Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 298: Mysterious isosceles triangle

"The non-periodic luminosity changes of Tabby's star are indeed caused by the creation of some kind of intelligent life."

When Chen Yu's words fell, the originally chaotic observer hall was instantly silent.

The barrage in the top ten live broadcast rooms also fell into a brief sparseness...

Everyone is digesting this message that destroys the Three Views.

Although most scholars and ordinary people are sure that there can be no intelligent life like humans in the vast universe. But the reality will be before our eyes one day, and everyone will still be greatly affected.

Raising his wrist and looking at the barrage, Chen Yu stood there and waited for a while, guessing that everyone's thinking ability had recovered, and then continued to speak, "I know, the creation of intelligent life is unbelievable, so to make it clear that I am not talking about it. Vernacular, next, I will throw out a series of indisputable evidence to prove Jason Wright's point of view."

"First of all, the luminosity of Tabby's star is continuously declining, and the magnitude is incredible. On the bright side, the latest and last piece of related information about it is the observation record in March 2018, and the brightness has dropped by 5% again. "

"After that, it seemed that overnight, the whole world lost interest in it, and there was no follow-up discussion at all. The largest project of'Breakthrough Listening' co-sponsored by Yuri Milner and Hawking, there was no news. ."

"China's Skyeye Observation only published a piece of news without any abnormality in April 2019. However, Tabby has been reducing its luminosity! This piece of news without ‘abnormal’ itself represents an abnormality!"

"Until now, in 2021, there has not been any new news about Tabby Star on the Internet. Only the internal servers of astronomical institutions with fairly high authority and the database of astronomy departments of major universities can find relevant documents."

"Of course, there is no impermeable wall in the world."

"Some published professional papers accidentally or deliberately mentioned Tabby Star."

"Typically, for example, in December 2019, the paper "Sequential Image Compression Algorithm for Space Astronomical Observation" by Professor Sun Wei from the National Science Center of China Academy of Sciences mainly describes the sequential astronomical images obtained from the continuous observation of fixed-point celestial bodies. Due to its high temporal and spatial redundancy, a lossless compression algorithm combining intra-frame compression and improved inter-frame compression is proposed."

"On the sixth page of the electronic version of this paper, it is revealed that in March 19th, the Huaxia Wentai had cooperated with many countries and used an extra-terrestrial telescope to take a large number of astronomical images of Tabby Star. The lossless compression method used is precisely this. The previous generation of compression technology for this paper."

A sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, and Chen Yu shrugged.

"According to the amount of data disclosed in the paper, I want to process all the data taken this time, and the workload is huge! A single astronomical institution cannot afford it, and it needs the help of astronomical institutions all over the world."

"Just ask, why would there be so many astronomical images of Tabby star that no one has discussed in 2018?"

"More interestingly, in November 2018, Academician Liu Yi, Academician Zhang Zhili, and Professor Zhou Fa of Huaxia Rocket Army Engineering University also published a paper-"Addition of Star Map Based on Star Image Point Trajectory". In the electronic version On the fifth page, there is a sentence stating that it is possible to construct a supplementary model of the missing star map for stars around 1,400 light years.

"This university itself is very special. 1,400 light years, which is exactly the distance from Tabby Star! The time of the thesis is the first four months of the filming operation in 19 years! This series of coincidences is unlikely to be a coincidence? "

Patting the newspaper "Civilization Shines" in his hands, Chen Yu continued, "These two papers can be directly searched online. In addition, there are also many international papers involving Tabby Star, such as "Aof", ""and many more."

Is this all true?

I found...

I also found it.

Think carefully.

Fuck! I knew it was not that simple! Why didn’t Tabby star suddenly be reported? It turned out that aliens were discovered!

The anchor is awesome!

The wind of UP master's tycoon is blowing. (Dog head)

Only this English pronunciation, why is it so like a junior high school student?

When you look at the aliens, the aliens are also looking at you...

"It's the saying that good things don't betray people, and it's nothing good to betray people. Why did global officials suddenly conceal the news of Tabby Star? Because they discovered that the alien hypothesis that entertained the public in the first place has become more and more authentic. In order to avoid Panic, the necessary blockade is certain."

"So next, I will start from the 2017 timeline and begin to introduce all human discoveries of Tabby Star."

Open the "Civilization Shine" newspaper again, turn to page 22, Chen Yu said quickly, "In March 2017, a certain NASA team observing the Kepler light curve, whimsically brought into the model with an isosceles triangle, the decline The luminosity actually fits perfectly with the real Tabby Star! This discovery was immediately posted to NASA's official website and reprinted by major media."

"The occluder is a standard isosceles triangle, which is undoubtedly an excellent gimmick for civilians."

"However, two days later, after a complete calculation by NASA, it was found that this was not a coincidence! The object obstructing Tabby's star turned out to be a triangle! As a result, relevant news on the entire network was removed. For this reason, the global official observation of Tabby's star was in vain. A few orders of magnitude!"

"Due to the nature of the Internet, how a compelling piece of news is blocked or taken off the shelves will also leave clues. Now, if viewers in China search for the six words'Tabby Star Triangle' at some point, they should still be able to Find ambiguous descriptions. Google will find more information."

After that, Chen Yu turned to twenty-three pages and continued, "In July 19, the data taken by the official astronomical arrays of the six countries were integrated, which further confirmed the existence of the giant isosceles triangle."

"In June 20th, the triangle moved to the direction facing the solar system. Tabby's brightness dropped again by 21%, and slowly recovered after three days. During these three days, through the transit method, the astronomical world calculated the surface area of ​​the giant creation approximately About nine times that of Jupiter."

"March 2026. The Hawking telescope took off and focused on the shooting of Tabby for six months, and found that the mass of the triangle is one-fourth that of the earth! This means that the thickness of the triangle will not exceed 5 microns! Excluding the ring world and space Hypotheses such as stations, space fleets."

"In 2044. Tabby's brightness continues to decline, proving that its mass loss is very serious. Astronomical circles continue to rule out the hypothesis that the giant structure is Dyson's ring. Because Dyson's ring only absorbs the energy normally emitted by the star, it cannot cause the star to'premature aging'."

"What is the isosceles triangle? It's a mystery again."

"May 2078. A student from the Department of Astronomy at Jingdong University analyzed the 70-year spectral changes of Tabby Star from 2009 to 1978 and found that the isosceles triangles have regularity around them!"

"August The regularity proved to be the chemical nature of hydrogen, which was completely deciphered one year later! Translated into a language understood by humans, there is an 85% chance that it means'here'. "

"In 2092, the number of triangle circles increased, and the translation accuracy rate rose to 99%, which can confirm the existence of an extraterrestrial wisdom civilization. Take Tabby as an example, the civilization level is at least 2500 years ahead of humans."

"In 2105..."

After reading this, Chen Yu took a breath and looked at the camera, "The spotlight Hubble telescope lifted off to complete high-precision shooting. All mankind finally saw the shape creation as far away as 1800 light-years."

"That thing is not a Dyson ball."


"The Galaxy Internet!"

When the voice fell, the astronomy community, government officials, and 46 million viewers were instantly bewildered.

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