Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 319: Goodbye, solar system (middle)

"how is this possible?!"

Looking at the panting familiar figure on the other side of the portal, Chen Yu felt like five thunders, and instantly lost his hearing in both ears.

The person behind the door... turned out to be Xing Biqi? !

"Hello, UP Master, I...I'm Biblank Banner..." Xing Biqi squeezed his phone and bowed cautiously. "Can...Can you wait for another half a minute? My boyfriend is very... coming soon, and I have given him home Called..."


Frozen in place, Chen Yu has not completely recovered.

He couldn't imagine that one day, the world would be such a coincidence...

"One in 16 million!"

"Do not make jokes……"

Slowly raising his wrist, and looking again at the private message address given by Xing Biqi, Chen Yu's voice was slightly hoarse, "You...come in."

"Please... please, I will be here soon." Xing Biqi begged half-bent over.

"You come in first."


"Come in." Chen Yu's tone gradually became severe, and his momentum was restored.

Looking back at the street behind him, Xing Biqi bit his lip anxiously, but under Chen Yu's order, he still took a step. Amidst the gazes of many surrounding citizens, who were horrified, surprised, curious, or envious, walked through the space film and stood by Chen Yu. before.

More than ten minutes ago, when Xing Biqi heard his ID name being read out, he was so excited that he immediately thought of his sweetheart. I want to share this magical and romantic journey with him.

For this reason, she even set the address of the private message in the commercial street between the two.

While taking a taxi to the destination, he frantically called Chen Yu. But the reply received has been no one answered.

Then, she contacted Chen Yike's WeChat, sent countless text messages, and dialed countless video applications without any reply...

It wasn't until five or six minutes passed that Chen Yu's second sister was connected.


When Chen Erke saw that it was her, she turned black...


"Why can't I get in touch today!"

Xing Biqi clenched his small fist, his eyes full of chagrin.

Silently putting on his arm armor, Chen Yu tried to control himself not to pay too much attention to Xing Biqi.

In the live broadcast room, there were a total of 167 million people at this time, a mixed bag, and countless elite agents and elite experts. Any "abrupt" behaviors and actions may attract the attention of these people, and then implicate Xing Biqi, and discover his true identity from Xing Biqi as a breakthrough point.

"It's so coincidental. This address is too much, I thought it was just another citizen of Golden State..."

Turning quickly in his mind, he stepped forward, reaching out to press the option of closing the portal.

"Master U...UP! Please! His sister just gave me a message back, and she will be here soon!" While talking, Xing Biqi dialed Chen Yu's number.


The fingers stopped in the air for a quarter of a second, and Chen Yu raised his eyebrows and pressed them decisively.


The light on the walls of the metal arch went out, and the expanded space film slowly disappeared.

The portal is closed.

Xing Biqi slowly put down the phone, his face was desperate, and he bit his lip, a faint smell of blood filled his lips and teeth.


He patted the non-existent dust on his hands, and Chen Yu raised his head slightly. "This beauty, the interaction rules have already been said very well, and if you overtime, you will be deemed to have given up your qualifications automatically. I can adjust the position of the teleportation to the end for you. Make an exception."

"I...I know, I'm sorry." Xing Biqi lowered his head.

"In the live broadcast room, there are more than 100 million people waiting in front of the screen, and everyone's time is extremely precious, so any behavior that delays the progress of the program is not allowed. Switching the transmission order for you is also based on the premise of not extending the time. Go back to the team, the barrage group is on the left."

"Thank you." Xing Biqi took a deep breath and bowed to Chen Yu, then turned and walked towards the barrage group.

"Boyfriend..." Quietly watching Xing Biqi's back, Chen Yu thought about what she had said.


"Don't touch me!"

"You won't get pregnant if you touch it, and you won't get pregnant anymore."

"It doesn't matter whether you can get pregnant or not! Stay away from me!"

"You leaned in first, right? You deliberately lifted the skirt to seduce me."

"I just showed you, I didn't tell you to touch..."

Before Xing Biqi got in, a dispute broke out within the small team of the barrage group.

After regaining his senses, Chen Yu frowned, and saw that the "women's lady" Luo Xia and the "fat man" Taizhu were quarreling, and they had even begun to get started.

"Hello!" Chen Yu strode forward and looked at the two of them. "What are you doing?"

"Master UP, he (she) has nothing to do!" The fat man spoke first.

"Fart!" The women's lady yelled in a rough male voice, "He is playing a hooligan to me!"

"You just fart! Did you lean in first? Lift up your skirt and wink..."

"Then you can't touch it casually, just show it to you and enjoy it."

"UP Master, look at you!" The fat man curled his lips.

Luoxia "...SB."

Chen Yu "..."

Everyone present "..."

In the live broadcast room, there were overwhelming 666 barrage.

"Your problems can be solved by yourself in private, don't waste time." Yu Guang glanced at Xing Biqi, who was bowing his head. Chen Yu waved and led everyone to the spacecraft. "The steps are steep, pay attention to your feet. After entering the spacecraft, we will take off directly. Up."

"it is good!"


Several young people in the barrage group couldn't help but cheer.

"Everyone, stop here, and wait for me to check it out." Stepping on the steps into the spacecraft, Chen Yu suddenly turned around, revealing half of his body. "When I say it's okay, you can come in again."

Everyone was a little puzzled, but Chen Yu naturally didn't dare not listen to his orders, and stopped one after another.

Returning to the spacecraft, she saw Xiao Taohong staring at Xing Biqi in a daze. The transparent hull can't block her "savage" sight...

"I seem to know that person!" Little Taohong said.

"Nonsense, of course you know it." Grabbing Xiao Taohong's arm, Chen Yu forcefully pushed her into the room. "This is also considered a sudden situation, so you can hide inside and don't come out. Don't get into trouble. "

"No! Resolutely not!" Little Taohong said solemnly, "My little Taohong never gets into trouble.  ̄へ ̄"

"It's not just I am mainly afraid that you will wear a gang and be discovered by the audience that you two know each other. And although Xing Biqi is not familiar with you, hasn't he played snowball fights before? Just stay honestly. "

"I must hide it clearly."

"Believe you, it's so ghostly."


Close the sliding door and lock it from the outside. Chen Yu breathed a sigh of relief. "The walls are two-way transparent. You can easily see the outside, but you can't see you outside. The sound is one-way, and all sounds outside are acceptable, but you It's useless to crack your throat inside."


"Is it okay to isolate like this? If you really don't like it, then forget it, and let it out for you with a squeak."


"Okay, listen to you."


.. ..

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