Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 308: National frenzy! Official evaluation of the 10th issue! (on)

No matter what difficulties you encounter, don't be afraid, face her with a smile.

The best way to eliminate trouble is to face it.

Only when you are positive can you win!


At 8:30 on Sunday morning, Chen Yu took the initiative and knocked on Chen Yike's door.

"What are you doing?" Chen Yike asked the probe when he opened the door a small slit.

"Enter the room." Chen Yu couldn't help but got into the room and locked the door.

"Um..." Chen Yike was a little flustered, and quickly retreated to the bed: "Brother, you...what are you doing to lock the door?"

Chen Yu was silent, but slowly took out a big stick from his pants pocket, but replaced words with actions.

"Then... what is that?"

"Huh!" Inflate hard, and the purple stick instantly expanded ten times.

Chen Yike's pupils shrank suddenly.

"Yes." Chen Yu slowly stroked the big stick, expressionless: "Your guess is correct all the time. I, Chen Yu, is the legendary super-space-up master, evaluating future technology products and bringing them to mankind. change."

"Sure enough..." Chen Yike gradually calmed down, her big eyes gleaming strangely: "I knew that there was no problem with my reasoning! It really was you! Originally, I was thinking about going to your room after the over-time evaluation starts today. Expose it, you never thought you would admit it yourself."

"Actually, you already exposed me a few months ago."


"But what's the use?" Chen Yu smiled and raised the amnesia stick: "You, after all, are just a mortal. In the face of absolute technology, hard work is meaningless, don't struggle, there are too many truths in the world. Can't reveal. My stupid sister Yo..."

"do not……"


The big stick fell, and Chen Yike's eyes rolled white, lying down on the bed and fell into a coma.

Putting away the amnesia stick, Chen Yu looked up and down at his sister's whiteboard figure, and sighed: "Sufficient nutrition when I was a child is too important. Look at Xing Biqi, how old is he than you? Tsk."

As he said, he took out the hypnotic rattle from his trouser pocket and shook it gently three times in Chen Yike's ear.

"Ding Dong..."

The invisible radio waves spread slowly in a wave-like shape, reflected in the bedroom, and quickly merged with the brain waves spilled by Chen Yike.

"You, saw the sea." Chen Yu said softly: "Lying on the soft sand, falling asleep."


"You are tired, sleepy, tired, go to sleep! You won't wake up from your dream in three hours..."

After completing hypnosis, Chen Yu returned to the living room, sat on the sofa, picked up the yogurt, opened the seal and drank it.

"Origin... it turned out to be you!" Chen Erke, who was lying on the sofa and playing with his mobile phone, stared at this scene and said, "So you eat all the snacks for the third child?!"

After drinking yogurt, Chen Yu took out his amnesia stick and knocked on Chen Erke's forehead: "You know too much."



Putting the milk can into Chen Erke's arms, Chen Yu walked back to his bedroom, hiding his merit and fame...


"Mr. Chen, can I also go to this live broadcast?!" Seeing Chen Yu entering the house, Xiao Taohong immediately moved forward.


Chen Yu nodded, bent down and pulled out two sets of clothes from the bottom of the bed, and handed out the cheongsam among them: "This is the first evaluation of the c-level. I don't know what the product is sent, so I must bring you. Maybe I need to help."

"No problem!" Xiao Taohong put on her clothes excitedly: "With me, I will ensure that your live broadcast goes smoothly, Mr. Chen."

Hearing that, Chen Yu's action in the suit was paused: "Why suddenly feel that this evaluation may not go smoothly?"


"Can you not set up this kind of fg in the future?"


Putting on his robe, Chen Yu picked up the Peking Opera mask and put it on. He stood on the camera and observed for a few moments. He did not find any omissions, so he walked to the portal and started the operation: "This review is not on the floating island anymore. Change to another place. It’s aesthetically fatigued to always go to a place to broadcast live."

Xiao Taohong also put on a good cheongsam, and suggested: "Go to Dongzhong, I heard it is very lively."

"...Makes sense!"

Two surprising brain circuits reached an agreement and connected the space neatly to the Khanate in East China.


Three seconds later, when the docking was completed, Chen Yu opened the portal and stepped out.

The jet lag in the Khanate was earlier than China, and the sky was just getting bright at this time.

Randomly found a clean stone and sat down, he raised his wrist and looked at the time.

8:50 in the morning.

"Mr. Chen, it's not lively here at all." Xiao Taohong followed in, picked up a bullet case on the ground, and frowned: "Isn't it a fight?"

Chen Yu was too lazy to answer, looked around, took out his phone and tapped into the WeChat interface to send a message.

[Chen Yu: "In?"]

[Promotion: "Mr. Chen, the products in this issue are slightly larger and are not suitable for delivery to your home. But your current location is right, so please wait. Any questions?"]

[Chen Yu: "'s gone."]

[Promotion: "Then I wish you a smooth live broadcast, goodbye."]

[Chen Yu: "I have it again."]

[Promotion: "Please let go. (smile]

[Chen Yu: "Please let it go?"]

[Promotion: "Please tell me."]

[Chen Yu: "That's the case. I have always been more concerned about the product that can cause the destruction of the solar system. After this review is over, can the next issue be sent?"]

[Promotion: "Sorry, Mr. Chen, that product is too dangerous. You have to accumulate at least one protective technology."]

[Chen Yu: "Then I understand. The products in this issue are protective, right?"]

[Promotion: "It's not a pure protective product, but it has certain protective capabilities. Mr. Chen, my signal seems to fluctuate, and I can't continue trading..."]

[Chen Yu: "Are you fooling a ghost?!"]

"Obviously, the authority has increased, but the disrespect for the widow is becoming less and less. Wait for the complaint."

With a slander, Chen Yu stood up and threw the phone back to the room, then disconnected the space and changed the shape to a metal arch familiar to people all over the world.

"Put the mask on, and the live broadcast will begin."

"Oh!" Xiao Taohong took out the mask from her chest and put it on.

"How did you stuff it in?"

Xiao Taohong knocked on the curved mask: "The shape is just right! Is there a problem?"


Time passed by every minute and every second.

When the number on the watch screen jumped to 8:55, Chen Yu immediately opened the live broadcast room without hesitation.

[The promotion live broadcast room is being opened...]

[All webcasting platforms in the world have been opened! 】

8.64 million million.

88.77 million people...

Permission is open, thousands of live webcast rooms, and ips from all regions of the world are flooded at the same time.

The number of people broke 100 million in an instant...


Chen Yu's scalp is numb.

Although I know that the number of viewers in this review may be a lot. But the amount of 100 million was completely beyond his expectation.

Sure enough, once the restrictions on public opinion are released, the "contagiousness" is quite terrifying.

Such a terrifying increase in the number of people also proves that the network bans constructed by the governments of various countries with labor, material, financial, and energy have completely failed.

The era of hyper-spatial evaluation that set off a nationwide frenzy is officially here!

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