Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 294: Disaster at hand! (All in 1

Recommended products for the super space commercial shelf.

1. The time when civilization shines. The April 2106 issue is themed by NASA’s KIC8462852 stellar observation report in 2105. After the publication was published, it caused a huge impact and revolutionary changes on the economic, social, and cultural structure of human civilization. It is an extremely important publication in human history. This newspaper was produced in April 2106. The price is 100 points.

After quickly browsing the description of the first product, when Chen Yu's brain recognized the two keywords "impact" and "change", his pupils suddenly expanded.

"It's it again?"

Recalling that before, it was also the appearance of this "Civilization Shining Hour" newspaper, which let him know the existence of black holes in the solar system in advance, thus saving the bad luck of the earth being hit by asteroids.

Without hesitation, Chen Yu clicked to buy decisively.

Not to mention the price is only 100 points.

For these important documents, even if one thousand or ten thousand, he still has to find a way to collect enough "money" to buy.

Consume 110 points and 4226 points remain.

Text flashes on the watch screen.

The space-time wormhole opened in the bedroom in an instant, and a long strip of box fell out of it, which fell to the ground with a "bang", splashing layers of fine dust.

"You started redeeming goods?"

Xiao Taohong's attention was attracted, she jumped off the seat and squatted on the ground to observe carefully "Is it a toy?"

"Not a toy."

Chen Yu shook his head solemnly. After waiting for the time-space wormhole to disappear completely, he quickly stepped forward to unpack and took out the familiar paper publication from inside.

It is a little different from the previous one. This April 2106 publication has a thicker base. At a glance, it is estimated to be about 150 pages. As for the format, it is still more than ten kai and below eight kai

Without hesitation, he immediately tore open the exquisite plastic outer packaging, picked up the publication and opened the first page, reading the overview of the inner cover.

And just like the last time, Chen Yu felt a biting coldness sweeping his whole body in just this page!

"Mr. Chen, what happened again?" Xiao Taohong keenly noticed Chen Yu's anomaly, and curiously moved forward, "Is there another black hole flying in the solar system?"

"...You don't think it's too much to watch the excitement? A black hole almost shakes the sky, okay?"

"What happened then? Worse than a black hole?"

"...This time it's not a terrible problem, but..." After hesitating for a moment, Chen Yu looked down at the page, scratched the tip of his nose, and racked his brains to find an adjective "but...horror."


"Yes." Chen Yu nodded and turned to the second page carefully. "I'll look at the details again. Don't disturb me."

As he spoke, he continued to immerse himself in pages of detailed reports.

Perhaps it is based on the creative principle of first popularizing science and then recording. This publication is the same as the previous one. In addition to a large amount of text, there are dozens of analysis diagrams and analysis diagrams. An accurate and full understanding.

Two hours later.

Closing the last page, Chen Yu walked to the window and looked at the night sky thoughtfully.

"Mr. Chen, can I take a look?" Xiao Taohong pointed at herself expectantly. "If it is also related to astronomy, I can understand it now. I learned a lot of astronomy at that time."

"It has a lot to do with astronomy." After thinking about it for a moment, Chen Yu handed "Civilization Shining Moments" to Xiao Taohong. "You will see the content in the newspapers and periodicals. You will first make this official review into an edited version and publish it at 9 o'clock tomorrow. On all major platforms. Then update the additional live broadcast on the top ten platforms. The time is set for next Sunday."

"Additional live broadcast next Sunday?"


"Okay!" Xiao Taohong nodded, and then she was taken aback. "By the way, hasn't your authority level been raised? How can you return ten platforms?"

"Now it's just an advance notice, and the formal permission changes will not start until the next issue."

"Oh!" Xiao Taohong sat back at her desk holding the publication, "Mr. Chen, what about the title? What do you write?"

Chen Yu squinted his eyes slightly, "The disaster is at hand."

"Huh? Is this title... OK?"

"That's it." Chen Yu nodded. "Although it is a bit of a party meaning, it does not pose any threat to humans at present, but it is always right to treat it with caution. And..."

"And what?"

"For those stupid NASA operations, it's time to wipe them..."

Seeing Xiao Taohong "cracking" on the keyboard, Chen Yu calmed down, sat on the bed and raised his wrist, and continued to slide the page of the Macross to look at the next recommended product.

2. The clothing of the wind speeder was produced in 2676 by Adidas Sportswear Company. The main body material is made of CVC hybrid fiber, and the fabric has two multi-function sensors and one anti-magnetic anti-gravity transmitter arranged per square centimeter to keep the wearer in suspension. The flying speed is 1.76 times the wind speed of the surrounding environment, and the wind cannot go against the wind. Officially designated product for the 100,000-meter obstacle-free gliding movement for the 2680 Olympics. The price is 1200 points.

"To the magnetic antigravity generator?"

The description and function of this product did not cause Chen Yu to care too much, but the so-called "anti-magnetic antigravity transmitter" made him shine.

Based on the knowledge he learned some time ago, and the description of the official evaluation of that oscillator during the day, it is naturally clear what anti-gravity is.

Simply put, gravity is produced by gravity.

The magnitude of gravity, that is, the mass of the object multiplied by the acceleration of gravity.

Therefore, the so-called anti-gravity is to give an object a force other than gravity. Strictly speaking, airplanes, rockets, and magnetic levitation are all anti-gravity.

But most people's verbal anti-gravity is the higher-level technology of gravitational waves.

The anti-gravity method used in this wind-speeder's clothing is a device called a "counter-magnetic generator". Given Chen Yu's knowledge reserves, he hasn't heard of such things, which undoubtedly aroused his keen interest.

Unconsciously, Chen Yu's way of thinking has gradually shifted from an ordinary person to a senior evaluator who is curious about science and technology...

With the urge to buy, Chen Yu continued to slide down the screen and look at the third product.

3. Universal toothpaste produced by Negro Daily Necessities Company in 2533. Store in a container filled with inert gas as a gel. The main body of the toothpaste is still made of fluoride, but a large number of composite materials and nanoparticles are added, which can effectively clean skin pores, brighten hair, stop bleeding, eliminate redness, neutralize acid poisons, relieve dizziness and headache, remove body odor, and wipe the car body , Derusting and decontamination, dissolving oil stains, powerfully whitening pottery, rocks, silverware, wood, glass and metal surfaces. Except for teeth, this product can do everything. The price is 920 points.

"Emmmm... has begun to turn into sand sculptures."

After scanning the instructions briefly, Chen Yu swiped his finger to look at the fourth product.

4. The mysterious faucet was produced in 2708 by the company "Stop the addiction"...

Just seeing the name of this company, Chen Yu wanted to turn to the next product. But just as he was about to slide his finger, the curiosity in his heart stopped again.

"Let me see, what is the limit of your company..."

In other words, what is the limit of his brainstorming...

The mysterious faucet adopts epoch-making gaseous sensing and brain wave collection and fusion technology to automatically analyze whether the user needs to use the faucet. Main body carbon structure, surface treatment with rhodium plating, faucet height 220mm; width 196mm. This product does not spray water, but sprays a liquid hot flame disguised as an ordinary stream of water, which can instantly melt the user's hands and bring surprises beyond ordinary people's expectations. It is suitable for restaurants, transportation stations and high-end hotel toilets to improve the quality of customer experience. The price is 1700 points.

"I'm going to your uncle! The mentally retarded stuff..." Unable to curse an swear word, Chen Yu got up and walked out of the bedroom and entered the bathroom to wash his hair.

Products are getting more and more sand sculptures. For the quality of the fifth product, he has to wash his brains and restrain his brain waves from spilling out...


Three minutes later, he took a towel and dried his hair. Chen Yu turned his head and glanced at Chen Erke, who was sitting on the sofa silently wiping tears. He ignored Chen Erke, returned to the bedroom, flexed his hands, and flipped through the last product.

5. The convergent Hubble Astronomical Telescope NASA was put into use in 2105. Designed for star observation within two thousand light years. Through the built-in quantum computer's optical information simulation filling technology, the detailed optical spectrum and scene of the star surface can be accurately displayed. Once this product was used, a photo of the surface of the KIC8462852 star was obtained, which caused a global sensation. In the following year, it was included in the information table of the Times of Civilization. The price is 2150 points.

"this thing……"

After reading the instructions several times carefully, Chen Yu thoughtfully "it seems to be a combination product specially selected for my live broadcast by the Hyperspace Commercial Frame... The program effect should be guaranteed..."

"Mr. Chen!" Xiao Taohong suddenly cheered and turned to look at Chen Yu. "The copywriting is finished, can you see if it's okay?"

Chen Yu returned to his senses, turned around and quickly glanced, and nodded, "It's okay. Your current language organization level has risen sharply, not bad."

"Hey." Xiao Taohong's cheeks are red, "I can do everything for you."

"Just can't be smart."



One night, nothing happened.

But things came the next day.

Chen Erke is sick...


The burn is severe.

But at eight o'clock in the morning, it has reached 37 degrees seven.

When the confused Chen Yu walked out of the bedroom under the urging of Chen's mother, he saw Chen Erke lying on the sand, dying, breathing like silk, as if about to belch...

"This...what the **** is going on?" He immediately became sober, sleepy.

"It seems to have caught a cold." Father Chen didn't even go to the class. He squatted by the sofa to take the temperature of his second daughter over and over again, frowning, "It has risen by 0.05 degrees."

"How high is it now?" Chen Yu stepped forward with a serious face and stroked Chen Erke's forehead.

"It's 37.8 degrees Celsius."

"Fuck! It's awesome!"

"Chen Yu!" Father Chen was furious.

"Ah, I mean it's serious." Chen Yu rubbed his face. "It's almost thirty-eight degrees. You should go to the hospital."

Chen Sanke on the side opened his eyes wide and raised his hand to suggest, "Separate...Isolate!"

"Chen Sanke!" Father Chen was even more angry, and Chen Sanke shrank his neck with a loud roar.

"Why is the fever so severe?"

Mother Chen came with hot water and complained, "Isn't it because you confiscated her cell phone yesterday? It should be because of the fire, the resistance has deteriorated, then the cold, and then a fever."

Chen Yu "..."

"Ah..." Chen Erke slowly opened his eyes when he heard the voices around him, and looked at Chen Yu "I...cough cough..."

"She coughed! Coughed and coughed!" Chen Sanke yelled, "I want to be quarantined!"

Father Chen, Mother Chen, and Chen Yu "Chen Sanke!!!"

"Um..." Chen Sanke backed away quickly, scared away.

"Brother..." Chen Erke glanced at her sister, struggling to raise her left hand, and stretched out to Chen Yu. "Brother, I...I might be dying..."

Chen Yu "..."

"Before I die, I have a few more wishes. Hope... I hope you can help my sister realize... I have no regrets."

"You are so mentally retarded, are you? You die at thirty-eight degrees? Be sober!"

"No." Chen Erke learned the lines in the TV series "I know my body, it's no longer good."

The Chen family "..."

Father Chen reinserted the thermometer into Chen Erke's armpit, "Can you stop talking about it?"

"Let...let me say, brother, can you fulfill my wish?"

"The third child, get the towel." Throwing away the ice cubes on Chen Erke's head, Chen Yu shouted to Chen Sanke, and then held Erke's hand, "Okay, let go if you have any farts."

"Thank you, brother, the first wish..." Chen Erke's eyes blurred, "I just hope that after my death, brother, you won't blame yourself for sadness. This matter has nothing to do with you, it's my fate."

"...Sister, you're almost burning 38 degrees, so don't think about yin and yang, okay?"

"Seeing brother can still laugh, so my sister is relieved..."

"Hurry up and say the second wish. Didn't you take the anti-fever medicine? It's better not to mention the illness."

"The first... second wish." Chen Sanke gave a pale smile. "I just hope that mom, dad, sisters and sisters will not blame themselves, although you didn't help me yesterday... but I know that you are... for me it is good."

The Chen family "..."

"The third wish..."

"Do you want a cell phone?"

"Um... I don't play, I just look at it, thank it for the life it has walked with me..." Chen Erke burst into tears as he said.

"It's okay if I moved myself and cried." Muttered, Chen Yu stood up was about to go back to the bedroom to get Chen Erke's cellphone, but Chen Sanke ran staggeringly.

"Grassid! The towel is here."


Touching Chen Sanke’s furry head, Chen Yu took the bread in her hand and took a slice of it and put it on Chen Erke’s forehead. "Mom, next time I remember, if you have a fever, you can’t use ice cubes to reduce the fever. Just use a wet towel...Made! What is bread? Ghost?!"

Chen Sanke leaned forward and flipped the slice of bread on Chen Erke's forehead, "Bake...toast."

"Chen Sanke! Go away!" Mother Chen, who was rubbing her daughter's body, was furious, wishing that a towel was slapped on Chen Sanke's face.

"Walk away!" Pushing Chen Sanke away, Chen Yu picked up the slice of bread and was about to throw it away, but was suddenly taken aback in the middle of the process, and was pleasantly surprised, "Hey, don't you say it's a good idea with multiple birds!"

Chen Erke "..."

"Chen Yu!!!" ×2.

.. ..

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