Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 296: Extra live broadcast with more surprises than panic (part 2)

In the morning, 8:55.

Lanhe District, Chen Family.

"Today's evaluation, you continue to be at home." After completing the space docking of the portal, Chen Yu turned to Xiao Taohong and said, "I'm going to space, you can't follow. And Chen Yike will definitely knock on the door after my live broadcast. "

"...I know." Xiao Taohong looked a little depressed.

"Attention, don't be deceived anymore, be careful."


Picking up the "Civilization Shining Moment" newspaper and a white express box on the table, Chen Yu looked around the room for the last time and made sure that there was nothing wrong, so he stepped into the portal and came to the principal of the floating castle thousands of miles away. tower.

"Don't be discovered by Chen Yike. If you see a bad opportunity, you can take the initiative to attack."

"Is it bad? Take the initiative?"

"Yes! Seeing the opportunity is bad, take the initiative!"

"Understood Mr. Chen! I will definitely not be fooled this time." Xiao Taohong raised the amnesia stick in her hand, "You gave me this, it's very stable."

"Okay, I will fully trust you again."

"You are at ease."

Closing the spatial connection, Chen Yu changed the shape of the portal to a metal arch, then raised his wrist to look at the time, put down the newspapers and white express box, and walked into the study on the left.


Opening the secret room, Chen Yu walked quickly into the repair warehouse of the protective clothing and changed into the purple protective clothing.

Next, accompanied by a crisp mechanical transmission sound. A pair of mechanical arms swayed rapidly, and pieces of white armor were installed on their bodies.







The robotic arm flies up and down like assembling building blocks. Hundreds of accessories and armor are installed on the surface of the protective clothing.


The hatch slowly unfolded, and Chen Yu stepped out in the cold white mist.

Before returning to the portal, he estimated that the time was almost nine o'clock, and without hesitation, he opened the live broadcast room directly.

The promotion live broadcast room is opening...

Ten platforms including Station B and Douyu have been opened.

The moment the authority was opened, 0 representing the total number of people went up crazy.

Chen Yu only felt that there was a flower in front of him, and the number of people had broken through the 40 million mark!

Such a terrifying super heat made his scalp numb.

It can be said that on this planet, his "focused" attention is enough to rank in the top ten.


the first!

Really first.

Six seconds late! Forty million people waited six more seconds. Everyone wasted six seconds, a total of seven years! UP Lord, can you convict?

Is this the protective suit? So handsome.

All rise!

I have a rare Tang Xiang, and no longer hide today.

This thing is hard to find, I want to make you taste it.

The earth is dying again, and if something happens, burn paper again.

The anchor quickly said what the disaster was, and I found a seller for my house.

Since the emergence of the UP master, the earth has been plagued by disasters. (Dog head)

On February 21, celebrate the first anniversary of the victory against pneumonia...

Waiting for half a minute, the number of people skyrocketed slowly. Chen Yu put down his hands late, looked ahead, and made his opening remarks in a serious tone: "Hello, friends in the live broadcast room. Here is an extra live broadcast of the super-time evaluation."

"Seeing this newspaper in my hand, old viewers should have guessed what is going to happen. That's right, today's extra evaluation is similar to the last time the black hole was discovered. It is not interactive and does not evaluate any products. Just want to Tell everyone something."

"It's different from last time. The urgency of the incident to be said this time is not strong, far from the danger of black holes, but it is also very worthy of our human vigilance. And I guess that once this incident is exposed, it may cause unknown magnitude to the entire human society. , The impact of mixed pros and cons."

"But again, as human beings living on the earth, we should all have the right to know each other. I think I, as a hyperspace reviewer, should inform you of this matter so that mankind has an advance preparation."

When the words were over, Chen Yu raised the newspaper in his hand and unfolded under the camera.

""The Hour of Civilization" was introduced before, so I won't repeat it today. It has appeared again, and it brings us a piece of news that we don't know if it is good or bad."

"It is the April issue of 2106, reporting major astronomical discoveries in 2105. This discovery has been speculated as early as 2011. By 2019, this speculation was spread in a small range of academic circles in the astronomy circle. , But has been suppressed intentionally or unintentionally by the officials of various countries."


Close the newspapers, Chen Yu’s eyes are sharp in his helmet, "Astronomical research industry around the world, as well as the official upper-level or related personnel of various countries, you should have the answer in your heart."

It feels very serious...

What the **** is it? Does anyone know?

Is this accountability? So handsome!

The world takes it to death, we want female assistants! I haven't seen it for a long time! Nothing will happen, right?

Don't worry, you may be pregnant.

I'm in the astronomy industry, and I look dumbfounded. There are too many official suppressions, which one are you talking about?

Come on, drag the one in front to death with a wire...

same time.

In the Observer Hall far away in Yonew, after Chen Yu's words fell, he fell into noisy discussions.

The middle-aged team leader had a solemn expression, and he quickly operated the tablet in front of him with his hands. At the same time, he turned his head and asked Sister Wu, "Xiao Wu, what the **** did the Super Time UP Master say?"

"Wait a minute." Sister Wu oozes sweat from her forehead, busy handing over opinions and information to the team next to her. After a while, I pulled out dozens of internal files in the terminal tablet, and handed out "Group leader, our authority is temporarily calling these."

"So many concealed astronomical events? Do we have a hammer answer?"

"This... is just the tip of the iceberg."

"..." The middle-aged team leader put down the tablet with a complicated expression, "That can't be checked..."


Floating castle, inside the principal's tower.

Chen Yu pulled a chair and sat down, turned to the fifth page of the newspaper, facing the camera, and showed a full-length photo. It was a star...

"If you want to understand what the so-called'catastrophe' is, you must turn the time back to 2009. That year, we discovered a star numbered KIC8462852. The official name is Boyakian Star, commonly known as Tabby Star ."

"It is located in the constellation Cygnus, about 1480 light-years from the earth, between Tianjin 4 and Tianjin 2 in the constellation Cygnus. The naked eye is part of the Northern Cross. Friends who are interested can use a five-inch telescope on a light-free night. Observe, it’s clearly visible."

"In the early days, this main sequence star with an absolute magnitude of 3.08 was not noticeable. Until 2011, quite a few astronomers discovered the strangeness of this star..."

Damn it! I know!

I also know. But no one suppressed this matter?

True or false is the best concealment.

Can you talk about it again?

Is that star going to explode? Will it affect the earth?

I just searched the Internet... Nima! Super big news!

Is this panic? It's obviously a surprise!

I was also pleasantly so excited!

What the **** is it...

When Chen Yu said the three words "Tabby Star", the astronomical researchers who followed the live broadcast were shocked, and then stormy waves surged in their minds.

The Observer Hall in Yonyo was completely out of order. The noise almost lifted the ceiling.

"It seems..." Raising his wrist, looking at the crazy barrage in the watch, Chen Yu pointed to the photos of stars in the newspapers and said in a deep voice, "Many people understand what I want to say."

“Friends who don’t know yet don’t need to search for encyclopedias, web pages or related papers. I’m here, and I will answer for you in the future...”

.. ..

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