In the night, Ling Yun squatted down with his head down, not daring to move.

Oh my god!!!


Why can I meet Ying here.

Ling Yun felt that his whole body had been stiffened at this time. This was so embarrassing!

"Classmate, your things."

At this time, Ying had picked up the things and said to Ling Yun.

But Ling Yun was still thinking about what to do and did not respond.

Ying watched Ling Yun picking up the things around him slowly, so she squatted down again to help Ling Yun pick up.

Ling Yun's hand just stretched out directly collided with Ying's hand.

Ling Yun reacted and hurriedly said: "I can do it, thank you."

Then he quickly stuffed the things on the ground into the box.

Ling Yun, don't be nervous, I have been wearing a mask all the time, Ying has never seen what I really look like.

Ling Yun kept saying to himself in his heart.

Ying looked at Ling Yun, and this outfit was also very strange.

It's still hot now, why do you still wear long sleeves and a hat? Isn't it hot enough?

And Ying can feel that this little girl seems to be hiding from her.

"Where do you live, classmate? I'll help you move."

However, Ying didn't think too much, just put the things in the box for Lingyun.

"Classmate, you wear so many clothes, aren't you hot?"

"Ah? No... not hot... I have a cold recently... so I wear more."

Lingyun lowered his head and said to Ying in a low voice.

"I'm sick..."

Ying nodded, and suddenly saw a silver-white touch on Lingyun's neck.

After a closer look, Ying found that Lingyun's clothes were not put on properly, and her hair was put inside her clothes. The long silver-white hair passed through the clothes and almost reached her legs.


Long silver-white hair? ? ? !

Suddenly, Ying thought of someone in her mind.

She also had long silver-white hair.

"Thank you, classmate. You can give me the things now. I can take them back myself."

Ling Yun stretched out his hand and said to Ying.

Ying put the things in the box in front of Ling Yun.

Ling Yun looked around and found that there was nothing else on the ground, so he was ready to run away with the box.

Ying suddenly reached out and grabbed Ling Yun's wrist.

"Wait! Wait...what are you doing?!"

Ling Yun panicked immediately.

Did Ying recognize him?

But no, when he saw Ying, he was wearing a mask the whole time, so she definitely wouldn't recognize him.

" miss someone I know."

"A person?!"

It must be his long silver-white hair that's the problem.

It's true that he couldn't recognize her with the mask on, but anyone would be suspicious of this long silver-white hair, right? !

"That must have recognized the wrong person. I'm just an ordinary college student."

Ling Yun said quickly, trying to keep himself calm.

Magic must not be used unless it's absolutely necessary.

"Then why do you look so scared of me?"

"That... Anyone would be scared if you just grabbed someone's hand..."

At this time, Ling Yun was secretly preparing to cast a spell and escape.

"Ying, you are here. We agreed to go together. Why did you go first?"

Suddenly, another girl came over with a pile of books in her arms.

Ying looked back and saw that it was the girl in the same dormitory.

Ying subconsciously let go of her hand.

Ling Yun found the right opportunity and immediately walked towards the small road ahead.

Ying immediately noticed something and looked back.

Ling Yun had already turned into the intersection ahead and disappeared!

There was only a piece of wedding candy left on the ground.....

Ying immediately knew something. That person was the one she had been looking for.

She hurried over, but when Ying looked at the small road, there was no one in the small road.

The person just now also disappeared.

Ying was not going to chase him anymore, because that was her sister!

Now Ying understood immediately.

Her guess was indeed correct, no wonder she had been keeping her head down.

Even though her sister had been wearing a mask, she had never seen what her face looked like under the mask.

But as for that long silver-white hair, not everyone can have it.

Plus now Ling Yun ran away out of guilt.

Ying was sure.

At this time, a classmate from the same class came up behind her and asked in confusion.

"What's wrong, Ying? Do you know that person just now?"

Ying turned around and nodded, smiled and said, "Yes, a very familiar person!"

In the room.

Ling Yun ran out of the black hole portal he had just opened with the box in his arms.

Ling Yun put the box on the table and sat down on the sofa.

"What a close call! Fortunately, I used the portal to escape directly, otherwise I would have been exposed!"

Ling Yun took a deep breath and said.

"Don't go out at night if you can! It's too dangerous!"

Fortunately, he was not caught on the spot.

Ling Yun took off his hat and took off his clothes. He hadn't sweated much when he went out just now, but he was sweating profusely when he came back.

It can be seen how scared Ling Yun was when Ying appeared just now.

After taking off all his clothes, Ling Yun stood on tiptoes to take down the shower and prepared to take a good shower.

After the transformation, Ling Yun also felt that he loved cleanliness.

As long as he sweated, Ling Yun felt uncomfortable if he didn't take a shower.

He who never cleaned his room, had to clean it every day.

He even had a little mysophobia.

According to Nako, these habits may be the effect of assimilation.

"I seem to have accepted some apprentices before."

Suddenly, Nako's voice came in his mind.


Ling Yun was taking a bath and was stunned.

"Nako, what did you say?"

"Have you recovered your memory?!"

Ling Yun asked excitedly.

"No, it's just that I saw that girl just now, and I felt that I also have an apprentice."

Naka continued.

"Ah?! Ying? Ying is not my apprentice! She should be considered my sister."

Ling Yun said quickly.

"Then have you thought of anything else, such as who your apprentice is?"

"I can't think of it, but I remember that I did have an apprentice back then... but I still can't think of who it is."

Ling Yun thought Nako had thought of something.

"It's okay, you have made a historic breakthrough, and you will definitely remember it later!"

"But from what you said just now, does it mean that as long as I do what you did before, your memory can be restored a little?"

Ling Yun thought about it and said to Nako.

"This is indeed a method, but I don't know if it's feasible."

" do I know what you did before?"

At this moment, Ling Yun was like a blind man who found a bright spot. It seemed to be a good method, but it was a dead end.

After taking a shower, Ling Yun lay on the bed.

"By the way, Nako, do you think we can trigger those memory fragments again?"

Ling Yun sat up and thought about the situation at that time.

I used a summoning magic that I had never used before, and suddenly there were these memory fragments.

"How to trigger it?"

"Use magic. Did you see that this memory suddenly appeared when I used the summoning magic before?"

"Yeah, that's right, but you can't summon it now, right?"

"Yes, but think about it this way. Since summoning magic is possible, can other magics also be used?"

Ling Yun said excitedly that he had found another method.

"Summoning magic is advanced magic. If you use another advanced magic as you said, those memories may reappear."

"Yes, yes, what do you think of my method?"

Ling Yun said excitedly.

"It is possible, but there are hundreds of advanced magic, including 20 healing magics, some functional magics and summoning magics you have used before, and the rest are extremely destructive magics."

"You can destroy a city by using any advanced magic."

Naka thought for a while and said.


Ling Yun thought about it. If all the hundreds of magics were used, wouldn't the world be destroyed?

Thinking of this, Ling Yun immediately rejected this proposal.

This kind of direct self-destruction, if the memory is not found and the home is gone, isn't it the end?

"Ahhh! Is it really only possible after assimilation?"

Ling Yun rolled around on the bed holding his head.


Suddenly something fell and hit Ling Yun on the head directly.

Ling Yun covered his head: "What is that?"

Ling Yun smashed his things and took it up.

It turned out to be a photo frame of his parents.

Ling Yun looked at his parents in the photo frame.

This should be five or six years ago.

Ling Yun picked up the photo frame and looked at the photo, "This should be taken in front of the pyramid in Heizhou..."

Ling Yun still remembers that his parents would send such a photo and postcard every month in those years.

This can be regarded as the last thought left to him by his parents after they disappeared.right.

Suddenly Ling Yun saw the pyramid behind his parents.

Ling Yun seemed to have thought of something.

"Archaeology... Castle..."


"Nako, I seem to have thought of something. Is there a picture of a castle in the memory fragment?"

Nako replied: "There is indeed a picture of a castle, what's wrong?"

Ling Yun continued: "Is it possible that this castle exists in this world?..."

Late at night, two cars drove directly into the Federal Research Institute.

Stopped at the gate.

Opening the door, Chen Kexin and Jiang Xiaoyun got out of the car.

"Captain, what is this place? Why did you take us here?"

"Didn't you see the words next to it? Federal Research Institute."

At this time, the black car that had been following them also stopped.

At this time, the car door opened, and a man in military uniform got out of the car.

Chen Kexin and Jiang Xiaoyun immediately became serious when they saw the visitor.

Then saluted the visitor and said.

"General Zhang!"

This is General Zhang Liyuan, who directly leads their special operations team and is also an S+-level superpower in the Federation.

Zhang Liyuan nodded and walked in front of them: "You must be wondering why I brought you here?"

"I see that other teams have already gone to perform their missions."

"Haha, you are here to perform your mission as well."

Zhang Liyuan laughed and said.

"Come in, let's talk while we walk."

After that, Zhang Liyuan led the two people in.

"Is this your first time at the Federal Research Institute?"

Both of them nodded

Jiang Xiaoyun scratched his head and said, "General Zhang, this place is also a military restricted area. You can't enter without a special pass."

"Can you hack in?"

Jiang Xiaoyun felt a chill on his back and blurted out everything: "Ah?! General, I definitely didn't do anything bad. After I hacked into the Federation, I never did anything bad again. I confess that I just secretly watched those uncensored movies last time. I really didn't do anything else...."

Zhang Liyuan turned around and looked at Jiang Xiaoyun with a wry smile. "Stop! I didn't say you did anything bad. I just want to ask you, can you hack into this institute with your skills?" Jiang Xiaoyun heard that Zhang Liyuan was not blaming him, so he was relieved and said, "It's difficult!" "Because the institute uses an independent network, and once it is invaded, it will immediately trigger an alarm." "Unless someone is sent to conduct an internal invasion. Otherwise, it is difficult to invade the institute from the outside." Zhang Liyuan nodded and said, "Okay, I feel relieved with you." "General, are you afraid that someone will hack into the institute?" "Yes, just last week, our researchers' mobile phones suffered a lot of hacker attacks." "Fortunately, their mobile phones cannot be brought into the institute, otherwise the entire institute will suffer huge losses, but this matter still attracted our high attention." "So the first task for you this time is, Xiaoyun, you have to upgrade the network of the entire institute to ensure that it is foolproof." Hearing Zhang Liyuan's words, Jiang Xiaoyun immediately agreed. Computers are her strong point. "I'll get someone to help you."

After saying that, Zhang Liyuan turned around and looked at Chen Kexin behind him.

"Kexin, come with me."

Zhang Liyuan took Chen Kexin to a door and pressed his finger to verify the pupil data.

The door slowly opened.

"Next, you will see the highest secrets of the Federation. You know the rules, so I don't need to repeat them."

"I understand!"

Chen Kexin nodded and said.

"In fact, we have been studying superpowers over the years, and we found that superpowers can actually be copied and manufactured."

"What?! How is this possible? Superpowers are not..."

"Yeah, I know you are surprised, and I was also extremely surprised when I heard the news."

"But this is the fact."

"And superpowers can forcibly enhance their power through artificial factors."

Zhang Liyuan said as he walked.

"Can it be enhanced?! Artificial enhancement?!"

"Yes! Through a special drug!"

Chen Kexin was even more surprised. This was something she had never heard of!

In the center of the laboratory, there were two transparent rooms.

Two people were tied with iron chains.

But they were called people. Now they were like beasts, crawling on all fours with their spines bent.

They struggled violently but could not break free from the chains.

Chen KexinXin looked at the two people in front of her. Aren't these the two officials she caught that day?

It was relatively normal that day, why did it become like this now?

Suddenly, one of them fell to the ground and his body twitched wildly.

"Not good! Number One's vital signs are rapidly declining!"

"Hurry up and rescue!"


"This is the result of an overdose of that drug!"

Zhang Liyuan stared at the room and said...

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