Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 309: National frenzy! Official evaluation of the 10th issue! (in)

Eastern Central and Khanate.

Chen Yu stood still, looking at the crazy beating numbers in the watch, his face stiff.

In just five seconds, the number of people has exceeded 100 million, reaching 110 million...

There are seven billion people in the world.

It means that one out of every seventy people is watching his live broadcast.

There is no doubt that at this moment, he Chen Yu is the individual with the highest attention in human civilization. Every move is enough to have a dramatic impact on the world.

The most cub on earth...

[Fuck? Fraud in advance? ! 】

[Oh la la la la! 】

【the first! 】

[First first! 】

[Is this the second element? Loved love. 】

[It's the tenth issue, so I know that there is still a time-space evaluation in the world...]

[It turns out that the truth lies in station b. 】

[There are also in Kuaijiao. 】

[Mygod! 】

[Female assistant! It turned out to be a female assistant! long time no see! 】

[Or my favorite cheongsam dress? (^_-)]

[The assistant is in good shape, and a gentleman is indispensable. 】

[This is the original super-time evaluation! 】

[Too many barrages! Fuck! Can't see anything. 】

After waiting for half a minute, the number of people officially exceeded 150 million, and the rate of increase gradually weakened.

Putting down his wrists, Chen Yu straightened his waist and looked at the camera, pressing down the tension in his heart that hadn't arisen for a long time, pushing the mask, and the opening speech in a deep voice: "All friends in the live broadcast room, good morning."

"Here is the official live broadcast of the tenth phase of the Macross Evaluation. I am very happy to meet you. According to the data I have seen, there are currently 150 million viewers entering the live broadcast room, which is still rising. A fresh start."

"To be honest, I feel the pressure. Because the number of 100 million is not easy to ignore, and the ban on the Internet has completely failed, then any small move will be magnified by thousands of times, which is a test for me."

"Here, I deliberately opened the live broadcast room five minutes in advance, preparing to show two things first."

"One, thanks for the long-term support and help from the officials of various countries. The ban has lasted for nearly a year. This is not easy. The failure now is a success. Thank you."

After speaking, Chen Yu bowed slightly to the camera.

"Second, with the increasing number of viewers, the chain reaction has become more and more complicated, and the direct and indirect impact on human society cannot be ignored. I hope that all friends who follow "Cross-Time Evaluation" can watch every time calmly and peacefully. The first video, no matter how special the product is, how big it changes the world, it does not instigate, spread rumors, do not exaggerate, and does not chaos. It has always been taken seriously. I don’t want to treat anyone, Power and organization cause harm."

"The 150 million viewers in the live broadcast room... Oh, now it is 160 million, maybe one third of the old viewers. Then in the face of new friends, please allow me to introduce myself."

"I am a self-media owner who reviews future technology products. All the products reviewed are sent from the company in the future. The purpose is also very simple, it is to promote. This kind of live broadcast is called official evaluation, every month It will be done once. What everyone sees today belongs to the tenth issue."

"In addition to the formal evaluation, I will also conduct additional live broadcasts as appropriate. This is usually a supplement to the discovery of interesting or important future products. Each additional live broadcast time is generally updated on major platforms in advance, as long as you pay attention frequently , It will not fall."

"One point, the extra live broadcast will not make a sophisticated edited version of the video. If you miss it, you may never see it again. However, the current network ban has collapsed, and you should still be able to find the recorded version of netizens if you look carefully. I won't go into details here. ."

"The last sentence, I hope all friends can broaden their horizons and discover the charm of technology and humanities in "Super Time Evaluation". After self-introduction, we will directly start today's live broadcast."

After all, Chen Yu raised his wrist and glanced at his watch, and his tone returned to his usual stable tone: "It is now 8:59 am Beijing time, and in less than a minute, the products in the tenth evaluation will pass the wormhole. Landing and meet everyone."

[Can you see the hole again? 】

[Last time I was shocked. 】

[What kind of hole? 】

[It's big, round, flexible and cute. 】

【? ? ? 】

[Wait for future technology to appear. 】

[Why am I still nervous watching the live broadcast...]

[I feel that the number of people is more than 160 million. My family is watching it, but only one IP is used. 】

【wrong! I have two IPs here, one for my mobile phone and one for the cat. (funny)】

[Didn't it mean that the network ban has failed? Why is it deleted after I posted on the forum? 】

"Eight fifty nine minutes and fifty seconds, countdown. 9."



The whole world, regardless of individuals, community collectives, scientific research institutions, and official departments, are all focused at this moment. Even the Google president and the white doctor who were soaking in the Hall Hall temporarily gave up data observation and stood in front of the screen and waited quietly.

The tenth official live broadcast is not the same as the previous official live broadcast.

This is the first evaluation of the so-called c-level authority of the super-time-up master, and the technological content of its products will definitely exceed the levels of other products.





When the voice fell, Chen Yu suddenly raised his head and looked upward.

At the same time, a large circular hole suddenly opened in the white sky in the early morning! Expansion rapidly!

Ten meters.

Fifty meters.

One hundred meters!

In just two seconds, it expanded to 300 meters in diameter!

[Fuck! 】


[Is this a time-space wormhole? 】

[Always feel like I am dreaming. 】


[A bit like watching a science fiction blockbuster! 】

[If it weren't for the video, no one would believe this scene. 】

[Nima, is it possible to ucify a bullet screen? 】

At that time, the diameter of the empty wormhole reached 500 meters, and the expansion finally ended.

A huge black shadow slowly moved out of it...

"This is..." Chen Yu narrowed his eyes slightly.


For the first time, the transmission of the space-time wormhole made a strange sound.

But as long as you listen carefully, you can find that the sound comes from the shadows.

The sky is getting darker.

Strong wind, abruptly.

A sense of oppression that goes deep into the soul floods the hearts of all the audience.

Especially Chen Yu, who was at the scene, had cold sweat on his forehead.

Even the artificial intelligence Little Pink, the face under the mask gradually became serious.

This is not an illusion of consciousness.

But there really is a kind of "micro pressure" that exists on a physical level, slowly dissipating...



It seems to be the peculiarity of the shadow The space-time wormhole that has been stable, trembling slightly, touching the surrounding clouds, burst out with a deafening explosion.


Chen Yu took Xiao Taohong, stepped back, standing in front of the portal, ready to escape at any time.

Received dozens of future products and opened dozens of space-time wormholes. He has never seen such a strange sight.



Amidst the roars, the space-time wormhole finally "spit out" the product with difficulty.

With the help of sunlight, it can be clearly seen that the appearance of this huge a...dumbbell magnified thousands of times?

In other words, it is the vaginal bulb that a woman recovers after delivery...

"What the hell..."

"What is it..."

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