Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 320: Goodbye, solar system (part 2)

Jian Country, the Observer Hall.

Looking at Xing Biqi that appeared on the big screen, the middle-aged team leader was calm on the surface, but he was already swearing in his heart.

"Team leader, do you need to activate the emergency plan now?" Sister Wu covered her mouth with her hand, leaned in the ear of the middle-aged team leader, and whispered, "Now that the UP owner may be exposed to risks, we should prepare in advance."

"...Wait. It's not a good time for the showdown. He can't leave his family face to face. Damn, is his head dizzy again? How can he live with Xing Biqi? Aren't you afraid of being exposed?"

"Maybe..." Sister Wu hesitated. "Maybe it's a coincidence? He didn't know it was an acquaintance who was drawn."

"Is it possible?" The middle-aged team leader covered his mouth, his eyes squinted. "One in a million, is it possible to be such a coincidence? Third-rate writers and screenwriters would not write this way! Treat the audience as iron and hanhan?"

"Yeah." Sister Wu nodded. "You are right."

"But we can't do nothing and notify the Golden State to be prepared. But don't notify the various local authorities."


There were busy leaders and executors of the team, and they were whispering to give orders while watching the live broadcast of Chen Yu, so the conversation between the two was not obtrusive.

But it will inevitably attract the special attention of quite a few people...


East middle, inside the ship.

After confirming that Xiao Taohong likes to stay in the room very much, Chen Yu relaxed, walked to the open door of the hull, and shouted "OK, come in."

Hearing that, except for Xing Biqi, who was slightly depressed, everyone else ran into the cabin with excitement.


The fat man who was the first to board the ship looked around in a daze, and stopped unconsciously, "It's really standing in the air..."

"A good dog doesn't stand in the way, can you let it go?" The lady's lady raised Lanhua's finger and said as Hong Zhong. "There are so many people waiting behind."

"Bah." After regaining his senses, the slightly fat man curled his mouth in disdain, and moved away from his side.

Everyone filed in, and suddenly a series of exclamations sounded.

Even Xing Biqi couldn't help being attracted by the wonderful picture before him. But then, stronger negative emotions flooded into my brain.

"It would be better if Chen Yu could also see..."

It's so sour, I want to go too!

Envy makes my grave smoke.

Suddenly I feel sorry for China, and it takes time and effort to fix Mars, and they will fly out of the solar system again.

Without the anchor’s "Earth Sprinkle Water", it would be 100 years for humans to reach Mars.

Doesn't Musk say that he can log in?

Just his legs are barren, a liar.

Where's the female assistant? Wasn't it in there just now?

Entered the room.

The room is gone? where it goes?

Followed the wall and became invisible.

advanced. Gee, I have another bold idea...


With a wave of his hand, the steps closed and the hatch closed. Chen Yu walked to the center of the hall, scanned the crowd, and said, "Then it will start to take off now. There will be no vibration in the whole process. If you are afraid of heights, you can close your eyes and fly out of the atmosphere."

"By the way, as we all know, high-speed navigation in the universe will produce a strong clock slow effect. Simply explained, if the spacecraft is used as the reference frame of observation, you will find that the time around the spacecraft will rapidly slow down as the speed increases. When the speed reaches the speed of light, time will stop completely."

"The spacecraft that everyone is on uses an objective change in space. The spacecraft itself does not move. It only moves in a space that does not carry information and does not produce ordinary Doppler effects."

"Therefore, even if we reach the speed of light, or even surpass the speed of light dozens or hundreds of times, there will be no difference in the timeline between us and the earth. It's like teleportation. So you don't have to worry about the earth having passed thousands of years after flying around. ."

Hearing that, several young people in the barrage group looked disappointed.

"So this is ah……"

"I still want to take a look at the future earth."

"Me too, if I come back and find that the earth has been 6666 years old, it will be great. I can die."

Chen Yu "..."

After a moment of silence, he carefully looked at the crazy adventurers for a while, turned to the camera and said, "This is the beginning of the voyage. Let the atmosphere be rendered, everyone counts down with me."


"Ten!" Ma had no money and was considered the most excited one in the reward group, raising his hand and shouting "Nine!"





Hey, good.





"Five!" everyone in the boat shouted loudly following Chen Yu's rhythm.




With open arms, Chen Yu raised his head and looked at the blue sky "0! Take off!"


The spacecraft restarted its anti-gravity mode, and the terrifying atmosphere driven by it instantly rolled the ground into a deeper gully!


In the next second, the hull, like a projectile shell, directly broke through the sound barrier!



"Cock Cock Cock!"


Even if no wind resistance was felt, the ferocious takeoff scared everyone. Immediately, the frantic backwards scenes all around made everyone couldn't help screaming.

This experience has far exceeded the glass plank a thousand times.

And amazingly, under such crazy acceleration, the gravity inside the ship did not change.

Only Chen Yu wearing a protective suit and helmet can notice the slight upward acceleration.

"Good buffering capacity. This level is sufficient even for regular acceleration..."

"Swish swish-"

The spacecraft is accelerating faster and faster, this time even the interactors have felt the pressure from top to bottom.

Above, intense friction caused the atmosphere to burn.

Below, the rapid ascent caused the ground to curve.

Inside the ship, everyone's sight seemed to be covered with a cloth, and the entire rendered world was distorted.


When rising to an altitude of 10,000 meters, hundreds of ferocious lightning broke out around the red hull!


TMD! It's so cool!

TMD! Chicken is so cool!

? ? ?

This is speed and passion! Cool burst.

I~ also~ want~ want~

The acceleration is too exaggerated. Are the people inside?

Don't ask, ask is high-tech.

Is it a regular sailing now? Why not change the space directly? That's more enjoyable.

Earth M, how did you give birth to your grandchildren...



As the acceleration increases more and more terribly, in just half a minute, the spacecraft will pass through the troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, ionosphere... and reach the earth's mid-orbit with lightning.

Mother Earth, who originally had a broad, gradually emerged from its original shape and became a ball...

Inside the ship, most of the interactors were lying on the ground, staring at the huge blue ball below, dumbfounded.

Especially the fat man with the ID name Taizhuzi, even lying under the skirt of Luoxia, the lady's big man, looked down and in front, it seemed that he was looking for a difference.

"Friends, I didn't expect that we would fly out of the earth so soon." Taking off the arm armor, Chen Yu scanned the barrage, facing the camera and exclaimed. It will be dragged by the high-intensity gravitational force from the stars, and then it can activate the superluminal navigation mode, and rush out of the solar system in one go!"

"And the goal of going forward is very clear." He stretched out his finger and pointed to a shining star outside the ship. "That is Proxima Centauri, 4.22 light-years away from the earth."

"Cheers, let us..."

"Counter-attack three-body!"

.. ..

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