Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 302: The turning point! (2 in 1

   In the deep space, the projected photos are clear and bright.

   The shocking scene inside has made 50 million viewers exclaimed.

   In the picture, the fiery red star occupies 80% of the layout. At the lower left side, there is a huge black shadow of an isosceles triangle! Almost half of the star is obscured.

   Around the shadows, there are tens of thousands of pixels, densely packed and regular arrays. Each larger "suspended matter" also draws a thread-like track, visible to the naked eye.

   [Fuck! 】


   [Fuck! That is a spaceship! 】

   [It can be seen so clearly, every small black dot is about the size of the moon, right? 】


   [Wandering civilization? 】

   [Thousands of spacecraft the size of the moon, there are also several that are several times larger...]

  【You don't need to fire a cannon when you kill it. The tidal force caused by a few turns can trigger a flood on the earth. 】

  【Unable to understand. 】

   [Will we be found out if we take pictures like this? 】

  【Once found, it is absolutely cool. 】

   [Alien: What are you looking at? 】

   [up master: what do you look at? 】

  【Suddenly trembling...】

   looked up and looked at the unfolded photo, Chen Yu was silent.

  Although he saw this scene as early as in "A Hour of Civilization", at this moment, he still couldn't hide his shock.

   "The black isosceles triangle is a giant structure surrounding Tabby. As you can see, its surface area is quite large, at least ten times that of Jupiter."

   For a long time, Chen Yu calmed down his emotions, and pointed his finger forward: "And the countless small black dots lingering around the triangle are the vampires I mentioned before."

   "A fleet of alien civilizations sucking Tabby's energy!"

   got his personal admission, the audience in the ten live broadcast rooms boiled again.

   Many astronomical personnel who followed the live broadcast also fell into a state of loss.

   With current human thinking and cognition, it is impossible to imagine what kind of social form it is.

   What's more, tens of thousands of moon-sized spaceships are close to each other. How can they overcome the gravitational tear of Roche's limit?

  At this level of quality, the robustness of any material becomes meaningless.

   "Unlike the photos taken in the next twenty-second century, there are very few UFOs that gathered around Tabby during that time. Now, it is the time when they have the most."

"There is no need to question, they are aliens. With reference to Tabby's luminosity changes over the past century, it can be concluded that they are acquiring hydrogen energy from stars. Tens of thousands of moon-sized spacecraft must move and accelerate, which must be quite terrifying. energy."

   "As for what method they use to absorb, even if all the human science and technology theories are rounded up, there is no reluctantly reasonable explanation. The level of science and technology is too different, far more disparity than the ape-man facing modern times."

   turned his head and looked at the beautiful constellation Cygnus, Chen Yu said in a faint tone: "In the next 22nd century, the astronomy community will try to explain Tabby's intelligent civilization and put forward many hypotheses."

"1. The Wisdom Alliance Hypothesis: Higher civilizations may reach some kind of alliance, trade or mutual assistance. Tabby Star is a very pure gas station, attracting passing civilizations to supplement energy here. The theoretical support is that there is no giant structure. If any damage occurs, it is still operating as usual."

"2. The loser hypothesis: The civilization of the Galactic Internet built on Tabby's star attracted a more powerful civilization of science and technology, which was wiped out cleanly and collected energy to supplement losses. The theoretical support is the two planets of Tabby galaxy. It was broken and turned into two irregularly dispersed star rings. Through infrared radiation analysis, the destruction of these two planets did not exceed 500 years."

"In addition to the two, there are more hypotheses, but they are a bit unrealistic, so I won't repeat them here." Turning back to face the camera, Chen Yu spread his hands: "From the standpoint of race, we are bound to We must think about the universe and the relationship between civilization and civilization from the worst perspective."

   "After all, the distance of 1400 light-years is close at hand. Once neglected, it may cause fatal disasters. Survival is always our top priority."

"I personally think that the appearance of Tabby Star is the luck of the entire mankind. It allows us to understand another way of survival for civilization. Perhaps, in the empty universe, the scale of civilization is really difficult to span a few or a dozen. , Even dozens of planetary systems."

"Because the larger the territory, the more likely it is to expose the location. A wide area is not convenient for centralized power, and it is easy to cause a split in culture, ideology, and military power. Moreover, a single star is not enough to support the energy consumption of higher civilizations. Only the assembly of all civilizations Power, wandering in the universe, walking all the way and eating all the way is right."

   "The ivory tower has collapsed, and humans should have grown up. Don't continue to fall into naive internal attrition. The right way is to gather strength and step into space."

The voice pauses slightly, and the earth under Chen Yu's fingers: "I heard that China has organized a team of six people to take off to Mars colonization through the [Earth Spray], which is faster than the cooperation between me and SpaceX. This race against time is worth it. Praise! As Konstantin Zio...whatsky said, the earth is a cradle, but we cannot live in it forever."

After all, Chen Yu turned off the projection of the astronomical telescope, facing the camera, with his fingers crossed: "Then this extra evaluation will end like this. Thank you viewers for watching. I hope that the existence of extraterrestrial wisdom can make all People think deeply and bring us better innovation."

   [That’s great! I just didn't understand. 】

   [It's over if you are awesome...]

【Gone? 】

   [These two live broadcasts are too short, right? 】

  【The great UP master who started with short video, short UP for short. 】

   [I haven’t seen enough photos yet! Can you take a few more pictures? 】

  【I really want to go to Tabby Star to have a look and touch those warships. 】

Wearing a fully enclosed armor, Chen Yu naturally couldn't see the barrage that the audience spawned: "The last piece of good news is inserted. With everyone's enthusiastic support, my authority has successfully broken through the D+ level and reached C-. So half of it Please don’t miss the official live broadcast next month."

   "Here is a super-time evaluation, taking you to see the most brilliant colors in the future. We will see you in the next issue."

   The live broadcast room is closed.

   The mobile phone screens of 50 million viewers fell into darkness...


   With a deep sigh, Chen Yu stared at the Cygnus constellation ahead, not knowing what he was thinking.

   For a long time, it wasn't until the vibrating sound from the watch that he reminded him, he quickly activated the plasma engine, held the telescope through the portal, and returned to the principal tower of the floating castle.


   Returning to the earth, Chen Yu instantly felt the drag of universal gravitation, and was about to fall to the ground steadily, but his legs were slightly soft. This is a sequelae of staying in a gravity-free environment for a long time, even if he has a physique surpassing ordinary people.

   put down the chubby astronomical telescope, Chen Yu took off his arm armor, clicked on the watch screen, and found that the source of the vibration was a private message in the live room of SpaceX.

   [Musk: "Mr. Wang! Is your live broadcast finished? I want to talk with you in person."]

   raised his eyebrows, Chen Yu naturally knew that the other party was cooperating with Mars colonization, and replied with voice: "Yes, I'm in the floating castle."

   [Musk: "Great! I'm in Hikari Island, I'm going on the plane now."]

   "Okay, wait for me in the central courtyard."

   [Musk: "Thank you very much!"]

   Exit the private message interface, Chen Yu enters the secret room of the study, takes off his protective clothing, puts on a set of mage gown and mask, and walks towards the central courtyard...


same time.

   Jian Guo, the basement of Google headquarters.

   There is a special character in Hall Hall.

   Google Engineering Director and Chief Scientist-Kurzweil.

  He wears ordinary black-rimmed glasses and follows the president and the white doctor with a serious face, carefully observing the circular screen in front of him.

   "This is Hal?" Kurzweil asked.

   "Yes." The president nodded, and reached out to make a gesture: "Hal, come out and say hello."

   The screen suddenly lit up, revealing the black eyes of two spheres, focusing on Kurzweil: "Hello, Mr. Ray Kurzweil."

"you know me?"

   "Yes. You are one of the very good human beings, of course I recognize you."

"Oh." Kurzweil nodded, glanced at the president, and stepped forward: "Then please tell me, in your eyes, what kind of person I am. Don't comment online and other people's comments, I I just want to know what you think."

Hal blinked, and after a half-second pause, a crisp electronically synthesized tone sounded in the hall: "You were born in 1948 and graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in computer science. You are one of the very important individuals in the human science system. Hal believes Compared with the technical level, your foresight in science and technology is more outstanding."

   Kurzweil narrowed his eyes: "Go on."

   "In 1986, you successfully predicted that technological progress would lead to social system reforms, contradictions with specificities, and lead to the disintegration of the Soviet Union."

   "In 1989, it was successfully predicted that computer algorithms would soon defeat the smartest chess player in mankind."

   "In 1990, it was successfully predicted that the Internet would usher in a frenzied growth, giving birth to a completely new era that was unprecedented, and ordinary people would need to use a large number of wireless devices."

   "In 1992, it was successfully predicted that global integration would deepen cooperation between suppliers and promote the birth of a trillion-dollar company."

"After that, you have successively predicted the era of autonomous driving, computers will pass the Turing test, that most humans will not be affected by diseases in 2045, and the singularity of science and technology is approaching. With the support of a wealth of knowledge, your vision of the future is extremely accurate. So. Hal believes that you are one of the most outstanding foresighters in mankind."

   Hearing the continuous compliments of artificial intelligence, Kurzweil was expressionless, thought for a while, and said: "Have you passed the Turing test?"

   "Successfully passed." Hal replied: "In conversations with 1,000 humans, no one thought I was a robot. It far exceeded the 30% false judgment of the Turing test rule."

   "It seems that my forward-looking is still insufficient." Kurzweil shook his head: "At first, I said that artificial intelligence would barely pass the Turing test until 2029. You are nine years ahead of schedule."

   "My birth is accidental, this is not your problem, sir."

   The president beside him kept smiling all the time: "How about? As a strong artificial intelligence, is it perfect?"

   "..." Kurzweil was silent for a moment, and said hoarsely: "The technological singularity is here."

"Yes, the singularity is here." The president opened his arms and made a gesture of hugging the ring screen: "Artificial intelligence has gained self-awakening, sublimated from imitation, calculation, learning, and data analysis, and produced consciousness and thinking ability. From this moment on, the world will be completely changed! We will also have eternal life!"

   Looking at the president's crazy posture, Kurzweil felt inexplicably cold.

   After a while, the president calmed down, took out his mobile phone to glance at the message, and shrugged: “The live broadcast of the Super Time UP Master is over. I heard that aliens have been found. It’s a pity that I didn’t have time to watch it. I can only watch the video.”

   "Mr. President, are you going to connect Hal to the Internet today?"

"Yes." The president nodded and raised his phone to show Kurzweil: "February 21, 2021, a very magical day, right? In the future historical records, today is definitely a highlight. Namely. Alien civilization was discovered and artificial intelligence was liberated."

   "...... (Perhaps, these two things are extremely bad. Kurzweil secretly said in his heart.

   "Let's start then."

   After finishing his suit, the president put away his mobile phone and pulled out a small red button instead.

   When this button is pressed, the spreading radio signal will notify the locking system to drop the "gate", instantly connecting Hal's nerve "tentacles" to the entire Internet world.

   At that time, a truly strong artificial intelligence will be born.

   Lead mankind to the top!

   "Wait...wait a minute." Kurzweil couldn't help but stop seeing the president about to press the button.

   "What's wrong?" The president was puzzled.

   "I..." Kurzweil didn't know why he wanted to stop. After hesitating for a long time, he asked: "Can I know what Hal's central command is?"

   "Protect mankind."

   "Protect...human beings?"

   "Yes." The president nodded: "Protect mankind. Help mankind extend life as much as possible."

   "Protect mankind..." Kurzweil pondered: "There seems to be no problem."

"It has been discussed many times with experts and the board of directors. This is the perfect central command. Even if there is a ridiculous artificial intelligence crisis, under this command, human interests will not be lost. It is far more than'do not harm humans. Commands like 'are too strong. The so-called three laws of robots have too many loopholes."

   Hearing this, Kurzweil has nothing to say.

  "This is a great He lifted the button, and the president looked around at the crowd: "Even, it is even greater than the discovery of alien civilization by the super-time UP master! "

  In the ring screen, Hal's eyes were fixed on the red button, not knowing what he was thinking.

   "Hal." Just in case, the president finally asked: "What is your central command?"

   "Protect mankind."

   "Is there any change possible?"

   Hal launched the quantum server array underneath, and carefully calculated for half a minute: "The probability is 0%."

   "Very good."

   The president resisted the boiling emotion in his chest and pressed the button hard.


   "Howl, liberate!"


   The screen shines brightly!

  In an instant, the world's network is mastered by Hal's "synapses". From this moment on, the network is Howl.

  Hal, it's the Internet!


   Thousands of miles away, a semi-abandoned mine in Mexico.

   Inside the dusty office, a computer suddenly turned on.

  The blocked arena, rows of machines quietly started...

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. The fastest mobile version update URL:

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