Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 299: Milky Way! the Internet!

"That isosceles triangle is not a Dyson ball."

Hanging in the air in the castle on the Pacific equator.

Facing the camera, Chen Yu said every word, "It's the Internet of the Galaxy!"

? ?


? ? ?


When I asked the question mark, I was not wondering, but thinking that you had a problem.

What the hell?

The Internet... is still the emmmm of the Milky Way.

UP Master, are you serious?

Can you chat with aliens on WeChat?

The future will be great.

Isn't the octopus playing the king pesticide super cock?


Confused +1

After a short silence, question marks broke out in ten live broadcast rooms at the same time.

Professionals and official staff in the astronomy community are also at a loss.

They thought about many, many explanations.

Dyson films, wormhole installations, scientific research sites, and even two-way foils have all been considered.

Only did not expect the answer to "Galaxy Internet"...


"Is he kidding?!"

In the Observer Hall of Yonyo, the representative of the Kingdom of Ken couldn't help but film the case and start "How come there is such a strange thing?!"


The middle-aged team leader on the right returned to his senses, pondered for a moment, picked up the microphone and said, "Perhaps, the Internet in the main mouth of the Hyperspace UP is not our human Internet. It should have other meanings."

"for example?"

"do not know."



In the hall, the representatives of the two countries looked at each other, not knowing what to say. After a long silence, he could only turn his head at the same time and look at the hanging screen.


Seeing the black barrage in the watch, Chen Yu nodded, "Everyone’s reaction was beyond my expectation. When I read this explanation in the newspapers and magazines, I couldn’t believe it. An isosceles triangle with a thickness of no more than 5 microns, What does it have to do with the Internet?"

"I will understand when I see the explanation on the next page."

With that said, he turned over the 120 pages of the newspaper "A Moment of Civilization" and showed the analysis graph to the 46 million viewers in the live broadcast room.

"As mankind's understanding of outer space deepens, in 2060, people finally realize that it is very difficult to communicate between interstellar civilizations. There are two difficulties, which are called "two obstacles to civilization communication."

"One, positioning."

"Two, energy consumption."

"For example, using radio to establish communications within five light-years is extremely terrifying. No civilization can afford it. Switching to lasers, energy consumption can be reduced, and the requirements for accuracy are very high. On the large scale of the Milky Way Galaxy Not applicable."

"Even if the current limit of human technology is exhausted, the information sent is very small. A distance of just a hundred light years is equivalent to listening to the mosquitoes on the Great Wall on the moon."

"The farthest electromagnetic wave generated by human beings only stays in the solar system. Beyond the solar system, it is covered by cosmic microwaves."

He stretched out his fingers and tapped the pages of the book, and Chen Yu smiled. "Obviously, by the end of the 21st century, human beings will not be able to shout louder. The universe is really too big. It's too big to despair."

"There used to be a novel called "Three-Body" that used stars as amplifiers to allow civilizations around to discover human voices. However, this method still has its limitations. First, the distance is limited, and secondly, it lacks stability. Information can only be transmitted once at a time. In the complex cosmic environment, it is easy to be ignored by the alien civilization."

"This is like the gravitational wave discovered in 2018. If the detector is built some time later, this gravitational wave will be missed forever and will not be detected by humans."

"So, in 2090, the astronomy community has taken a different approach and proposed a communication method called the Giant Network Act."

"That is, build a giant structure around a stable main-sequence star, such as the sun. The standard triangle is best to create an artificial planetary transit scene! Let all the nearby intelligent civilizations at least 10,000 light-years find it Abnormal!"

"Depending on the strength of civilizations, huge structures of different areas can be built. As long as the brightness of the sun is blocked by more than 2% in one direction, it will attract the attention of intelligent civilizations in that direction for a long time."

"If the giant structure is rotated 360° around the sun, all, all, and all civilizations within 10,000 light-years will determine the anomaly of the solar system and determine whether there is civilization in the solar system through long-term observation. In this way, lone life will successfully break through. The cosmic distance is blocked, so that civilizations can communicate with each other."

"And the more advanced the civilization, the less the distance is restricted. Even 20,000, 50,000, or 100,000 light-years away, abnormal changes in this star can be found."

Under the stunned gaze of all the audience, Chen Yu closed the newspaper and said solemnly, "Tabby Star, it is this way to announce its existence to the entire universe. We noticed it. Thanks to the huge structural area of ​​Tabby Star. It is very large, causing a 22% drop in luminosity. Presumably, a small half of the galaxy’s intelligent civilization can be noticed as long as it reaches the level of a human being on earth."

"This way of sharing information between intelligent civilizations is called the Milky Way·Internet!"

Damn it! I'm stupid.

The main sequence star is stable! As long as there is a change, it will be discovered by the surroundings! Awesome!

This kind of operation is good...

When more and more civilizations establish this kind of triangle, they will be able to transmit various information through regularity! Really Internet!

Timeliness is not good, right? The speed of light is too slow.

What timeliness do you want? Is this equivalent to uninterrupted broadcasting? The scope of the announcement may cover the entire galaxy! Simple information transfer is sufficient.

What are you talking about? Why can't I understand... (crying)

The simple explanation is to make the originally normal sun glow abnormally, and the aliens will understand that there is someone here.

Then we can do it on the sun too? Let the universe go on and declare ownership of the galaxy!

Is it the only one who feels that this is killing me?

+1. Even if the dark forest is a concept in science fiction, it must be guarded against attacks by advanced civilizations.

It can be done far away from the solar system...

Standing in place waiting for the excitement of more than 40 million people to diminish slightly, Chen Yu walked out of the camera, picked up the white express box, and put down "Audience friends, inside this box is the gathering that lifted off in 2105. Point Hubble Telescope."

"NASA is specially designed for the observation of Tabby's star. Through the built-in optical information simulation filling technology of the telescope, the optical spectrum of the surface of the star can be accurately displayed. As long as a simple computer calculation, a clear close-up photo can be displayed! "

"Next, I will fly into space, aim at Tabby, and take pictures of the galaxy internet that is still in operation 100 years in advance."

Stepping forward and walking to the portal, Chen Yu, while operating the console, explained, "The current time is February 21, 2021. According to newspaper records, it is the time period when Tabby’s star luminosity has dimmed. This is very Very lucky."

"Because we can not only see the ten isosceles triangle on the surface of Jupiter, but also a large group of vampires attached to the triangle..."


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