"Look, whose child is this?"

"Shh, keep your voice down. It would be terrible if the young master of some noble family heard you talking behind your back."

"But it's really cute."

"Is this really a boy?"

"Of course, it must be a boy if it's so cute!"


At this time, Ling Yun was walking through the garden of the manor towards the villa in front.

But the maids' discussions came to his ears.

It must be a boy if it's so cute? !

Ling Yun sighed and walked all the way to the villa.

The Raphael family is a huge manor.

In front of the villa, various flowers are planted.

It looks very bright and beautiful.

And Ling Yun also found that there are some orcs among these maids.

Soon Ling Yun came to the door of the villa.

At the door, stood a white-haired old man in a black suit.

And when he saw Ling Yun coming.

He looked around in disbelief.

But he still asked politely: "Excuse me, are you Ling Yun?"

This was the name agreed upon by Ling Yun and Sina, and he just used his original name.

"Yes, I'm Ling Yun."

Ling Yun nodded and said.

"I'm the butler of the Raphael family, and the head of the family is waiting."

No extra words.

The butler turned around and took Ling Yun in.

Ling Yun hurriedly followed.

The next moment he walked into the villa, he was shocked by the luxurious decoration inside.

It really looked like a century-old family in a TV series.

The huge and gorgeous chandelier hung directly from the roof to the downstairs.

The crystal decorations hanging on it sparkled in the sunlight.

Next was the huge oil painting in the middle.

There was a handsome man sitting on it.

It seemed that he should be a very important person in the Raphael family.

Otherwise, it would not be hung in such an important position.

Seeing Ling Yun looking at the huge oil painting, the butler beside him introduced: "This is the first generation of the Raphael family!"

After hearing the butler's explanation, Ling Yun also understood why it was hung here.

"Good morning, butler!"

Ling Yun followed the butler to the second floor.

Along the way, the maid saw the butler coming and hurriedly greeted him.

Then the butler took Lin Yun through the long corridor.

Came to the door of a room.

The butler helped Ling Yun push the door open.

Then made a gesture of invitation.

"The head of the family is inside."

Ling Yun nodded and said "thank you" to the butler.

Then he walked in directly.

Inside the room was a.

round conference room.

There were 5 people sitting on the round table.

And one of them was Sina.

Sitting in the middle seat next to Sina must be Sina's father Andre.

Ling Yun also took a look at the remaining three people, but they did not look happy.

It seems that it should not be easy to deal with.

"Are you the so-called fiancé of Sina?"

Just when Ling Yun was hesitating about how to start.

Andre, who was sitting in the middle, spoke first.

This made Ling Yun stunned for a moment, thinking, is it so direct?

But after all, the question has come to this point.

It would be better to be more direct.

Ling Yun glanced at Sina next to him, and she was very calm.

"Yes, I am Miss Sina's fiancé, and Miss Sina and I are truly in love!"

Ling Yun nodded and said.

As soon as these words came out, the corners of Andre's mouth twitched.

"Heh! Where did this kid come from? He looks like a child."

At this time, a middle-aged bearded man sitting on the other side of Andre sneered.

"Second uncle, I like this, isn't it okay?"

"It's not you who found it."

Just when Ling Yun was a little embarrassed and was thinking about how to respond.

Sina on the other side directly spoke to the other party.

Hearing Sina speak for an outsider.

The second uncle's face suddenly changed, but he still spoke softly.

"Sina, you grew up under my watch. This guy looks like a liar. Maybe he came here to plot against our Raphael family's money."

"You can't be fooled."

Then a noble lady next to him spoke up.

"Yes, Sina, your third aunt, I met many men like this in the past. They used sweet words to trick you into getting your money."

"As long as they get your money, they will immediately abandon you and disappear without a trace."

Sina's face sank and she retorted, "He's not after my money.And when we met, he didn't know that I was from the Raphael family. "

"How can you cheat me of my money?"

This remark made the woman retort, "Xina you..."

"Okay, stop talking! Be quiet."

Just when the woman was about to say something again.

Andre finally spoke.

When the woman heard Andre's words, she immediately swallowed back what she was about to say.

Then Andre looked at Lingyun and asked, "I heard that you are not from our empire?"

"Yeah, not! I come from the south, a long way from the empire."

Lingyun nodded and said.

"Then why did you come to the empire."

Andre continued to ask.

"To find someone."

Lingyun said directly.

"A foreigner, does that mean you have no rights and status in the empire?"


Lingyun shook his head.

"I heard that you are now as powerful as a magician? "

Finally Andre asked the key question.

In fact, yesterday Andre found out that his daughter was engaged to a foreigner without telling him.

He absolutely disagreed.

Because a foreigner has nothing in the empire, how could such a person be worthy of his Raphael family?

But when his daughter said that the person she was engaged to had reached the level of a mage at the age of 20.

Andre was stunned.

He had reached the level of a mage at the age of 20.

Even the youngest mage in the empire was already in his thirties or forties.

What does 20 years old mean? He was 10 years faster than them.

And it was enough to prove that the person's talent was extremely terrifying and he could reach the level of a great mage, or even a holy mage.

But Andre was still a little unconvinced when he was amazed. Although his daughter said so, he still needed to see for himself whether he really had the strength.

"Yes, sir, my current strength has surpassed that of a mage. "

After hearing Ling Yun's affirmative answer.


With a sound.

Andre stood up directly.


Ling Yun saw Andre suddenly stand up and thought something had happened.

"Come with me!"

"You don't think, but he is just a mage, and you are already a great mage..."

This is when Sina on the side seemed to realize something.

Quickly stood up and tried to stop him.

"Since he has said he is a mage, I will suppress my strength to the level of a mage, but if he lies..."

But Sina's obstruction was obviously useless.

And Ling Yun also understood that Andre wanted to fight with him just to verify whether he was a mage.

"But isn't there a simpler way?"

"We can go to the magic detection point of the church to test it."

Sina continued.

"That's too troublesome, I still like a simpler and more direct way! "

Andre glanced at Ling Yun and said.

"Miss Sina, it's okay, it's just a sparring match, nothing will happen."

Just when Sina wanted to continue to dissuade him.

Ling Yun spoke.

"Ling... Ling Yun you..."

Sina wanted to say something, but she saw confidence in Ling Yun's eyes.

In fact, Sina was not afraid that Ling Yun's strength was not as good as her father's.

Although her father said that he would suppress his strength to the level of a mage, who knows if he would directly attack Ling Yun in the middle?

After all, her father's strength is that of a great mage, and it is very easy to seriously injure a mage.

"In that case, come on."

Andre was a little surprised, but soon recovered his serious expression just now, and then walked out the door.

Ling Yun followed closely, and then Sina.

"Isn't this just looking for death? How could Andre let this guy live! "

Sina's second uncle sneered.

"I don't know where Sina found such a person. Do you think he really has the strength of a magician?"

"And he is only 20 years old. Isn't he a little too young?"

"It must be fake, just to deceive Sina. He will be beaten to his true colors later."

"What if it is true?"

The woman who had not spoken just now spoke.

"Huh? Fourth sister, you don't believe this is true? How is this possible?"

"If he is really at the level of a magician at the age of 20, it means that he has been learning magic since birth, and he is also a genius.Talent."

"There is no such genius in the entire empire, and he is the only foreigner?"

The woman smiled and said, "I think Sina's vision this time is quite good, at least better than that Barton!"

"Let's go, don't you want to go and see? You will know if it is true after watching it."

Then the woman walked out of the room.

Then several people hurriedly followed.

Ling Yun followed Andre to an open space behind the manor.

Ling Yun looked around and found many potholes and traces of magic. It seems that this place is where they practice magic.

"Let's compete here."

Andre turned and said to Ling Yun.

"Are you practicing dual cultivation or just magic?"

Andre asked.


Ling Yun answered without hesitation.

"Okay, if that's the case, then I will only use magic, so that you don't say I bully you. "

Ling Yun looked at Andre. He seemed to be twice as tall as himself, and his muscular body seemed to be so strong that he could go straight to heaven with one punch.

"Ling Yun, you..."

Xina came to Ling Yun's side.

"Don't worry, I'm not that weak."

Ling Yun patted Sina's hand and comforted her.

"Lord Andre, I want to ask, can you use any magic?"

Ling Yun looked at Andre standing opposite and said.

"Of course, as long as you can use magic, you can use it. If you know forbidden magic, you can use it, but you have to know it."

Andre's tone was full of contempt.

It seemed that he didn't take this competition seriously at all, and thought he had lost from the beginning.

"Since you are a magician, you should be very proficient in using high-level magic. "

In this world, magic is divided into levels just like magicians.

The highest level is naturally forbidden magic, which is regarded as a disaster.

Since ancient times, forbidden magic has never been used.

And then there are super-level magic, advanced magic, intermediate magic, and elementary magic.

Generally, students in colleges are assessed as magicians through magic assessments.

"It's okay."

Ling Yun said modestly.

"Okay, Sina, you step back!"

Andre looked at Sina and said.

"Be sure to be careful."

Sina gave a final warning and retreated to the outside of the open space.

"Sina, how long do you think he can last?"

I only heard the voice of the second uncle on the side reach Sina's ears again.

Sina ignored it and kept her eyes on the two of them.

"I don't know how Lord Andre wants to compete to win?"

Ling Yun asked.

"Win? Ten minutes, as long as you can last 10 minutes, I will count you as the winner. "

Andre said confidently.

After listening to the conditions for winning, Ling Yun nodded.

"Then it would be okay if I beat you, right?"

"Beat?! Hahaha, of course I can!"

Andre laughed out loud when he heard Ling Yun's words.

"In all these years, you are the first person who dares to talk to me like this. Just for what you said, rest assured that I will go all out later! "

Ling Yun looked at Andre. Isn't this just a walking sandbag?

It's just right for testing the results of his previous training with Nako.

Ling Yun took a deep breath and the magic book in his mind emerged, and then slowly opened it.

Countless magic flew out, from low-level magic to high-level, and then to the final forbidden magic.

The only thing that limited Ling Yun's performance was his own magic power.

So he had to get rid of the opponent as soon as possible, otherwise he would run out of magic power and he would definitely lose.

Ling Yun quickly searched for suitable magic in his mind.

He started looking directly from high-level magic.

But ordinary magic would definitely not be able to defeat Andre, and the opponent's combat experience must be even more Much richer than myself.

Strength in numbers!

Got it!

Suddenly Ling Yun thought of something.

Since the other party said that he could use any magic, then he would not be polite!

After formulating the strategy, Ling Yun looked at Andre in front of him.

At this time, Andre stood in place without even taking the initiative.

Is he planning to let me take the first move? !

In this case!

Ling Yun also seized the opportunity.

Chanting in his mouth.

Suddenly, two magic marks on the ground around him began to be automatically carved.

After a while, the two magic marks were carved on the ground.

Then a red light and a white light came out from the magic mark...

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