Late at night.

An abandoned underground parking lot has been transformed into a huge underground fighting arena.

"Welcome to the third Psychic Fighting Competition! The scene of the finals!"

"The competition adopts unlimited fighting. Except for not being able to use weapons, Psychics can use their own Psychics to fight!"


Bunny girl waiters holding wine glasses and wearing 'cool' clothes can be seen everywhere.

There are also guests wearing various masks.

"Today is the highlight!"

"Yeah! It's the finals, who do you bet on to win?!"

"That's for Zeke! Three-time champion, do you really think that kid can compare with Zeke?"

"I've seen his previous games, and the strength of his opponents is not very strong!"

"Toru is an S-level power Psychic. Do you think that guy can withstand a punch from Zeke?!"

"I'm sure the kid on the opposite side will win!"

The man with the skull mask looked at the man with the clown mask next to him in surprise.

At this time, the game was about to start. The guests and bettors on the side surrounded the ring.

At this time, another host wearing a demon mask walked to the middle of the stage.

"I believe everyone has been looking forward to this game for a long time!"

"Then next, we will invite our two contestants in this game!"

"The 20-year-old superpower who made it to the finals - Wu Tianming!"

At this time, the spotlight turned to the entrance on the side.

I saw a man with a hood standing at the entrance.

Wu Tianming took off his hood and revealed his face.

It was a face that looked a little childish, but there were scars on his face that did not belong to this age.

The boy's eyes were cold and cruel!

He walked slowly to the ring.

The people in the audience cheered quietly without a single voice, and the only few voices were mocking and boasting.

But the boy ignored them at all, and walked straight to the stage.

The host just glanced at Wu Tianming.

There was no more introduction.

"Next is the long-awaited super missile of the S-class superpower champion who has won three consecutive fighting competitions-Trump!!!!"

The host waved his arm and pointed to the entrance on the other side.

At this time, the spotlight instantly hit it.

At the entrance on the other side, a burly man wearing a black cloak stood.

Trump slowly took off the cloak.

All the muscles on his body were exposed to the air.

The big muscles were even bigger than a person's head.

Every step Tru took made people feel that the ground was shaking.

And when Tru stood on the ring, the huge difference was revealed.

Wu Tianming was only about 1.7 meters tall, while Tru on the opposite side was 2 meters tall.

His arms were twice as thick as Wu Tianming's thighs!

"Hahaha, isn't this courting death?!"

"This kid's body was smashed into a meat pie by Tru's punch!"

"Where is the person who said this kid would win?"

"How funny!"


At this time, the people in the audience have begun to mock Wu Ke, but Wu Ke's eyes are just staring at Tru, his teeth clenched tightly.

"The venue of this competition can withstand the impact of S-level psychics, so don't worry, VIPs, please enjoy this competition!"

At this time in the private room above the ring.

The man with a clown mask walked into the room.

Several bodyguards stopped the clown man.

"Hey! No, no, this is my good friend! Why search him?"

I heard the man on the sofa speak.

Several bodyguards also made way.

At this time, in the box, the man with a cigar in his mouth laughed and then stood up and walked to the front of the clown man.

"I didn't expect that the famous head of the Nuo family would come to my place in person. I am really flattered."

The clown man took off the mask on his head.

Short golden hair and wheat-colored skin.

"Brother Huang, we are all so familiar with each other, why be so polite, and the current Nuo family is no longer famous!"

"If your father is as humble as you, he won't..."

Huang Lijian said slowly while smoking a cigar.

"Forget it, that's all those years ago."

"Norton, tell me, what exactly do you want to do this time?"

Huang Lijian leaned on the sofa and looked at Norton and said.

"Since Brother Huang said so, I will get straight to the point. I need your help!"

"Help?! What do you mean?!"

"Let you join us!"

Norton's calm tone made Huang Lijian on the opposite sideHe was stunned.

Then he laughed.

"I just said that you are smarter than your father. I didn't expect that like father like son! You and your father are the same kind of people, ambitious!"

"I could have agreed before."

"But, Norton, open your eyes and take a good look at the world around you."

"This is not the world you were familiar with back then! Do you know about the superpowers? Only when you master them can you control everything!"

"What qualifications do you have to say this to me? You are just an ordinary person. What kind of waste is ordinary!!!"

"Get out of here while I am in a good mood today! Otherwise, I will settle the new and old accounts with you today!"

After that, Huang Lijian ignored Norton and prepared to concentrate on watching the game in the audience.

"What if that kid can defeat the opponent?"

At this time, a word from Norton next to him instantly froze Huang Lijian, and then he turned his head to look at Norton next to him.

"Is this kid yours?"

"No, no, this kid just wants revenge, I'm just helping him."

"Your people can't be, Tru is an S-level strongman, even if this guy stands and gets beaten by that guy, he can't lose!"

Huang Lijian said confidently.

"Really? Then let's wait and see!"

Norton narrowed his eyes slightly and sat on the sofa, looking at the situation on the stage and said.

On the ring.

Tru looked at Wu Tianming with a slightly raised mouth and said jokingly.

"If you admit defeat now, I can give you a way to choose death!"

"Do you still remember me?"

"You?! Who are you!?"

Tru looked at the boy in front of him with a puzzled look.

"The whole family you killed on that rainy night!"

"A whole family?"

Suddenly, Tru laughed, looked at Wu Tianming with a ferocious face and said, "Hahaha! Sorry, I killed a lot of families. Which one are you asking about?"

"But it doesn't matter, you! I will definitely remember it! Go down and accompany them!"

Tru's huge fist slammed towards Wu Tianming's face.

Wu Tianming dodged quickly.

The fist missed.

Then Tru's fists were like this for several times in a row, all of which missed.

This made Tru a little angry.

"You are very good! But let's stop here!"

Tru was not going to play anymore, and stomped his right foot on the ground, and the whole ring was shaking.

Wu Tianming quickly stabilized himself.

However, the person in front of him had already rushed in front of him.

The speed was very fast!

"Ant! Do you really think you are so powerful just because you can get here?"


A dull thud!

A figure flew out and hit the barrier.

"Hahaha! It seems your people are no good either!"

Huang Lijian took a puff of cigarette and said with a laugh.

"Don't worry! The fun has just begun!"

Norton said slowly while looking at the ring.

Wu Tianming slowly propped himself up from the ground. He could feel that his chest had collapsed.

His vision was a little blurry.

Blood kept spitting out of his mouth.

Wu Tianming trembled and slowly raised his head, looking at the big man in front of him with contempt.

The cries of his family appeared in his ears.

He had a happy family of four, his parents and his sister.

But everything was shattered the night he broke in.

Wu Tianming would always remember his face. The only belief that kept him alive in the past two years was the latter one - revenge!


Wu Tianming shouted and rushed forward, his eyes full of bloodshot, and every breath he took felt like cramps and skin peeling.

The supernatural power in his body was completely released.

"Haha! Frontal attack?!"

Tru looked at Wu Tianming who was rushing over angrily and disdained him.

But the next second, Wu Tianming bypassed Tru.

Then he aimed at the back of his neck and launched a fierce attack!


Just when Wu Tianming thought he had succeeded, there was a crisp sound from his palm.

It was broken, his hand was actually broken.

It was like hitting a steel plate when he hit it.


"Haha! My supernatural power can control the muscles of my body to defend at will. Do you really think you can break through my defense?!"

Suddenly, Wu Tianming's hand was grabbed by Tru.

Pull it hard!


Blood splattered!

An arm fell off in the distance...

Wu Tianming fell heavily to the ground, the blood gushing out had soaked his clothes, and his consciousness gradually blurred...

He knew it was impossible to defeat him, but he still came.

Maybe this is fate, he saw his family in the dim light..."If you really want to be reborn, try it, it can give you anything you want!"

Suddenly, I recalled what a clown mask said when he gave me a small medicine bottle when I came here.

At this time, Tru had his back to Wu Tianming and had already started to celebrate.

"Have you been to hell?"

Suddenly, a hoarse voice came from behind.

Tru felt a chill on his back and turned around.

I saw Wu Tianming had stood up, bathed in blood, and had been reborn...

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