Blood flowed down from Tru's body as if it was free.

His body, which was so hard just now, was now like a piece of white paper, easily penetrated.

Tru looked down at his abdomen in disbelief, and saw a huge bloody hole in his abdomen, with a bloody hand piercing through it.

Then a severe pain swept through his head.


Wu Tianming pulled his hand out.

Tru covered his stomach and knelt on his knees.

He wanted to scream, but it seemed that there was a force pinching his neck, preventing him from screaming.

At this time, the whole scene was silent, and the cheers just now disappeared...

Because the boy who had just fallen to the ground and was dying on the ring, now miraculously got up, and now he was pinching Tru's neck.

The boy's face was pale, like a dead person.

The most terrifying thing was that the broken hand actually... grew back...

No one could believe what had happened in just a dozen seconds just now.

In the box.

The cigar in Huang Lijian's mouth fell to the ground, and his eyes were fixed on the ring below.

Everything happened too fast.

"This is impossible!"

"It's you! What did you do?!"

Suddenly, Huang Lijian turned around and pointed at Norton with short blond hair and said in great surprise.

"I've said it before, I just helped him, I didn't do anything."

"And I'm sitting in front of you, how can I help him?"

Norton smiled and spread his hands and said.

"Do you know whose territory this is? Dare to come here to die?!"

As soon as Huang Lijian said this, the bodyguards on the side also surrounded him.

All of them are superpowers.

"Don't you want to know why you suddenly become stronger?"

"I'll show you!"

Norton took out a small bottle and poured the liquid in it into his mouth in one breath.

This operation made everyone look confused, not knowing what he was doing.

"What are you still standing there for? Go and catch him."

Huang Lijian shouted to the bodyguard.

At this time, Norton bent over painfully and covered his chest. The moment the liquid entered his body, it felt like his body was torn into pieces.

Extremely painful!

At this time, the bodyguard next to him reached out and tried to grab his arm.

But the next second, Norton grabbed his hand directly and twisted it hard!


Only a crisp sound was heard, and the bodyguard's arm was completely twisted off.

Norton slowly raised his head, looking obsessed.

"Is this... the power of a superpower?!"

Huang Lijian's pupils contracted violently. Isn't this an ordinary person?

When did he become a superpower? !

At this time, Norton was like playing with a toy. Every time a bodyguard rushed up, he was punched away by Norton.

In the end, Huang Lijian was the only one left in the whole private room.

Huang Lijian hurriedly took out the intercom to call other superpowers outside for reinforcement.

"Someone, come! Someone, where are those A-level psychics?! Get over here!"

Huang Lijian shouted into the intercom.

But the next second, a strange voice came out.

It was a girl's voice.

Huang Lijian was stunned.

But the next second, the door was pushed open.

A girl with twin ponytails came in hopping.

"Such a strong smell of blood."

The girl pinched her nose and said with disgust.

And behind the girl was a white-haired old man.

The intercom was in the girl's hand.

"You... who are you?"

Huang Lijian pointed at the girl with a look of horror.

"Me? You can call me Elena, Xiaonuo, is this the place you are talking about?!"

"It doesn't seem to be anything special?!"

Elena found a clean place and sat down.

"Sir, many of the people who come here are federal officials, and some wealthy people, these people can be used by us!"

Norton looked at Elena and said quickly.

"And I found a good seedling, an S-level superpower!"

"You...what do you want to do?!"

Huang Lijian looked at them in horror and wanted to escape.

But William appeared in front of him and blocked his retreat...

Los Angeles University.

Ling Yun stood in front of the mirror and looked at himself, his bangs had already gone down his head and were about to cover his eyes.

Now the assimilation is very serious.

Because today is the weekend, Ling Yun specially discussed a lot with Nako to help Nako continue to recover her memory.

It was not until the afternoon that he got up.Ling Yun pinched his face, which was soft and smooth. A red mark appeared as if water would be squeezed out at any time.

"Suck--it hurts!"

Ling Yun quickly let go of his hand and rubbed his face.

"This is easier to pinch than a girl's face."

"No wonder the teachers in the office thought I was secretly using skin care products."

This made Ling Yun buy some cosmetics from the Internet to make himself less fair.

After cleaning up.

Ling Yun turned on the computer.

Yesterday Ling Yun finished reading all the information given by Chen Kexin.

There was nothing special. His parents were either doing scientific research in the university or on the road of archaeology around the world.

I will find a time to go back to the university to see if I can find any other clues.

I have been looking for it for two years, so this step is not bad.

Although the final result may still be a failure, Ling Yun is still ready to go.

Knock, knock, knock!

There was a knock on the door.

Ling Yun knew without opening the door.

Whose is that person?

It must be Chen Kexin.

As long as there is no mission, Chen Kexin will knock on the door to cook together.

When he opened the door, Chen Kexin walked in with a bag of vegetables.

"It just so happens that I have nothing to do, so I just came here after a run."

"You superpowers still need to run?!"

Ling Yun looked at Chen Kexin with some doubts.

"? What's your question? Do you really think it's so easy to get into our special operations team?"

"There will be assessments every year, and if you don't pass the assessment, you will be eliminated."

Chen Kexin glanced at Ling Yun and said.

"So... it's equivalent to the final exam."

Ling Yun nodded.

"I think the time is almost up, I will probably notify you then."

"By the way, do you have no tasks this week?"

"Don't tell me, I really didn't receive any tasks this week, otherwise, can I cook with you here?"

Chen Kexin put the food down and said.

"But there are indeed many tasks in the past few weeks, and I have to deal with a lot of things."

"Deal with a lot of things?"

Ling Yun looked at Chen Kexin in confusion.

"Yeah, you remember the octopus case a long time ago, the congressman case, and the recent military training base incident?"

"Yeah, of course I remember, two of them I was still present."

Ling Yun was a little helpless, he participated in two of the three major cases, this is really enough to buy lottery tickets.

The chance of winning this prize is too high.

"You are so lucky."

Chen Kexin laughed, then patted Ling Yun on the shoulder and said.

"We are now responsible for tracking down three things, and we have found some things recently."

Chen Kexin continued.

"I won't tell you the specifics, but I can say that things in the Federation have been a little bit turbulent recently, so try not to go out at night."

"Not turbulent? OK, I get it."

Ling Yun nodded and said.

Although Ling Yun didn't know the specifics, judging from what happened some time ago, the situation in the Federation was indeed not good.

"Okay, let's not talk about these things. Just be an ordinary person, and leave the rest to us."

"By the way, Ling Yun, why do I feel that you are becoming more and more like a girl?"

Chen Kexin put both hands on Ling Yun's face and began to knead it.

Then she laughed and said, "So soft! Your face is softer than a girl's. Next time I come, I must bring you a set of women's clothes, and then dress up and put on makeup, and no one will recognize you as a boy!"

Ling Yun was about to refute, but Chen Kexin spoke again.

"Oh, by the way, I have already told my mother that I will take you back next time, so be prepared!"

"What!? Didn't I... think about it?"

Chen Kexin caught herself off guard.

"What are you considering? Are you going to consider it until the end of time?"

Chen Kexin directly supported the table with her hands, leaned over and said to Ling Yun.

In fact, whether it was work or this matter, Chen Kexin had already helped her a lot.

It would be a bit unreasonable not to help.

Hearing Ling Yun's agreement, Chen Kexin jumped up with excitement.

"By the way, do you remember that when I was a child, I saved someone?!"

Suddenly Ling Yun changed the subject.

Chen Kexin was stunned for a moment and then looked at Ling Yun, "What did you say? Saved someone?"

"Yes, I saved a girl when I was a child and sent her to the hospital."

"Oh! When you said this, I remembered that you came to my house covered in blood.""Then I thought you were going to die."

When Chen Kexin heard Ling Yun say this, she immediately thought of her childhood. At that time, she thought Ling Yun was going to die and cried bitterly.

But Ling Yun said that it was not his blood, but another little girl's.

Chen Kexin checked and found that Ling Yun was not injured at all.

Then she breathed a sigh of relief.

"By the way, why did you suddenly talk about this? Is there something wrong?"

Chen Kexin frowned and looked at Ling Yun and asked.

"It was yesterday that the girl I rescued came to me."

"What? ! The girl you rescued came to you? !"

"I remember that after that day, the girl didn't even come to thank me. It's too late to come to thank me now, isn't it?"

Chen Kexin crossed her arms in front of her chest and said a little unhappy.

"Maybe she was delayed by something at that time, and she actually came to me two years ago."

"It's just that at that time, my parents happened to have supernatural powers, so I didn't see it. ”

“So, what did she want to do with you?”

“Just…just a simple thank you and chat about the recent situation.”

“And when I logged into Penguin yesterday, I found out that the monitor of our college class is getting married soon.”

“Get…married?! How old is he to get married?!”

Chen Kexin looked at Ling Yun in surprise and said.

“The monitor has been dating for four years in college, so it’s normal to get married after graduation.”

“I seem to remember that there are people who got married directly in college.”

“Are you going to attend your monitor’s wedding?”

“Yeah, I just logged in and saw that they were talking about this, and then the monitor started counting the number of people attending the wedding, and I was just one person short.”

Ling Yun said with a wry smile.

“It’s better to arrive at the right time than to arrive early, hahaha~ In the future, you will have to go to all your classmates’ weddings, and you will suffer.”

Chen Kexin covered her mouth and laughed.

Ling Yun said helplessly: “There is no way, after all, we are all classmates for four years. "

"By the way, how did you read the information I gave you? Did you find anything?"

Chen Kexin asked.

"I didn't find anything from the information, but I would like to go back and ask if there are any clues about my parents."

Chen Kexin nodded and agreed: "Yeah, that's right, maybe there are clues in the school."

"After returning to China, most of the time, uncle and aunt are either at home or at the First Federal University."

At this time, Chen Kexin's phone rang suddenly.

Chen Kexin picked up the phone and looked at it, and her face fell instantly.

"No way, it's the weekend and you have to take up our time?"

Chen Kexin looked at the phone with a sad face.

"What's wrong?" Ling Yun asked puzzledly.

Chen Kexin stood up: "Sorry, Ling Yun, you may have to take care of the meal today. There was a call from above, and it was probably another task!"

"I have to go back immediately."

"Then go quickly, I can handle it myself. "

Ling Yun looked at Chen Kexin's back as she left. Although this was a stable job, she had to be on call at any time, which was indeed a bit annoying.

Not long after Chen Kexin left, Ling Yun made some food and ate it.

While washing the dishes, Ling Yun's phone suddenly lit up.

"Huh? Who sent me a message?"

Ling Yun wiped his hands and opened the screen, only to see that it was a message from the monitor on Penguin.

"Ling Yun, I happened to pass by Los Angeles University at about seven o'clock in the evening. Can you come to the intersection in front to get the invitation?"

"I'm going out tomorrow and won't be in Los Angeles."

"Wait, at night? Isn't it my transformation time at night?"

"But isn't it just an invitation? Wear more clothes and go out to get it."

Ling Yun thought about it, picked up the phone and replied.

"Okay, monitor, just leave it in the school's security room and say it's mine. I'll come and get it later. "

Ling Yun clicked the button to send.

The other side quickly gave Ling Yun an OK expression.

Ling Yun checked the time, three, two, one!

A faint white light enveloped the whole body.

The next second, a little silver-haired Lolita appeared in front of the mirror.

A tender and cute little face.

The long hair behind her reached her hips.

Ling Yun had always doubted whether his height after the transformation was 1.5 meters. After asking Nako, he confirmed that his height seemed to be just over 1.4 meters.

Walked to the room and took out a long-sleeved shirt, put it on, then tucked the silver hair behind him, and finally put on the hat.

Ling Yun looked at himself in the mirror in the mirror.

Most of it was covered.


Plus it will be dark soon, so it should be hard to see outside now.Too clear.

Ling Yun quietly opened the door, temporarily blocked the surveillance in the corridor, and quickly slipped out.

Walking on the small road in the school, Ling Yun observed the surroundings.

There were groups of couples or people who came out to eat on the playground.

There were also many people exercising at night.

The most important thing was that there were many beautiful young ladies!

The school library was brightly lit at night. Even in the era of superpowers, learning is very important.

If you don't study hard, you will fail the course.

When he arrived at the school gate, Ling Yun reported his name and mobile phone number and got the invitation smoothly, as well as a box containing gifts.

I have to say that this box is really big and luxurious, completely blocking the view in front.

But this weight is of course nothing to me.

Suddenly, a football flew over from the sky in the distance.

The body reacted subconsciously and stepped back directly, and the football dodged directly.

However, the box in his hand was not so lucky and fell to the ground.

The wedding candies and small gifts inside also spilled out.

At this time, a boy came from a distance and said sorry, then ran away with the football.

" wish you stay single forever!"

Ling Yun said speechlessly.

He could only squat down to pick up the things.

At this time, a person passing by also stopped.

"Classmate, let me help you."

A crisp and pleasant voice sounded from the side.

Ling Yun was about to look up and thank him, but he immediately thought of the owner of the voice in his head.

It was... Ying!!!

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