Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 293: Unhealthy daily

[How to occupy a man? 】

[Do boys like girls with good bodies? 】

[Does an 18-year-old adult man fall in love with a little girl? 】

[What kind of experience is it to have a rich and domineering brother? 】

[How can we defeat a rival in love? 】

[What is the void of predestined relationship? 】

[To confess to your brother whether you have succeeded...]


After seeing less than ten, Chen Yu covered his fiery eyes.

Turning off the phone, he turned his head to look at Chen Erke who was sleeping, only to feel a tingling scalp: "I take you as my sister, you actually want to..."

Chen Erke: "Hoo... ha ha ha ha zzZ..."

"No." Standing up, Chen Yu stared at the phone with a serious expression: "You can no longer let her touch the messy things on the Internet. The phone must be hidden."

At this point, he didn't stick the tempered film anymore, went straight into the bathroom, hid his mobile phone behind the toilet seat, then took out his mobile phone, clicked on the online platform, and started buying various educational books frantically.

Such as "Our Body", "Children's Health Concepts", "Nature's Wonderful Story", "Cherish Life", "Don't Kiss Me Casually", "Don't Walk with Strangers Casually", "Stay Away from Brother", etc... …

"Eight years old is not too young, we must teach her to establish a correct outlook on life." After shopping, Chen Yu returned to the bedroom, closed the door, and lay on the bed and exclaimed: "I am really a clear stream among the older brothers... …"


Twenty minutes later, Chen Erke, who was sleeping on the sofa, woke up first, sat up vaguely, and looked for his mobile phone the first time.

But under the pillow, on the coffee table, under the sofa, I rummaged, and found nothing.

"Huh? Where's the phone?"

Chen Erke was awake instantly and ran around the living room in a panic looking for her mobile phone.

"Huh?! Where did my phone go?"

"Sister!" After turning around for a few times and finding nothing, she walked to Chen Yike's door and knocked on the door twice: "Sister, did you see my phone?"

There is no sound in the room.

Then she ran to Chen Yumen anxiously: "Brother! Did you see my phone? It's gone!"


Chen Yu opened the door, poked his head and looked up and down Chen Erke's eyes: "Lost your phone?"

"Lost! I don't know where it is." Chen Erke cried: "No more."

"Oh, let you play every day. Lost it? I don't know."


After that, Chen Yu closed the door coldly.


Chen Erke stepped back in shock, tears in his eyes: "Hands...the phone is gone..."

Looking around, she bit her lip, then ran into the master bedroom and awakened Mother Chen: "Mom! Did you take my mobile phone?"

"Wh...what cell phone?" Mother Chen yawned and turned over: "Don't bother me, don't know."

"What about you? Did you take my phone away! Give it back to me!" Chen Erke stepped forward and woke up Chen Sanke on the small bed: "Return my phone!"

"Chicken...?" Chen Sanke closed his eyes tightly, holding his thumb vaguely, and sucking: "Hand... tear the chicken?"

"Mobile phone!" Chen Erke shouted.

"Get out!" Mother Chen sat up abruptly and scolded, "I wonder if it is impolite to wake others to sleep? Your sister is still young, what should I do if she is scared?!"

"Mom! I... I lost my phone."

"Don't know to call?"

"I... I don't have a calling card."

"That deserves it, go out." Mother Chen was irritated and covered the quilt.


Sobbing out of the bedroom, Chen Erke sat back on the sofa and searched it again, but still found nothing, and finally couldn't help howling.

But after crying for a while, Yu Guang suddenly noticed the huskies in the corner, wide-eyed, and crawled forward, grabbing the dog's ears: "Wake up! Hey!"

"Wang?" Husky slowly opened his dog's eyes.

"Wake up! Find the phone! Use your nose to help me find the phone!"


"Hurry up! Are you not a dog?" Chen Erke cried and slapped the dog's head: "Quick! My phone is gone..."


Suddenly, the dog's mouth turned with a proud arc, and the dog's eyes flashed wisely. He stood up, raised his nose, sniffed and walked forward.

Seeing this, Chen Erke stopped crying and followed the dog's **** expectantly.

Not long after, it came to the bathroom, sniffed around the toilet, and soon found the mobile phone hidden behind it.


The Husky wagged his tail in excitement, grabbed the phone, turned around, and placed it on the floor tiles.

"My cell phone."

Chen Erke was stunned for a while, picked up the phone to unlock the screen, and found that there was no damage. He hugged the dog's head excitedly, and yelled: "Find...found it! Found it! Thank you Pikachu!"

"Wang." Husky raised his head and opened his mouth.

At this moment, Chen Yu heard the sound and walked over, glanced at the phone in Chen Erke's hand, then at the Husky, and said with a deep face, "Is the phone found?"

"Found it!" Chen Erke excitedly raised his phone: "It's behind the toilet, and Pikachu helped me find it! It's amazing!"

"Wang Wu."

Chen Yu stared at the Husky blankly, was silent for a moment, and suddenly said, "A good phone, why is it behind the toilet?"

"Huh?" Chen Erke was taken aback: "I don't know?"

"You fine taste..." Chen Yu squinted his eyes slightly: "Who would do such a boring thing? Put your phone behind the toilet?"


"It's far in the sky, right in front of you." Chen Yu squinted and sneered: "The naughty guy, hide it first, then help you find it, let you thank it, and you will appreciate it. Good strategy. Only you Played like a fool."

Hearing this, Chen Erke subconsciously turned to look at the Husky: "Yes...Is it?"

"What do you think?"

Husky's face is dumbfounded: "Wang Defa?"

"So it was you!" Chen Erke was angry and slapped the dog on the face.



"Don't run! You still run!" Chen Erke picked up the mop by the wall and chased it up with a wave: "I'll just say it! Besides a dog, who can hide a mobile phone?!"

Chen Yu: "???"

Standing in the same place dumbfounded for a long time, his face slowly turned dark, and he decided to take coercive measures. Walked out of the bathroom, grabbed Chen Erke, and snatched her mobile phone.

"Brother what are you doing?"

"Suddenly I feel that you have been playing with your mobile phone for too long. I am going to confiscate it for a while. Study hard and give it to you when you perform well.

"Brother, stop joking, give it to me!"

"No kidding."

"You are robbery!"

"I bought the phone for you, so I naturally have the right to take it back."


"It's useless to cry." Chen Yu was tough: "Since you have a mobile phone, you have been obsessed with it and watched some unhealthy things. Haven't you touched the paintbrush? Don't write your homework. You should think about what it is called Tempered."

When the words fell, he ignored Chen Erke's cries, returned to the bedroom with his mobile phone, and locked the door.


"Brother! Open the door!"

"Boom boom boom!"

"I will definitely be amputated in the future! Woo..."

"It's temperance, not amputation!" With a roar, Chen Yu threw the phone at the desk and then lay on the bed.

Little Taohong quickly picked up the phone, listened to the yelling outside the door, and hesitated: "Mr. Chen, your second sister is crying. Does it matter?"

"Let her cry. School will start right away, with no homework done. Is there a student like this? If it goes on, it will be abolished? If the student does not study, go to school?"

"You...did you do your homework?"

"...Fuck!" Chen Yu was furious.


No matter how Chen Erke tossed outside the door, his mobile phone was coldly confiscated by him. Up to Chen's father and Chen's mother, down to Yi Ke San Ke, at dinner, they all expressed their support.

Even Huskies are on the opposite side.

Chen Yu estimated that if the phone was returned at this time, the content Chen Erke searched on the browser might become "How can I kill my brother", "Why doesn't this creature like brother die?" etc...

"Hey, I wasted a day and didn't do business."

Lying on the bed in a large font, he raised his wrist and swiped the watch screen to check the point income of this official evaluation.

The top ten live broadcast rooms have a total of 43.26 million valid visitors and 4326 points are earned!

Add the remaining 103 points.

Total...4429 points!

If it were six months ago, Chen Yu would definitely smash the ceiling with excitement when he saw such a huge fortune. But now, after the first two "big numbers" baptism, the threshold has been raised a lot.

Smile at most, never smoke.


Just as he was habitually preparing to open the [Super Time Commercial Shelf] interface to view the refreshed recommended products, the phone on the side suddenly vibrated.


Chen Yu was enraged, immediately picked up the phone and clicked on the WeChat interface.

In his settings, all WeChat messages are muted. Only when the overtime salesperson who is particularly concerned about the group sends a message, the mobile phone will remind you.

[Promotion: "Mr. Chen, are you there?"]

[Chen Yu: "Is the authority promoted?"]

[Promotion: "You guessed it!"]


Rubbing his palms excitedly, Chen Yu quickly coded.

[Chen Yu: "Do you still use guessing for this special? I have advanced to the C level, are there any special rewards?"]

[Promotion: "The reward is the product that I said may destroy the solar system."]

[Chen Yu: "Can you come next time?"]

[Promotion: "Not yet. Your current protection capabilities are a bit poor. You may lose your life if you receive it in the next period, and even affect the earth."]

[Chen Yu: "Nima, what the **** is that?"]

[Promotion: "You will know when the time comes. I will inform you this time, mainly to inform you about the promotion. After reaching the C-permission, the live broadcast specification will become all platforms. As long as it is a web live broadcast platform, your live broadcast room Will appear."]

[Chen Yu: "What about the prohibited platforms of 18X?"]

[Promotion: "...Mr. Chen will also."]

[Chen Yu: "I suddenly had a bold idea."]

[Promotion: "Then think about it, Mr. Chen, I wish you a happy life, goodbye."]

[Chen Yu: "Wait a minute! Are you ready for the next product application?"]

[Promotion: "The application has been completed, you can rest assured, it is definitely the best product our team has applied for for you!"]

[Chen Yu: "How beautiful is it?"]

[Promotion: "..."]

[Chen Yu: "Okay, I am looking forward to it. Thanks for your hard work."]

[Promotion: "It doesn't matter Mr. Chen, our interests are the same. We will be very happy to apply for a good product for you."]

[Chen Yu: "How happy are you?"]

[Promotion: "..."]

Withdrawing from WeChat and turning off the phone, Chen Yu sighed and lay on the bed contentedly.

The three words "best" gave him unlimited reverie As the authority level gets higher and higher, super-tech products like [Planet Smash Oscillator] will naturally come The more.

He is looking forward to the fact that if he reaches level B or even level A authority, will there really be an artifact of the two-way foil level...

After a long time, Chen Yu raised his wrist again, swiped the screen of the watch and clicked on the interface of the "Super Time Commercial Frame", and started the operation that was not completed before.

[Recommended products for the Superspace Commercial Shelf. 】

[Refresh complete...]

This time, there is no such thing as the “top three pits” in the past, just the first product is full of manure! !

Chen Yu was so shocked that his hair exploded and his pupils suddenly expanded!

The biting coldness instantly swept through the whole body...

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