"Your Majesty, what do they mean by this?"

Wade sat back in his seat, and then continued, "In fact, the important thing is not their request before."

"Keep reading."

Wade pointed.

Hipp heard what Wade said and continued to look down, but he didn't know until he saw it, and he was shocked.

When Hipp saw the last paragraph.

Hipp couldn't even believe whether his eyes were seeing things.

Yes. He rubbed his eyes and read it again.

It was indeed not seeing things.

"How is this possible? Are these orcs crazy?"

"How can we agree to such a request?"

"Open up, three cities as trading cities and want to participate in the management of the city?!"

"Let's not talk about whether we can open three more cities, even participating in the management of the city is impossible."

"This is simply nonsense."

Although Hipp did not participate in the management of the country, he also knew the importance of this matter.

"So you want to refuse?"

"Your Majesty, of course we have to refuse. I think it is enough to open a city as a trading city. If we continue to open it, I think the consequences will be disastrous."

Hip nodded and said.

"But why did they make such unreasonable demands? We can't agree to it at all."

But Hip was even more confused. The orcs and the empire have been living in peace for so many years. Why did they suddenly make such unreasonable demands at this time?

This is obviously a bit wrong.

"You also noticed something wrong, right?"

"Making such a request at this time."

"Yes, I think there must be something fishy."

Hip continued.

"I will meet with their orc envoys tomorrow and listen to what they say then."

Wade narrowed his eyes slightly and said.

The next morning.

"Your Majesty, it's the orc envoy - Mitu is here!"

"Let him in."

Wade tidied himself up and said to the servants around him.

After a while, a hunched old man slowly walked into the hall.

He was wearing a gray robe with some strange animal teeth hanging on it.

Wade looked at the old man who walked in front of him.

From the ornaments on his body, it can be seen that this old man has a high status even in the beastman tribe.

"Your Majesty, I am Mitu, the high priest of the beastman tribe. This time, I represent the beastman tribe to express my blessings to your Majesty on your birthday!"

As Mitu said this, he made a gesture unique to the beastman tribe.

Wade nodded, knowing that this gesture was a gesture of blessing others.

"Elder Mitu, please sit down."

Wade nodded and asked the servants to serve him.

"I wonder if your Majesty is satisfied with the gift we sent this time?"

Mitu was not polite and sat directly on a chair beside him and said.

"We specially asked the dwarves to make these equipment."

"Each set of equipment is inlaid with a magic core of level 5 or above."

"And the long sword is inlaid with a magic core of a level 6 monster."

Mitu stroked his white beard and said proudly.

"I like it very much. I think only the dwarves can make weapons of this level in the whole continent, right?"

Wade nodded and said when he received the birthday gift from the orcs.

He was also stunned by the equipment in front of him.

A complete set of equipment made of level 5 magic cores.

From helmets and armor to weapons.

A full 10 sets!

It takes at least hundreds of level 5 monsters to get so many magic cores.

Moreover, the craftsmanship of these weapons is all from the hands of dwarves.

The value of these equipment can only be described as priceless.

He didn't expect the orcs to give him such a valuable gift.

But just when he was amazed, the orcs sent another letter like that.

This calmed Wade's good mood instantly.

"Yes, the dwarves don't help build weapons with anyone. It was only after our chieftain personally asked them that the dwarves successfully made 10 sets of equipment!"

When Wade heard what Mitu said, he immediately knew that this guy had something to say.

"I wonder if His Majesty received the letter I submitted yesterday?"

The next second after Mitu asked this question, the whole palace fell silent.

Wade also looked at Mitu.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, then smiled and said, "I read Elder Mitu's letter last night."

"Then I wonder what His Majesty thinks."Mitu's eyes flashed with a glimmer and he asked.

"A few years ago, I decided to open a city on the border as a place for trade exchanges among the various races on the continent."

"Although it has achieved good results, it has violated the teachings of our ancestors."

"The elder said to continue to open three cities, this..."

Wade smiled awkwardly and didn't say it directly, so he stopped there.

Mitu nodded when he heard what Wade said.

He didn't seem very disappointed.

"Your Majesty must be very distressed recently."

Mitu changed the subject.

This sentence made Wade confused.

"What does the elder mean by this? I don't quite understand."

"I heard that the border of the empire seems to be a little uneasy recently..."

Mitu's words made Wade's heart skip a beat.

This reminded him of the orcs robbing the caravan.

"Are you talking about the caravan, elder? I remember that we have sent people to communicate with you more than once, but it seems that it has not been resolved." Wade frowned and said. "In fact, we also want to take care of this matter, but you also know that we orcs have all kinds of people. We are willing but unable to do anything." "But what I am talking about this time is not a relative matter, but those border cities. It seems that some humans are not very peaceful..." Mitu narrowed his eyes and whispered. The voice was not loud, just enough for Wade to hear clearly. Wade was very surprised to hear this, and immediately knew what Mitu wanted to say. But he was surprised why Mitu knew about this matter? You know, no one knew about this matter before except himself. And it was still in the stage of secret investigation. "Seeing the reaction of your majesty, you must have noticed the abnormality of those cities." Mitu saw Wade's shocked expression and continued. "These cities were not originally under the rule of the Empire, but were conquered by your father. Although they are now under the rule of the Empire, there are still many old people in the cities, and they are naturally unwilling to accept it." Wade heard Mitu say this. Although there is no final result yet, he can already guess the result, which is almost certain. The mountains are high and the roads are long. Even if the army is sent to suppress it, it will take several months unless a teleportation array is built. And if it really comes to that, the casualties will be very heavy. "I don't know how the elder got the news." Wade took a deep breath and said. "Let me tell you the truth." "In fact, they came to us to seek cooperation." "What?! They found you orcs?!" Wade heard this, as if a bolt of lightning struck his head. This is a traitor under his own hands! Wade knew that they wanted to break away from the control of the empire, but he didn't expect that they would actually seek cooperation with the orcs.

And the news was told to him by the orcs, which was equivalent to slapping himself in the face, wasn't it?

At this time, Wade's face was livid, and he was very angry.

"They asked us to join our orcs as long as they could help them get rid of the control of His Majesty!"

Wade's mouth twitched when he heard this.

At this time, he could already feel the burning pain on his face.

"These people!"

Wade clenched his fists and hammered hard on the armrest of the chair.

But after a few seconds, Wade's emotions calmed down again, and then he looked at Mitu and said.

"Elder Mitu, do you have evidence for this matter?"

Although Wade was still angry, he knew that there was another possibility, that the orcs used him and asked him to send troops, so that he could fight in the empire.

Let them reap the benefits.

"I really don't have any substantial evidence for this matter."

"After all, who would leave evidence for such a thing?"

"It's just that our clan leader is kind-hearted and came to remind your majesty this time. You can check this matter yourself."

"We can also cooperate. Your majesty's dispatch of troops to suppress it at this time will inevitably alert the enemy. At that time, maybe they..."

Mitu stopped here.

Because Wade knew what was coming next even if he didn't say it.

"As for the other three cities we mentioned in the letter, I won't riddle them. We hope they are these three cities."


After Mitu left, Wade sat in a chair and felt sad for a long time.It has been a long time since they could calm down.

It turns out that they have been prepared for a long time.

And if that's the case, then what they said should be true.

"Secret Guard!"

Wade shouted softly.

I saw in the corner of the palace.

A black shadow suddenly appeared.

"Your Majesty——"

"Check according to what he said just now!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

After that, the black shadow disappeared.

"If this is really the case..."

At this time, Wade's heart was a little tangled.

If what Mitu said just now was true.

The orcs also informed me of this news.

The orcs can be called real good people.

After all, they could have kept this matter secret, or even stabbed me in the back.

This is completely possible, and there is no need to inform me of this matter.

And they actually took the initiative to ask to cooperate with me to suppress these towns that want to betray the empire.

If this is true, their request is not too much.

It was supposed to be a happy birthday, but now Wade is worried...

In the hotel.

"Nako, can you help me see how I look now? I don't look like a girl anymore, do I?"

Ling Yun was looking at himself in the mirror and adjusting his clothes.

Ling Yun's silver-white hair had turned into short black hair.

He also changed into a set of clothes that boys wear.

But no matter how Ling Yun looked at it, he felt that the person in front of him was still a girl.

"How about making your face darker?"

"Your face does look a little too white."

Nako nodded and said.


Ling Yun nodded and immediately used magic to darken his fair face a little.

Sure enough, he looked no different from a little boy.


Little boy? !

Ling Yun looked at himself in the mirror. Why did he look like a little boy?


Only then did Ling Yun realize that his height was really short.

Although he looks like a boy now, he is just a child and doesn't look like an adult.

"As for height, there is nothing we can do about it."

"After all, this is a matter of the body, and magic can't lengthen your bones."

Naka chuckled and shook her head.

"Ah~ I was 1.85 meters tall back then, how come I'm not even 1.6 meters tall now?"

"Haven't you heard a saying? Concentration is the essence, the shorter the height, the stronger the strength!"

Naka said jokingly.

"I guess I'm perfect, I inherited your genes, right?!"

"Forget it, it's okay now, it's just a formality anyway."

Ling Yun looked at himself and didn't plan to continue to tossing.

Anyway, it's just a show, just pretending.

"By the way, should I bring some gifts?"

Naka said: "Do you really think we are visiting? Of course not, and the gifts you sent, their family doesn't even look down on them."

But when Ling Yun just walked downstairs of the hotel.

He was watched by countless eyes.

"What a cute kid!"

"Which noble family's young master is this?"

"He's so handsome, I want to get my little daughter engaged!"


Ling Yun listened to the discussion and lowered his head and left this place.

Sure enough, he looked like a kid now.

But now he had no other choice. He couldn't change someone and move his soul in and then change it back.

As the old family of the empire, Ling Yun found the location of the Raphael family in a short while.

"Huh?! Little boy, go play somewhere else, this is not a place to play."

The guard at the door saw such a cute little boy approaching and said to Ling Yun with a smile.

Ling Yun was a little embarrassed, but he had to say it directly: "Lord Andre asked me to come."

"Lord Andre?!"

After hearing what Ling Yun said, he didn't dare to neglect it and hurried back to inform.

After a while, the guard came out and looked at Ling Yun as if he was a monster.

He looked as if he couldn't believe it.

Ling Yun was used to it, so he walked in without explaining...

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