Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 297: The most impossible possible! Wisdom creation!

Sitting on the sofa, Chen Yike was holding his mobile phone and seeing Chen Yu's figure appear on the screen, his eyes lit up.

"Finally live!"

Standing up violently, she clicked on the screen recording software to record, then carefully placed the phone on the coffee table, picked up a screaming chicken, and tiptoed to Chen Yu's room.

"Sister, what are you doing?" Chen Erke, who was playing on the phone on the sofa, asked in confusion.


With a gesture of silence, Chen Yike walked through the living room, walked to the door, and listened carefully to the movement in Chen Yu's room.

"Sister, what are you doing anymore?"

"I'm revealing the big secret!"

"*?" Chen Erke was surprised.

"Shhh. Don't talk, stand behind me."


"Huh?" Chen Yike was a little startled suddenly, "Do you think this scene is a bit familiar?"

"Where are you familiar?"

"It's a bit like reading a novel, it feels like some bad writers rewrite the previous plot..."


"It's my illusion..." Muttering, Chen Yike put his ear on the door panel and listened for a while, and found that there was no sound, so he picked up the screaming chicken with a smirk and prepared to pinch suddenly.

If Chen Yu was inside, she was sure he would be taken aback.

If there is no response under such a sudden attack, it is enough to prove that there is no one inside!

"Second, cover your ears, don't be afraid." Chen Yike whispered.

"Mischief?" Chen Erke licked his lips and covered his ears excitedly.





The screaming chicken was pinched instantly!

But the next moment, the door was opened without warning!

"You..." Chen Yike outside the door didn't wait for any reaction, a stick fell from the sky and hit her forehead with a "boom".

"Puff through."

Seeing Yi Ke fell to the ground, Xiao Taohong was eager to try, she picked up the amnesia stick and smashed Chen Erke on the head.



Er Ke also fell softly and fell into a faint. Still keeping the action of covering ears...

Bending down, picking up the screaming chicken on the ground, Xiao Taohong admired the five-body cast, "Seeing that the'chicken' is not good, you can take the initiative! That's this'*? So Mr. Chen had expected it a long time ago, amazing."

"You...who are you?! What are you doing?!"

Mother Chen in the master bedroom walked out and saw Xiao Taohong and the two daughters on the ground, she was shocked.


A black shadow flashed, and Xiao Taohong appeared on Mother Chen's side like a teleport, knocking one of her sticks down, "Proactively attack!"

Then, she slapped Chen Sanke and Husky down again, and was triumphant with her hands on hips.

"The stability of my little pink is the real stability..."


same time.

The floating castle, the principal's tower study.

Chen Yu solemnly explained everything about "Tabby Star" to the audience.

"As we all know, if a star has a planet revolving around it, then when the planet'blocks' in front of the star, it will cause the star's luminosity to drop. This phenomenon is called transit. Modern astronomers use the transit method to obtain other Information such as whether there are planets in the star system, how many planets there are, and the mass of the planets."

"But under normal circumstances, this luminosity drop is only about 1%, or even smaller."

"And strangely, KIC8462852, the Tabby star, has a luminosity drop of up to 22%! This is completely beyond common sense. In the existing models of human star systems, such a drastic luminosity drop is impossible by the star alone. occurring."

"So, after 2011, the astronomy community has some more authoritative hypothetical explanations for this."

Turning to the seventh page, Chen Yu displayed the words in the newspapers in front of the camera. "First, the cloud-gas hypothesis. After eliminating the problem of equipment or data, the "Monthly of the Royal Astronomical Society" believes that the luminosity of Tabby's star may be reduced. Affected by the gravity of surrounding stars, a large number of comets in the Oort Cloud of Tabby star fell towards the star, and the vaporized comet cloud gas and dust obscured the star."

"The evidence supporting this hypothesis is that there is indeed a red dwarf star outside of Tabby's 885 astronomical units. It is very close and has the ability to affect comets in the Oort Cloud region of Tabby's star."

"But then, in 2016, two Chinese astronomical agencies calculated and ruled out this hypothesis. Because the gas of Tabby's comet cloud is disturbed by gravity, it orbits the star in an elliptical orbit. There is also not enough mass to cause 22 % Brightness drops."

The voice paused slightly to give the audience ten seconds of buffering time. Chen Yu turned to page eight and continued, "Second, the planetary collision hypothesis. The collision of several planets around Tabby's star produced warm dust and blocked the light. .But the collision between planets will emit strong infrared light! And the astronomical community has conducted several years of spectral energy distribution analysis through high-resolution spectrometers and the Nordic Optical Telescope in East Spain, but no super-power has been observed. Amount of infrared energy."

"The planetary collision hypothesis is self-defeating."

"In addition to the two, there are many other explanations that are less likely. For example, instrument data errors, variable Be stars, cosmic dust, companion stars, possession of protoplanetary disks, and so on."

"For every hypothesis, there are many evidences to prove them wrong."

Putting down the newspapers and magazines, Chen Yu looked at the camera, and his tone became deeper and deeper. "There is only a seemingly absurd but impeccable statement that can explain the decline in the brightness of Tabby. Since 2015, more and more astronomers have tended to this view. . Not because the evidence was found, but all the other hypotheses were declared wrong.”

"As Holmes said, all the impossible is ruled out, and the remaining one is a fact, even if it is incredible."

"This is the hypothesis of civilization creation!"

Damn it!

Stop it……

How does it feel like a joke?

Many people in the industry really think so, and I am one of them. You may not understand that the official and astronomical circles of various countries have paid a lot of attention to this star!

I still don't understand. Do you mean aliens? Can you come here? !

Isn't it a Dyson ball? This thing is actually very mentally retarded...

More than 1,400 light years, it is very close.

Think carefully.

Eliminate human tyranny! The world belongs to Tabby Star!

Waiting for the barrage wave to fade slightly, Chen Yu lifted up the "A Moment of Civilization Shines" again, including, turning to page ten, pointing to a photo of a white male, and speaking faster. "Many astronomers agree with the hypothesis of civilization creation, but this person , Is the first to publish related professional papers. He is the astronomer Jason Wright of Pennsylvania State University is still active. In that paper, it is clearly hypothesized that Tabby's luminosity changes very much. It may be caused by huge structures built by alien civilizations. For example..."

"Dyson Ball."

Close the newspapers, Chen Yu stood up and opened his arms, "Jason Wright should be watching my live broadcast at this time, congratulations, and Pennsylvania State University. Half of your reasoning is correct."

"The non-periodic brightness change of Tabby's star is indeed caused by a giant structure made by a certain intelligent life."

"Next, I will throw out a series of undisputed evidence, including several new discoveries in 2019, to prove your point of view."

"The reason why your reasoning is half correct..."

Walking out of the lens, Chen Yu took the courier box with the 22nd century astronomical telescope next to it, "because this giant structure is not a so-called Dyson sphere."


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