth has become clear. My brother is indeed the legendary super-time UP master. It's... incredible."

   "No... don't call the police." Xiao Taohong said weakly: "It will be very troublesome. Mr. Chen will definitely be angry."

"As long as you are obedient, tell me what you know, I won't call the police." Sitting on Chen Yu's bed, Chen Yike looked up and down Xiao Taohong: "It's nice to meet you, the female assistant of Super Time Evaluation. What is your real name?"

   "Little...little pink."

   "Is this your real name?"

   "Ang." Little Taohong nodded.

   "Hello, sister Hong." Chen Sanke also followed into the house and reached out to touch Xiao Taohong's chest: "Wow! Fatter than my mother."

   Little Pink: "……"

   "...the youngest! Get out!"

   "No." Chen Sanke stared at Xiao Taohong earnestly, tilted his head and asked: "Why are you in my brother's room? Is it my brother's wife?"


This key word instantly activated Xiao Taohong’s "dopamine", making its chip overclocked with one-click, smoking in both ears, dancing and dancing: "I...ah! My wife is me... Now... I'm Chen Mrs.’s wife... how did you... guess..."

   "..." Chen Yike was stunned: "Is this a neuropathy?"


   Man, never see the explosion behind him.

   Chen Yu didn't watch it.

   He flew straight to the portal, stepped in without hesitation, and returned to the earth hundreds of astronomical units away.


   The engine turned off, and Chen Yu landed on the ground steadily with his feet, closed the space of the portal, walked to the window and looked at the students and professors outside, hesitated for a moment, gave up the idea of ​​saying hello, and went straight into the study to change the home clothes.

   "What a quick review today."

   stretched, he returned to the lobby, adjusted the shape of the portal in the star system, and docked it with his bedroom.

   Two seconds later, after the docking is complete, Chen Yu pushes the door and enters...

   instantly stiffened on the spot.




   Chen Sanke was the first to react, and ran forward with two short legs, and took out Chen Yu's thigh.

   "Uh..." Chen Yu glanced at Chen Yike, then looked at Xiao Taohong, was silent for a moment, and furious: "What is the situation?!"

   "As you can see." Chen Yike learned Chen Yu's posture during the live broadcast, crossed her hands and ten fingers, and said slyly: "Your identity has been exposed by me. Mr. Super Time UP Master."

   Chen Yu: "How did you discover it? I hid it so deeply that I concealed it from countless elite agents all over the world."

"You can hide the world, but you can't hide it from me." Chen Yike triumphantly raised his head, raised Erlang's legs, and his feet swayed: "I suspected you a long time ago. The earliest was half a year ago, you Always hide in the room secretly making all kinds of abnormal noises. As your smart sister, how could you not notice it?"

   "For the past six months, I have been trying to figure out..."

   "Of course, it can't be proved by these subjective guesses, but it's true..."

   "Especially for evaluating quantum glasses..."

   "It's not that I am excellent, but that I have inherent advantages..."

   Chen Yike grumbled for three minutes before stopping: "So, I succeeded."

   "Hmm..." Chen Yu asked in a deep voice, "These words are the lines you have prepared long ago?"

"how do you know?"

   "I heard it once last time."

   Talking, Chen Yu took out the amnesia stick from his pocket and put it in his mouth to blow.


   The amnesia stick unfolded immediately.

   "This is the future science..."


   Before finishing speaking, Chen Yike rolled his eyes and fainted to the ground.

   "Wow!" Chen Sanke was surprised: "It's so fun!"

   "Then let you play too."


   There was a muffled sound, and Chen Sanke softened to the end and fell asleep.

   "Brother, what are you going to play with?" Chen Erke rushed over with his mobile phone when he heard the movement, and curiously stretched his head into the door.


   The next moment, a stick that fell from the sky knocked her to the ground.

   "Wang?" Husky also ran over, and when he saw the murder scene of this "horrible dog", his hair exploded: "I am a dog! I can't speak."



   "What are you doing?" Mother Chen walked in dazedly, rubbing her eyes: "The noisy and noisy make people sleep..."


   "...I feel..."


   Chen family, except for the head of household and the eldest son who worked overtime...

   "Why are you still stunned? Hold them back!" Chen Yu put away the amnesia stick, and scolded Xiao Taohong, "Why did you open the door for her? Didn't you tell you to hide it?"

   "She...she found me." Xiao Taohong lowered her head and said timidly.

   "How did you find it?"

   "Be defrauded..."

   "How stupid you are!" He picked up Chen Sanke with his left hand, and hugged Chen Erke with his right hand. Chen Yu looked contemptuous: "Can you be fooled by a teenage girl? If I were you, I would be ashamed."


   "How long has she been in?"

   "Ten...ten minutes."

   "That's okay, the memory can be erased."

   After tossing for a while, he returned the family and the dog to their respective "positions". Chen Yu returned to the bedroom and sat down at the desk in deep thought.

   Thinking about how to solve the trouble of Chen Yike.

   Obviously, at this time Chen Yike had already identified him as the UP master. If you don't "expose" the truth personally, Chen Yike's character will never give up.

   "Do you want to scare her?"

   "Or do I have a showdown directly with her?"

   "Made, a headache..."

   Xiao Taohong went back to the bedroom and found the phone that had fallen to the floor. She bent over to pick it up and handed it to Chen Yu: "Mr. Chen, this is your second sister's. The screen seems to be broken."

   Taking the phone, Chen Yu looked around, and then tore off the tempered film: "It's just that the film is broken, and the screen is fine."

   "Mr. Chen." Standing in front of Chen Yu, Xiao Taohong looked guilty and bowed: "I'm sorry, I caused you trouble. As an assistant robot, I'm really useless."

   "Just know."

   "So I'll be a love robot again." Licking her lips, Xiao Taohong began to take off her dress: "The love is already full, you can do whatever you want..."

   "Xing Biqi is so beautiful." Chen Yu said suddenly.


   "Much more beautiful than you."


   "I really want to go to school soon, so I can stay and fly with her."


   "How much love is left?"

   "Sixty-eight." Xiao Taohong choked up: "Mr. Chen, can't you give me a chance? Important parts will rust if not used for a long time..."

   stood up, Chen Yu patted Xiao Taohong on the shoulder, and solemnly said, "It will be next time."


   Comforted his robot, Chen Yu took out a toughened film from the desk, walked to the living room and sat on the sofa, ready to help Chen Erke to stick the film, but accidentally turned on the screen. Then I saw that the display wallpaper of the phone turned out to be a photo of him!

   "Fuck it? When was it sneaked?"

   turned his head and glanced at Chen Erke who was sleeping on the sofa in surprise. Chen Yu quickly swiped the screen and found that the phone was locked with a four-digit code.

   Intense curiosity and "sense of responsibility" as a brother drove him to "check" Erke's mobile phone.

   So, he started to enter the password starting from Chen Erke's birthday.


   The last number of the phone.


year of birth.


   Seeing that there are two remaining input times, Chen Yu frowned and began to consider whether to let Xiao Taohong use software to crack.

   "Um...try this?"

   hesitated, he entered his birthday.


   The screen of the mobile phone turned on instantly, revealing software icons in a children's style.

   "Emmmm...this girl..."

   Chen Yu was a little embarrassed, and quickly swiped the screen and clicked into the album, his expression suddenly complicated.

   Because of the photos arranged one after another in the album, 80% of them were taken of him.

   and it's all sneak shots...

   "It seems something is wrong."

   subconsciously rubbed the faintly painful bone joints, Chen Yu exited the album with trembling fingers, as if he had a sharp heart, clicked into the browser, turned to the historical search records, and suddenly felt tingling in his eyes...


   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. The fastest mobile version update URL:

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