Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 301: Humans are Tiehanhan (Part 2)

The Chronicle of Time and Space Evaluation Volume Chapter 201 Human beings are Tiehanhan riding on the "body" of the traveler, and Chen Yu's explanation comes to an end.

Holding the metal frame with both hands, he flipped and looked for it, and finally found the golden record between the two suspected exhaust fans.

At this time, the probe is more than 120 astronomical units from the sun. But the faint sunlight on the disc still flashed an exceptionally bright golden light.

"found it."

Reaching out and stroking the surface of the golden record, Chen Yu manipulated the camera to get closer, allowing the audience to see the uneven texture of every place on it.

"This thing is the traveler's iconic golden record. It is exactly the same as the online photo. Hey, it's so strong that it can't be buckled."

After tentatively pulling a few times, he found that the CD was stuck in the round frame. He simply slammed his fist on the right side and removed the tape frame.

[Ahahaha, nasa is crying. 】

[The fixing frame is alloy, right? The main strength of up is so big? 】

[Heavenly justice! 】

[See how happy travelers are smiling. 】

[Nasa: Is there still a king? Is there still a law? 】

Lifting the golden record, Chen Yu showed it in front of the camera, saying: "This record is very strong, really made of gold. The total playing time in it is 2 hours, of which the music occupies one hour and the remaining one Hours, there were greetings in 55 languages, 115 photos. And the most important information is these more than 100 photos."

"And in order to prevent aliens from being incomprehensible and incomprehensible due to cultural differences, the NASA Space and Aeronautics and Space Administration also thoughtfully made a manual on the surface of the record. These are the patterns."

"But the leaders of Nasa may be afraid that the aliens they will attract are not strong enough. They encrypt the instructions layer by layer, and they can only crack them if they have knowledge above the quantum level."

"First of all, the two small **** on the lower right." Chen Yu stretched out his finger and pointed to a pair of strange circular symbols at the lower right corner of the record: "This is the first step in cracking and reaching a language consensus. The circle on the left represents antiparallelism. State. The circle on the right represents the parallel state. The vertical line in the middle of the circle is protons, the outer line is electrons, and the horizontal line in the middle represents 1 unit of time."

"This pattern expresses the spin transition diagram of the hydrogen element. When the spin direction of the element electrons and protons is the same from the opposite transition path, electromagnetic waves will radiate in the middle. The reason why hydrogen is used is because in the universe It has the widest, simplest, and most common distribution."

"It can also be seen from here that the way of thinking of humans and aliens is astonishingly consistent from a scientific point of view! Tabby's triangle orbit is also based on the hydrogen element."

With a move of his finger, Chen Yu pointed to the second pattern: "The second step to crack is the rows of dashes, which show the total duration of the record in binary, and the duration of the record playing one lap from the outside. Just combine One unit of time for the hydrogen element in the front can calculate the correct rate of playing the record and complete the audio cracking."

"As for the picture, it becomes very difficult to crack. But as long as the front can be deciphered, the latter is just a matter of time. As long as this step is reached, all the secrets of mankind will be exposed to the aliens."

"Such as: mathematical calculation methods, dna genetic information, detailed diagrams of the human body, reproduction methods, real data of the solar system, earth data, social forms... etc. 115 pictures. Especially the last one, pointing to the sun through 14 line segments It’s 14 pulses. As long as you find three of them, you can pinpoint the location of the earth."

"According to other deconstructed maps and DNA genetic information about humans, alien civilizations do not even need to send fleets. As long as they develop viruses that target humans, our civilization can be wiped out."

"just now……"

Holding the golden record, Chen Yu smashed it hard: "It's impossible."

[Simply committing suicide. 】

[Human nature is so irony...]

[Actually, Nasa never thought that an alien civilization would discover the record because the flight speed was too slow. It may be thinking that after the extinction of humans, travelers represent the only evidence that humans have existed. 】

[Why not engrave the QR code? 】

Throwing away the fragmented record, Chen Yu kicked the probe off the course with a strong kick, and the whole person began to slow down slowly.

"The Voyager II will solve it, and I will use a simple method to solve the remaining one."

"Um...Here, I still have to say something to Nasa. I'm sorry to destroy your two detectors. If you need it, I will compensate you for this loss. Or make up for it in other ways."

"Unconsciously, mankind has barely entered the space age, and many concepts and thoughts have to be changed. This time the existence of extraterrestrial civilization is confirmed. Presumably the whole social thinking and conflicts will also undergo earth-shaking changes."

"Humans are not alone. So curiosity should be collected. In the complex deep ocean, we still don't know what the rules are. For the survival of all mankind, a cautious attitude is everything."

"I believe that as I evaluate more and more products and higher technological content, the strength of the earth will become stronger and stronger. The huge galaxy will always have a place for us as humans!"

[Great! ! 】

[Suddenly the animal's blood is boiling. 】

[See what you can...]

【In my lifetime, I hope to see mankind rule the entire universe. 】

[Even if you become a bastard, you won't see that day. 】

[Hurry up and upgrade the privileges, anchor! When I have Foil in hand, I have the Milky Way! 】

[Shall we be cheating? 】

[This operation is very embarrassing. 】

[Sao Ge Ba Ba! The universe is so big and the technology is so wide, there will definitely be more civilized civilization...]

Before returning to the portal, he operated and shuttled to the space directly in front of Voyager 1. Then the space is docked to the Earth’s atmosphere.

In less than three minutes, a probe similar to Voyager 2 rushed in, but in the blink of an eye, the huge body collided with the metal arch, shattering the earth’s atmosphere falling into the space film, and quickly rubbing against the gas. Burned to ashes.

During the whole process, the arch did not move, like being knocked by an egg...

"All resolved."

Patting the non-existent dust in his hands, Chen Yu glanced at the debris floating in the sky, stepped into the portal, and returned to the space where the telescope was located urged the engine to move up to the first ten meters, he Looking up and down the yellow sphere, nodded: "It seems that the shooting of Tabby's star has been completed. Here again, I would like to remind everyone that the spot-type astronomical telescope is not an observation device in the traditional sense. It receives designated stars. Optical information is filled by computer simulation, rendering limited information and creating virtual images."

"Therefore, the images shown next are not 100% real, and there may be large errors. But in general, the correct rate should be above 70%."

After that, in the eyes of countless people's expectation, Chen Yu held up the spotlight telescope, slide the console, and after working for a few seconds, press the start option!

The dark deep space suddenly projected a huge photograph of fifty meters long and forty meters high!

The shocking scene inside attracts the eyes of 50 million spectators, creating a stormy sea!

[Fuck! 】

[Fuck! 】


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