Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 200: Human beings are Tiehanhan (Part 1)

Stepping out of the portal, there is a cold and deep space in front of you.

Under my feet, the blue earth gleams with fluorescence.

Above the head, the dazzling sun was shining.

Standing at the intersection of the three "worlds", listening to the ringing sound in his ears, Chen Yu admired loneliness and desolation in his heart.

When I waited until my sight shifted to the Cygnus constellation in the Milky Way, this loneliness and desolation would inevitably turn into horror.

over there.

A mere 1,400 light-years away from the earth, there is a group of intelligent civilizations with technology far beyond human beings for more than 2,000 years...

Are they staring here too?

Or... they have already come?

After taking a deep breath, Chen Yu stopped the random thinking in his mind. Facing the camera, he pointed to the constellation Cygnus and explained: "The one that extends in the cross structure is the constellation Cygnus. There are 191 stars in the constellation that are brighter than 6th magnitude. There are 22 brighter than the fourth class! So in summer, even if the Milky Way is bright, you can spot the existence of Cygnus at a glance."

"And the star number KIC8462852 we are going to observe now, which is Tabby's star, is around the swan's ‘neck’."

With that said, Chen Yu held up the white express box and made it float around in space. Then grabbed the seal and pulled it hard.

"Tear!" Chen Yu started dubbing.

Without the gravitational restraint, the lid of the box unfolded under the drag of the tape, revealing the round product inside.

Reaching out and taking out the sphere, Chen Yu observed carefully for a while, and put it in front of the camera to show: "This is the convergent Hubble telescope that was launched in 2105. It looks like a magnified glass sphere. It's hard to tell the front and back. But inside. Comes with instructions, let me take a look first."

Putting the tape and the empty box into the storage box of the carapace, he carefully read the electronic version of the manual, and drew a cross on the sphere.

The orb immediately lit up with a faint blue light.

With the help of the manual, Chen Yu completed all the preparations and parameter settings before shooting, and positioned the lens near the constellation Cygnus. Then, the convergent Hubble telescope automatically fine-tuned its angle, aiming at Tabby, which is 1,400 light years away.

"The positioning method of this telescope is very interesting. Simply put, its internal database has a lot of pulsar coordinates, and it can aim at the target according to the position of the pulsar around the observed star. This positioning method is similar to the spacecraft navigation in science fiction movies. The system has different tunes but equal performance."

"It takes at least half an hour to further improve the accuracy, shooting, and simulated photos. So in order to avoid wasting time, we take advantage of this to do one thing."

Pushing the engine back slowly, Chen Yu pointed directly at the earth below and said: "Help NASA wipe the buttocks and stop the two travelers back..."

[Traveler One or Two? 】

[Smashed! 】

[Love to hear. 】

[I heard it flew out of the solar system! Can you stop it? 】

【fart! Want to fly out for decades? Imagine the solar system too small, right? 】

[For launching such dangerous things into outer space, NASA is simply mentally retarded, pulling all mankind back. 】

[It’s not that serious. It’s probably a hundred thousand years later to fly to Proxima. It’s a question of whether human beings exist or not. 】

[The key is that the two discs above reveal too much information, and you can learn everything about humans directly when you get them by aliens. 】

[What's written on it? 】

[CD: Anyone? Come and play! 】



"Today's live broadcast, I think it is very meaningful."

Operating the portal, Chen Yu kept talking: "Let us know two things. One, human beings are not alone, and the existence of intelligent creatures in the universe is normal. Second, the distribution of intelligent civilization may be very dense. Perhaps the farthest is not More than 1,400 light-years will have a civilization with high technological strength. In the Milky Way, a thousand light-years are already quite close."

"As for the lower life, there may be more. For example, in our solar system, there are at least two planets with life. Oh, yes, most viewers don't know this matter yet."

After completing the spatial docking of the portal, Chen Yuyao pointed towards Jupiter: "Last time, I caused a large fountain on Europa. The official water sample test conducted by China confirmed that the water contained single-celled organisms with carbon-based structures. There are bacteria and viruses."

"This also proves that as long as under the right environment, organic macromolecules will form specific DNA sequences, and then give birth to life forms that we humans can understand."

"Originally, this news was not allowed to be spread. But now that the intelligent life has discovered it, there is no need to keep it secret about the lower life."

At the end of the speech, Chen Yu urged the engine to pass through the portal, appeared in the deep sky beyond the solar wind, and flew forward at full speed. In a blink of an eye, the metal arch was far away from sight.

"There are two Voyager probes, both of which were launched in 1977. I will intercept the two that is closer."

"According to the information I collected on NASA's official website in advance, the Voyager 2 is now behind me. But why should I fly forward? Because the speed of the No. 1 aircraft is extremely fast at this time, reaching 17 kilometers per second. . If you want a smooth interception, you can only maintain a close relative speed with it."

While interacting with nearly 50 million viewers in the live broadcast room, he turned on his engine and continued to accelerate.

for a long time.

When his acceleration reached 16 kilometers per second, the silver-white Voyager 2 slowly "chase" from behind.


Looking back at the horn-shaped detector, Chen Yu adjusted the speed and angle through the intelligent system of the helmet, and slowly leaned against the detector.

"This is the legendary Voyager 2. It officially reached the top of the heliosphere in 2018 and entered an area of ​​interstellar space that humans have never set foot in. The so-called top heliosphere is the farthest distance the solar wind can reach."

"But this does not mean that the traveler has rushed out of the solar system. Because the effective gravitational range of the solar system reaches the Oort Cloud, only when it gets there, it can be regarded as truly entering the outer deep space."

"And with its current speed of 17 kilometers per second, it will have to fly for at least 30,000 years."

"That's the same sentence. The universe is so big that any civilization will despair."

During the speech, the relative speed between Chen Yu and the detector successfully reached 0 meters per second, UU Reading immediately rode on the metal frame supporting the antenna under the gaze of all the audience.

"There may be some friends who want to ask, since the traveler can only fly out of the solar system for 30,000 years, why should it be necessary to intercept it?"

Putting a finger up, Chen Yu solemnly said: "Of course it is necessary. Because of caution and attitude."

"The sight of 1,400 light years away, we will be able to take clear pictures after the 22nd century. Who can guarantee that these two detectors will be acquired by alien civilizations in ways other than human imagination? The possibility of exposure, no matter how small the possibility is, is not as safe as zero probability.".

"Although there is a civilization that has built such a large galactic internet on Tabby, it proves that alien creatures have the willingness to communicate friendly. However, the existence of a very aggressive and hostile civilization is also inevitable."

"It's not easy for human beings to survive until now. From now on, being cautious about the universe is to be responsible for their ancestors and their children."



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