Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 295: Extra live broadcast with more surprises than panic (Part 1) (all in 1

"After measuring three times, the temperature really doesn't rise."

Put the thermometer in Chen Yu's hand, Chen's father quickly put on his coat, picked up the cloth and said, "You will take the temperature of your second child every ten minutes later. If the temperature continues to rise, call me and drive her directly. Go to the hospital. I go to work first."

"Okay." Tossed the thermometer, Chen Yu waved his hand. "You go to work, don't worry too much."


Nodding, Father Chen pushed the door and left.

Putting the thermometer in the medicine box, Chen Yu reached out and stroked Chen Erke's forehead, and said, "How about? Are you still dizzy?"

"Halo." Chen Erke was so pitiful, "It's so halo..."

"I'm so dizzy that I can't use mobile phones."

"Ah... I don't seem to be dizzy now."

"……you are hopeless."

Shaking his head and sighing, Chen Yu walked back to the bedroom and searched for Chen Erke's phone on the head of his bed.

"Mr. Chen, is your second sister sick?" Xiao Taohong leaned behind the door frame and secretly looked into the living room.

"Well, I have a fever."

"You can treat her with the last fight pillow."

"The fever is not particularly bad, don't be so troublesome." Finding the phone, Chen Yu shrugged "I will see the situation later, if I continue to have a fever, I will hit her with a pillow. Speaking of which, it's time to improve the health of my family. "

Closing the door, Chen Yu came to Chen Erke and threw out his mobile phone. "Xiao Nizi, this time you won. But you still play with your mobile phone day and night. Whether you are sick or not, your mobile phone will be confiscated. ."


Chen Erke nodded repeatedly, hugged the lost cell phone, clenched tightly, "Brother is really nice, I like you so much."

"Don't say it's useless, open it." With that, Chen Yu picked up the thermometer and inserted it into Chen Erke's armpit.

Two minutes later, he took out the thermometer and was shocked, "You... are you a god?! Has it dropped to 37 degrees so quickly?"

"Hey...hehe..." Chen Erke played awkwardly with the glory of the king, smirking.

"Did the temperature drop?" Mother Chen ran over with three wet towels.

"Well, after I got the phone, my body temperature returned to normal." Putting the thermometer back, Chen Yu stretched out. "You girl is too playful and you want to use it."

"You are ashamed to say? You bought her the phone. And you forgot that you sneaked out to surf the Internet when you were in junior high school? How is it better than your sister?"

"...Alright, my mother said it was right. I'm going to make up my sleep. I won't eat anymore, don't call me."

After speaking, Chen Yu walked towards his room with a yawn.


At this time, Chen Yike, wearing a down jacket, pushed the door in, stomped the snow, and raised the package in his hand, "I bought all the medicine. How about the second child?"

"Dabo Q (DoubleKill); Blowing Q! (TribleKill)..." The mobile phone heard a head-killing prompt...

"...The second child is almost super god."


When the live broadcast is not live, time always flies quickly.

In the past few days, many big things have happened, and the tensions around the world have changed almost momentarily.

The most important of these is that China is going to manned landing on Mars...

The first manned landing module of the "Wavebreaker" has even completed its orbiting operations, carrying a lot of fuel and supplies, and flying straight towards Mars.

The following three cargo bays followed closely, and were used for the construction of the astronauts' station and supplies.

People all over the world who don't know about "Cross-Time Evaluation" are all in a daze at the same time.

I can't understand how Huaxia officials do all this.

I can't even understand why Huaxia, who has never even landed on the moon, went directly to Mars...

The tens of millions of people who knew the inside story were also astonished at China's speed and efficiency.

After all, SpaceX, which was originally going to cooperate with Chen Yu on Mars colonization, was able to formulate a feasible detailed plan, and even the allocation of personnel has not yet been completed.

Obviously, China wants to get the honor of being the first to land on Mars. Perhaps it also means to test Chen Yu's attitude...

As for the game and layout at the national level, Chen Yu couldn't understand and didn't bother to watch. He directly degenerates into melon-eating people, ignoring SpaceX and Jian Guo's official bombardment of his private messages, just pretending not to know.

Now, he has something more important to him...

"Just put it here."

Opening the door of the room, Chen Yu led two workers carrying a large box into the house and pointed to Chen Yike's room "Just put it there."

"Good." The two workers nodded.

"Chen Yu, this...what's going on?" Mother Chen, who was preparing food in the kitchen, heard the voice, probed, and looked up and down the large box to ask.

"Birthday present for the boss."

"What did you buy?"

"Confidentiality, then you will know."

In order to surprise his younger sister, Chen Yu specially chose the time for the three younger sisters to go shopping.

"Brother, this room is too small? No place to put it?"

Putting down the heavy big box, a worker wiped the sweat from his head and gasped, "Would you like to put it in the living room? You can't put this big piece in."

"Can be put in."

Chen Yu walked into Chen Yike's boudoir, raised the desk, and threw it into the living room. "If you don't need this desk, you can put it in."

"Huh! Brother is not weak?"

"It's okay."

It took a lot of effort to drag the big box into the room, and Chen Yu generously paid 400 yuan for the transportation fee. "Thank you for your hard work."


After the two workers left, Chen Yu tossed in the elder sister's room for a while to complete the unboxing and packaging of the present, and then walked out, raised the desk and moved into his room.

"Chen Yu, even if you make some money right now, you can't spend it randomly, you know?"


Everything was arranged properly, Chen Yu responded perfunctorily, and patted the dust on his hands and asked, "Mom, what are you investing in stocks recently, are you still doing it?"

When she heard the word "investment," Mother Chen's face suddenly turned pale, "What kind of capital to invest? Stocks are all deceptive."

"Mom, you can't talk nonsense about this. You will be invited to have tea." Chen Yu took out his cell phone and smirked. "I'll transfer another 20,000 yuan for you, boldly buy stocks, and tell me which stocks are after the purchase. That's it. My son has always believed in you, you are definitely a genius in the investment field."

"Don't transfer me, I won't play anymore, I will definitely pay."

"It's okay, if you pay, you will lose it. I'm happy to buy it for you."

"You..." Mother Chen doubted, "How much money do you have now? Don't care about 20,000 yuan?"


Just as Chen Yu was about to speak, the security door was pushed open, and Chen Yike led his two younger sisters in, "We are back."

"Grasshopper hug!" Chen Sanke didn't take off his shoes, and hugged Chen Yu's thigh in one swoop.

"Good." Touching Sanke's head, Chen Yu looked at Chen Erke, "Have you played with your phone on the road?"

"No!" Chen Erke held the birthday cake and shook his head violently.

"Heh." Chen Yu took a step forward and put his hand into her pocket.

Sure enough, the phone is still hot.

"Okay, second child, use my words as fart, you wait."

"I... I didn't play!" Chen Erke stepped back, "Have you seen me take the cake? How can I play if I can't make a shot?"

"She walked with the cake on her head!" Chen Sanke revealed mercilessly.

"Chen Sanke! Didn't you say that if you eat half of my cake, you won't talk too much?!"


"Second, you are so awesome." Chen Yu couldn't help but thumbs up. "In order to play with mobile phones, you can develop your body to this level."

"Hey...not much." Chen Erke put down the cake, blushing.

"Am I really complimenting you!!"

The four young masters of the Chen family gathered together, and the whole house was restored to noisy. Until it gets dark, the family sits neatly at the dining table, preparing for dinner.

"Boss, today is your birthday. Have you prepared any gifts for mom?" Mother Chen asked, holding up the glass full of drinks.

"Huh?" Chen Yike was stunned. "Is it my birthday? Why did I give it?"

"My son's birthday, mother's bitter day. Without my suffering, where did you come from? So shouldn't you give me gifts this day?"

Chen Yu was shocked, "It makes sense!"

"..." Chen Yike was speechless for a while, suddenly stretched out her head and kissed mother Chen, "I love your mother. How about this gift?"

Mother Chen couldn't help laughing, "It's okay, I'll let you go."

"Mom!" Chen Sanke raised his hand, "I...I am about to have my birthday too, and I will give you a kiss at that time."


Chen Erke put down the phone, "Mom, I will kiss you too."


Chen Yu nodded, "Then I will kiss you too."

The smile on Mother Chen's face instantly solidified, and she subconsciously picked up the rolling pin on the kitchen counter, "What are you going to give away?"


After eating 70% lively, everyone took out cakes, put them on the table, and put candles in.

"Boss, make a wish." Chen Yu got up and turned off the lights, then lit the candles one by one with a lighter.

"it is good."

Chen Yike nodded, folded his hands, and closed his eyes.

(I hope, I have a piano of my own...)


After making the wish, Chen Yike blew out all the candles in one breath and cheered, "Yeah! It can be done!"

"Sister, what wish did you make?" Chen Sanke asked.

"I can't tell, it won't work." Standing up, Chen Yike took a long knife, divided the cake into sevens, and gave the largest of them to Father Chen, who was sitting in the corner and silent, "Dad, eat the cake." Why don't you have any sense of existence at all."

"If the camera doesn't show me, I can't help it." Father Chen sighed, took a bite of the cake, his expression was a bit complicated, "The girl has grown up."

"Mom, this is yours."

"Second, yours. This smaller one belongs to the third. And this one, belongs to Pikachu..."

"Sister." Chen Sanke raised his fork and said to Chen Erke, "Your cake is half of mine."

"Are you dreaming?" Chen Erke sneered.

"When buying a cake, you said you would give me half of it!"

"I was a bargain for you to stop talking. You betrayed me, and still want cake?" Chen Erke ate a large piece in one bite and chewed hard, as if venting his anger.

"You eat my cake!" Chen Sanke pouted.

"Mine, I don't have your share. Why? Do you want to fight? I am already a taekwondo master now, you can try."

"Try...Try it!"

"The last piece..." Ignoring the quarrel between the two sisters, Chen Yike picked up the second largest cake and gave it to Chen Yu with a bright smile. "Brother, thank you."

"Thank me for drying my hair?"

"Although you always bully me..." With blushing cheeks, Chen Yike leaned into Chen Yu's ear and whispered, "But you are the one who understands me the best and treats me best."

"Ah." Chen Yu's face blushed.

"But your secret, I will definitely find out!"

"My Mimi?"


After sharing the cake, the birthday is over.

The family chatted in the living room again until ten o'clock in the evening before they separated.

Chen Yike was in a good mood, humming a little tune and returned to her room, turned on the light, and was about to change to sleep, but she saw the pink curtain in the corner.

In the middle of the curtain, there is a small card.

There are simply four words written on it.

happy Birthday.

Unable to cover his mouth, Chen Yike vaguely realized what was covered under the curtain...

Reaching out, holding the cloth corner tremblingly, she took a deep breath and tugged!


An exquisite white piano was brought into view.



Three days later.

Sunday, 8:44 am.

Because of the text dynamics that Chen Yu ordered Xiao Taohong to update a week ago, this ordinary extra evaluation has become the focus of attention all over the world.

No matter the leaders of the forces or the civilian audience, they all stood quietly in front of the screen, waiting for the start of the live broadcast.

Everyone is nervous, afraid of the same disaster as the "black hole" event last time.



Building B in the Confederate States, New York, Kennedy.


The door was pushed open, and the middle-aged team leader led his subordinates into the observer hall violently, first greeted everyone present, and then took a seat in the exclusive position of the Chinese side.

"Dear Chinese representative, you are late again."

"It's 8:45 in the morning, and there are still fifteen minutes from the normal time of the live broadcast. We arrived on time, and there is no lateness." Sister Wu stood behind the middle group leader, pushing her glasses, and smiling.

"Before the overtime live broadcast begins, there is a meeting to be held. You have been notified in advance." The representative of Jianguo was expressionless, and said puns. "I said being late, and I mean that meeting. Could it be that you are only robbing Speedy in honor? Procrastination in business?"

"Sorry, about that meeting, we have clearly refused to participate." The middle-aged team leader casually dealt with the other party's mouths, while looking through the documents in his hand. "You said to grab the honor, sorry, I don't understand. It belongs to specialization. , We are only responsible for events related to the UP Master. If you have any questions, you can go to Building A to find the Chinese Ambassador."

"Don't talk about these meaningless things." The representative of the surrendering country raised his hands. "We should take advantage of the start of the live broadcast, UU reading to discuss what the "catastrophe" of the super-time UP host is."

"Insufficient information, no results can be discussed." Put down the file, the middle-aged team leader tactically backed up, spreading his hands. "Over time evaluation is on several platforms, and the updated text dynamics are only a hundred words, and no useful information is revealed. The discussion is also meaningless. Maintaining stability and preparing for emergency is the most important thing at the moment."

The representative of Jianguo, who was sitting in the first place, heard this and was about to stumbling. An assistant behind him suddenly stepped forward and whispered in his ear, "Director, the Super Time UP Master finally replied to SpaceX's private message."

"Really?" represents a tight face. "What did the UP master reply?"

"He replied with embarrassment before seeing it."

"What about below?"




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