Ling Yun looked up and saw the mess in the hall. He couldn't find Nuo Xi at all.

At this time, the top of the hall was crumbling.

It could collapse at any time, causing secondary damage.

The most urgent thing now is to control the top of the palace and prevent it from falling.

Ling Yun turned around and shouted to Sina.

"Sister Sina!"

"What's wrong?"

"Help me control the top of the palace and don't let it fall."

Sina looked up and looked at the roof of the palace, which was indeed crumbling.

All the supporting pillars in the palace were destroyed by the explosion just now.

Now they can only rely on the walls to support it.

But it is obvious that it can't support it for so long.

"Okay, how can I help you?!"

Sina nodded and said to Ling Yun.

"You go and protect the others. When I fix it later, there may be boulders falling down."

Ling Yun looked at Sina and said.

"Do you need my help?"

"No, I can do it alone."

Xina thought about it, nodded, and then rushed to save others.

Ling Yun looked at the roof of the palace, and saw his hand on the wall of the palace. The next second, countless vines rose from the ground and spread upwards towards the wall of the palace.

These vines were summoned by Ling Yun to fix the roof of the palace.

While fixing it, stones fell from time to time, but they were all solved by Sina to protect the safety of the unconscious people on the ground.

At this time, the unconscious people on the ground had already woken up.

But they were still in a state of confusion.

They didn't remember what happened just now, they only remembered that the pillar next to them suddenly exploded, and then they fainted.

Those who were far away from the pillar were fine, and only suffered some minor injuries, but those who were close to the pillar were not so lucky.

There was no time to use magic to protect themselves. The exploding pillar splashed countless stones and beat the people around who had no defense into sieves.

Sina looked at the disfigured people on the ground.

Her mind was blank at this moment.

Suddenly, she thought of her father again.

Although she hated her father very much on weekdays, at this moment, the first person she thought of was her father.

Sina walked towards the inside of the hall, looking for her father's trace.


Suddenly, a familiar cough came from the wall.

Sina waved her hand to disperse the smoke and dust, and saw a figure leaning against the wall.

Sina walked over and saw that it was her father, who was also injured by the flying stones.

But fortunately, they were all superficial injuries.

It seems that her father did not escape this sudden attack.

If Ling Yun had not reacted and predicted the attack in advance, she would definitely be seriously injured if not dead.

Sina hurried forward to ask about Andre's situation.

But when Sina was about to get close, Andre suddenly wanted to attack Sina.

Sina said quickly.

"It's me! How are you?"

Then Andre let go of his hand.

Andre slowly opened his eyes and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that it was his daughter.

"Suck--don't move, it hurts!"

"I'm fine, just some skin injuries, but the explosion came too suddenly, and I didn't react in time, so I suffered."

Andre wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, trying not to look so embarrassed, and then said to Sina.

"It's good to know that it hurts, then it seems that nothing is wrong, you sit well."

Sina nodded, seeing that Andre could tell where she was in pain, it seemed that nothing was serious.

"Wait...why are you fine?"

But when Andre saw Sina's situation clearly, he looked at her in shock and said.

"It was Lingyun...he saved me."

"Lingyun?! This...good boy!"

Andre laughed with great relief when he heard that it was Lingyun who saved his daughter.

You know, the explosion was so powerful that even he would be injured, let alone his daughter, who would not be able to bear it.

"Where is Ling Yun? Why can't I see him?"

"He is fixing the top of the palace. Now all the pillars in the palace have been blown up. Without the pillars, the top of the palace will fall down at any time."

Andre didn't know what to say after hearing what Sina said. While they were still injured, people had already considered the next threat.

"By the way, go and see His Majesty!"

Andre suddenly remembered somethingAn extremely important thing was said to Sina.

The most important person in the whole palace might be His Majesty the Emperor, and this explosion was probably aimed at him.

"Go and confirm His Majesty's safety quickly, I'll stop the bleeding and come back later."

"Well! I'll go now."

Sina nodded and walked towards the innermost part of the palace.

Because the emperor's seat was at the innermost part of the hall.

At this time, the vines summoned by Lingyun had spread to the top of the palace.

In a while, the entire palace can be completely fixed.

At this time, it came from outside the palace.

The voices of the guards.

"Come quickly, come and save people, His Majesty is still inside!"

"Go and notify the people of the Knights!"

"Who are you?!"



The voices were very normal at the beginning, but later, I didn't know what happened, and there were bursts of screams from outside.

Then soon, the voices of the guards disappeared.

"Let's go! A quick fight."

"As long as the emperor is killed, we will leave. Don't fight to the death!"


"Kill the emperor?"

When Ling Yun heard this, his pupils suddenly widened. Sure enough, these people were going after the emperor.

The magic circle they had set up before was to collect sounds that could trigger the bomb buried in the pillars to explode when the sound reached a certain volume.

And this group of people would come to finish the job.

It can be seen how deep the grudge between the arsonist and the emperor was?

If it were any other ordinary person, they would have disappeared long ago after doing these things.

Ling Yun raised his head.

Watching the final fusion of the vines.

At this time, the entire palace had been reinforced. As long as there was no explosion like the one just now, there shouldn't be any major incidents in a short period of time.

At this time, the group had already entered the palace.

A dozen people in night clothes stood at the door of the palace and looked at Ling Yun.

And when these dozen people saw Ling Yun standing in front of them, who was intact, they were also stunned.

" come this guy is alright?"

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