Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 307: 10th live broadcast (preface)

On March 1, all schools in Jinzhou City opened.

At 7:30 in the morning, Chen's No. 4 finished breakfast, left the house and went to school together.

As usual, Chen Yu carried the schoolbags of himself and his three sisters, like a self-walking shelf of human nature, leading the way.

"Ah... why does time pass so fast."

Walking into the elevator, Chen Erke pouted dissatisfiedly, "Winter vacation homework has not been finished yet."

"Are you embarrassed to say?" Chen Yike squinted. "You have been playing with your mobile phone during the whole holiday. Waiting to be picked up by the head teacher to call.

"Impossible! I am the monitor, and I check my homework during winter and summer vacations. How can I let others know that I haven't done my homework?"

"Aren't you afraid of spot checks by the teacher?"

"When the time comes, just find a classmate's homework and write my name." Chen Erke straightened his chest, complacent, and was clearly prepared.

"Miscellaneous for private use of public power." Chen Yu despised "Do you still have a student like you now?"

"Then did you do your winter homework?" Chen Erke was not convinced.

"Oh, I haven't done homework since kindergarten." Chen Yu's nostrils turned into the sky.

Chen Erke "..."

Chen Yike helped his forehead, "Is there anything to be proud of?"

"Wow!" Chen Sanke applauded, "Brother is amazing!"

"It's okay. The main thing is to test perseverance and resistance."

"Don't teach bad kids, hello?!"

Get out of the elevator and follow the planned route, but within five minutes, four people arrive at the kindergarten where Chen Sanke is located.

Stopping, Chen Yu put his schoolbag on Chen Sanke's back and patted her little head, "Go to school, listen to the teacher's words, have fun, and be careful not to fall."

"Ang!" Nodding heavily, Chen Sanke walked into the school gate staggeringly with two short legs.

"Let's go."

Watching as the youngest was led by the female teacher, Chen Yu relaxed, turned and continued to lead the way.

Seven or eight minutes later, the three arrived at the bustling elementary school gate.

"Take it." Passing the schoolbag in his right hand to Chen Erke, Chen Yu hooked his finger, "Bring the phone."

"Huh?" Chen Erke took the schoolbag and took a step back. "I didn't take my mobile phone."

"Fart, get it quickly."

"I really didn't bring it." Chen Erke said, "Students' vocation is to study hard. They are all in school. How could I bring my mobile phone to delay studying?"

"Do you believe this?"

"……Do not believe."

"Bring it."

"Um..." Chen Erke bit her lip, tangled for a long time, untied her trousers, and reluctantly took out her mobile phone from her crotch.

"..." Chen Yu was dumbfounded.

Chen Yike couldn't bear to look straight.

"Here." Putting the phone in Chen Yu's hand, Chen Erke turned angrily and ran into the campus, but disappeared.

"...This sister can't ask for it."



After sending off the three sisters, Chen Yu walked through the four traffic lights along the straight road and arrived at Jinzhou No. 6 High School.

Entering the second class of the second year, the classroom is as usual.

Those who eat snacks, scatter dog food, brag, and watch cartoons are stably showing the six styles.

"Hey! Brother Chen is here?"

On the balcony by the window, Li Liang touched his bald head and greeted warmly "Happy New Year."

Chen Yuwen went to prestige, and squinted his eyes, "Is the school installing balcony lights?"

"Your mouth is less and less personal."

"How was your winter vacation?" Sitting on the chair, Chen Yu dropped his schoolbag and raised Erlang's legs. "The unicorn arm looks much stronger."

"That's better than grinding Tie Zhu into a needle." Li Liang lifted his pants.

"Tsk tusk, my toothache is sour."

"Sand sculpture."

"Mentally retarded..."

After a long time of sympathy with a good friend whom he hadn't seen for a long time, and expressed his profound friendship, Chen Yu opened his schoolbag and blew out "Huh!"

The dust was flying around.

"Bah." Li Liang said contemptuously. "Since the holiday, you haven't read the book inside, right?"

"Have you seen it during holidays?" Chen Yu raised an eyebrow.

Li Liang patted his schoolbag triumphantly, "I have never seen it before."

"Cut." A male student in the back seat rolled his eyes, "Like someone who has seen it before."

"Textbooks?" The female student on the right raised her hand, "I haven't read it either."

"It's so quiet in class to read a book without using mobile phones? Are you ill?"

"Book? What is a book?"

Seeing that the students around him started to discuss academic issues, Chen Yu nodded with satisfaction, "Sixth Middle School is the hope of mankind..."

After finishing the book, Chen Yu leaned back on the chair and closed his eyes for a short break, listening to the content of the students' exchanges quietly.

The further improvement of his physique has made him better hearing, even the conversation of the next class can be heard clearly.

Not surprisingly, almost all the students were discussing China's upcoming Mars landing activities.

This matter has become the focus of global discussion.

But with his excellent hearing ability, he also heard the whispers of some people lowering their voices. Among them, the frequency of "overtime evaluation" was very high.

Obviously, the official information blockade completely failed in his wave of live broadcast "impacts."

Next, in each issue of the evaluation program, the number of viewers may explode exponentially!

"One step counts one step..."

"Hey, Brother Chen." Not long after, Li Liang suddenly jumped off the balcony and got close to Chen Yu. "Have you heard? The head teacher of our class has changed."


"I heard it was a woman, it seems to be transferred from the province."

"I said who was the original head teacher?"


"I can't remember, who?"

"...Chinese teacher, man."

"Oh! He." Chen Yu still closed his eyes and nodded. "It's good to change away. Last year, I was brainwashed by singing in exams. Now I sleep from time to time and play back'I and my motherland can't be separated for a moment'. "

Observing left and right eyes, Li Liang stuck to Chen Yu's ear, lowered his voice, and said what he really wanted to talk about: "Brother Chen, do you know that our national rocket is going to Mars?"

"Nothing you don't know." Chen Yu opened his eyes and flashed by.

"Actually, there is an inside story!" Li Liang's voice was lower, and his eyebrows were winked mysteriously. "Do you know the super-time evaluation?"

"I know." Chen Yu nodded.

"Huh?" Li Liang was stunned.

"I said I know."

" did you know?"

"Xing Biqi told me before."

"Just... the normal plot development, you shouldn't know it! Then ask me, I will show off for a while and tell you the truth hidden in the world, you start to be shocked..."

"You read a lot of third-rate Internet articles, right? You think you can't tell the readers by making up the word count so blatantly?" Chen Yu patted the table.


"Is there anything else? It's okay to get out."

Seeing Li Liang strayed away with a big bald head, Chen Yu yawned, took out the specially purchased sponge earplugs from his pocket, blocked his ears, and was about to sleep back to sleep, a faint smell came from the tip of his nose. wind.

"Xing Biqi?"

Chen Yu opened his eyes again and saw the slim girl.

"Chen Yu, it's been a long time." Xing Biqi's face was ruddy and smiled happily.

"Well, long time no see."

He raised his hand perfunctorily, and Chen Yu pointed to Xing Biqi's Chinese lunch box, "Bring it for me?"

"Yeah!" Xing Biqi nodded vigorously, took off the lunch box, and slowly opened it on the table, revealing the rich breakfast inside. "I made it this morning, try it."

"So many styles?"

"Hey." The girl lightly stretched her hair. "This is puff, this is fruit skewers, it is siumai, this is vegetable buns, and there are fried eggs with tomato sauce..."


Chen Yu hadn't reacted yet, but Li Liang couldn't help but swallowed his saliva. "Eating so much oil in the morning is not afraid of stomach trouble."

"I'm going to oil." Xing Biqi retorted, and then he was taken aback, "Huh? Someone on the balcony!"


"By the way, you are Li Liang! Are you still sitting on the balcony?"

"Made! Did you notice me?"

"No... I didn't pay attention." The girl scratched her head. "Student Li Liang, are you going to be a balcony nail house?"

"Envy me? Don't change the money!" Li Liang was immediately excited when he mentioned the seat. "On this throne, who can't take a high look at me? I can't buy it with money."

During the conversation between the three, a tall woman wearing a teacher's uniform walked into the classroom. From her angle of looking up, she saw Li Liang dancing and dancing "Who is lighting a lamp there?"

Li Liang "?"

"Closed!" the female teacher yelled, "Isn't your eyes dazzling in broad daylight?"

Li Liang "..."

Stepping onto the podium, the female teacher put her leather bag on the table and said loudly, "Classmates, from today onwards, I will be your new head teacher. It is not long before the college entrance examination. I hope that during this time, the students can follow my plan... …Why is the light bulb still on?!"

The whole class turned their heads at the same time and squinted at Li Liang's big bald head.

"Old...teacher." Li Liangnane raised his hand, "Are you talking about me again?"

"Huh?" The female teacher squinted her eyes, took out the myopia and put it on, looking intently, surprised "It turned out to be a head?"

Li Liang "Unexpectedly?!"

"a ha ha ha!"



There was a burst of laughter in the classroom.

"Quiet!" The female teacher picked up the blackboard eraser and patted the blackboard vigorously. "Shut up! Who will laugh at the classroom for another month."

The noise was gradually suppressed. She gently pushed down her glasses and said solemnly, "This classmate, please sit back to your original position. Class is about to begin."

"Teacher, this is my seat."

Hearing that, the female teacher's expression became subtle, she took out the ruler from her bag, walked to the window sill step by step, and looked up and down "What's your name?"

"Li...Li Liang." Li Liang felt a little uncomfortable and shrank himself.

"Student Li Liang, please stretch out your palm."


"Stretch out."


"Do you not stretch?" The female teacher raised the ruler.

Li Liang stretched out his hand tentatively, and the ruler fell down instantly, but did not make a real shot, only stuck it between his palms.

"Student Li Liang, repeat what you just said."

"I... this is my seat."

Hearing Li Liang really dared to repeat, the female teacher's eyes flashed fiercely, and the ruler fell fiercely.



Grabbing Li Liang's palm, the female teacher once again stuck the ruler on his palm "Where is your seat?"

"Just... right here."




"Teacher! Listen to me... Ow!"


"That's it, I... Whoops!"

"Where?" The female teacher became more and more angry. "Where is your seat?"

"Grandma!" Li Liang was about to cry. "My seat is really right here... Ow!"

"Old... teacher." Xing Biqi couldn't stand it anymore, weak and weak. "Li Liang's seat is on the balcony. His table is no longer in the class."

"Oh?" The female teacher was stunned. "Is that right?"

"Yeah. He used to sit here, but after I turned around, there was no place, so the head teacher let him sit on the balcony."

"So that's it." Withdrawing the ruler silently, the female teacher thought nothing had happened before and walked back to the podium.

Li Liang got angry and raised his palm, "It's a white shot?"

After a slight pause, the female teacher returned and raised her paddle blankly and "stretched her hand."

"No stretch."

"If you don't stretch it, it won't be used for school tomorrow."

"You don't need to go to school?" Hearing this, Li Liang's grievance disappeared, and he was surprised "Really?"

"You can try."

"That's great!"

Female teacher "?"

"Teacher, what you say counts." Li Liang quickly took out his phone and clicked on the recording function. "Say it again."

"Don't you understand what I mean?" The female teacher sternly said, "If you don't stretch out your hand, you can go home!"

"Understood. But you have to give me a certificate to prove that you gave me the holiday."

Female teacher "?"

"Teacher." A male student in the back seat raised his hand, "Can you take me one?"

Female teacher "???"

"I also want!"

"And I."

"It's better not to leave homework."

Facing the temptation, Chen Yu couldn't help but raised his hand, "Give me one as well."

The female teacher was instantly confused.

Standing in place for a long time, the female teacher looked around and couldn't believe "Are you sick?"

"Can I take a vacation if I am sick?"

"My head hurts these days, can I not go to school tomorrow, teacher?"

"Cough! Cough cough cough..."

The female teacher who was transferred to the school obviously didn't understand the school spirit of No.6 High School. She thought that her classmates were disarming her, her face was stiff, and she clenched a paddle and patted Li Liang's thigh.



"Who wants a holiday?!" The female teacher roared, "Leave now! I will give him half a year off! Let's go!"

When the booing students saw that the head teacher was really angry, they were naturally confused.

But the second class is really tough...


I saw Chen Yu suddenly got up, picked up his schoolbag and ran wildly, disappearing at the door of the classroom like a gust of wind under the stunned gaze of the female teacher.

"Don't lose the chicken!"

"You can't lose the chicken..."

Chen Yu trembled with excitement, his two long legs moved faster and faster, but within three minutes he rushed out of the school building, climbed over the school fence, and disappeared into the crowd...

"Just... who ran out just now?"

In the classroom of Class 2 of the second year, the female teacher recovered and hurriedly crouched on the balcony to look around.

"His name is Chen Yu." Zhen Congming, who was sitting in the front row, immediately informed.

"He..." Xing Biqi looked worried and opened his mouth, but said nothing.

"Chen Yu..."

After reciting a few words in a low voice, the female teacher looked ashen, walked back to the balcony, and slapped her hand ruler on the podium table, "I don't believe in a high school student, really dare to play truant?! Wait! The whole class! He won't come back. Class! Waiting!"


Nearly half a month passed.

The snow melts and the spring flowers bloom.

The sun and the moon alternate more than a dozen times, and it comes to the Sunday in March.

The eyes of the world are once again focused on the webcast rooms.

Private forums with bolder courage have even put up the front page of "Super Time Evaluation".

Internet bans are gradually loosening...

.. ..

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