Although Hinata was drooling over the Uchiha clan's vast experience, she didn't think she had the ability to participate in the night of genocide.

After thinking for a long time, Hinata didn't have any good ideas. She could only keep it in mind and grab some when she had the chance.


Hiashi and Hizashi stood behind Hinata. Hiashi was almost angry to death. His daughter was really careless. She dared to sneak into the Death Forest alone.

When Hinata was fighting with the three Kirigakure ninjas, the sounds of the ninjutsu and the chakra fluctuations were discovered by the two brothers.

When they arrived, they saw Hinata opening a blue air shield to block the ninjutsu of the Kirigakure ninjas.

"Big… Big… Brother, that is Kaiten?" Hiashi’s jaw dropped in shock.

Are you kidding me? How can Hinata use Kaiten at such a young age?

"It seems, maybe, right?"Rizu was not sure. Is this still his daughter?

His daughter is growing too fast, frequently refreshing Rizu's three views. Now Rizu is a little panicked. Could it be that he is no match for his daughter so soon?

As a father, he hopes that his daughter will surpass him, but is it necessary to do it so quickly? It's only been a few days.

"Wait, something is not right."Hiashi, as expected of the Hyuga clan leader, soon discovered something was wrong.

"That gas mask is not Kaiten. Although it looks like it, it is definitely not. It is just a crude and superficial application of chakra."

After Hiashi's reminder, Hiashi also discovered that it was really like this.

"Even so, Hinata was able to come up with such a solution, which was quite clever."Hiashi exclaimed

"I just don't know how many times Hinata's chakra can be used to shield her. Those Kumogakure ninjas are obviously planning to use up all of Hinata's chakra."

"At her current age, maybe two or three times. Alas, she is still too young. She has just started to learn some soft fists and has no means to fight ninjas at a distance. Hiashi, get ready. We will attack when Hinata's chakra is exhausted."

"All right, big brother."

Hizashi and Hiashi watched Hinata's performance intently, and then their faces changed from nervous to incredible, and then to numb.

Hizashi said woodenly:"Big brother, didn't you say two or three times? How many times has this been?"

Hiashi was speechless. He didn't know. His daughter was like a tailed beast, with endless chakra, which had exhausted the two Kumogakure ninjas.

Then the two of them watched in silence as Hinata opened the air shield again and again to fight against the Kumogakure, until one of the Kumogakure fell to the ground.

Then Hinata exploded and defeated the scarred face.

"Oh, that's a powerful blow."

"The beating was so bad, so pitiful"

"So fierce, so fierce"



Hiashi kept nagging in Hiashi's ear while watching, and Hiashi was so annoyed that he wanted to cover his mouth.

"What the hell is this? White eyes!"

Hizashi suddenly roared, almost frightening Hiashi to the point of falling off the tree. Hiashi hurriedly looked at Hinata, and sure enough, he saw the Hyuga family's ancestral blood vessels on that cute face.

"She actually opened her eyes. This is really amazing. My daughter is amazing."

Hiashi murmured.

When Hinata finished the battle and went to search, Hiashi and the others lightly jumped down from the tree and walked over.


Hinata heard the magnetic voice of her cheap father coming from behind, but there was a suppressed anger and tension in the voice.

"Dad, you finally found me."

Hinata shuddered when she heard her father's voice. She felt something bad was going to happen. She immediately took the initiative and launched a cute eye attack.

Her white eyes were shining brightly as she looked at Hiashi.

Oh~ Hiashi covered her chest and was overwhelmed by the cuteness. She was about to get angry, but her anger disappeared completely.

Yeah~ Done.

Hinata made a victory gesture in her heart. Hiashi's fighting power was too poor, which made Hinata feel no sense of accomplishment.

"Hinata, you are amazing." The speaker was Hiashi who was standing next to Hiashi.

"Did you all see it?" Hinata asked

"Well, we all saw that you did a great job. I didn't expect you to be so strong that you could fight against three jonin without losing."

Hiashi was full of pride. He was able to kill three jonin at the age of three. The Hyuga family is going to prosper.

""Dad, Uncle Hizashi, I found this."

Hinata said as she handed over the mission scroll she found at Kumogakure. She also took a look at the content. Sure enough, this group of Kumogakure was cooperating to meet the upcoming Kumogakure envoys. Their purpose was to gain benefits in Konoha. They were eyeing the blood limits of various powerful families in Konoha, not only the Hyuga clan, but also the Uchiha, Kurama, etc.

"These bastards! They really deserve to die." Hizashi said bitterly. It's hard to say about other families, but the most vulnerable to attack in the Hyuga clan are Neji and Hinata.

""Big brother?" Hiashi looked at Hiashi, the meaning in his eyes was self-evident.

"Okay, got it. I will report this to the Hokage right away. How dare you covet the blood of our Hyuga clan?"

Hiashi said coldly.

Hinata thought to herself, I didn't expect that this unexpected result would also resolve the crisis of Hizashi.

With this warning, the Hyuga clan will definitely be more vigilant, and it will also be a good thing for other ninja clans.

Hizashi should not be forced to commit suicide again.

Those three Mist Ninjas really died worthily.

"Hinata, don't enter the Death Forest again, okay? You're lucky this time to meet these two idiots. If you meet someone else next time, you'll be in danger."

Hiashi said unhappily.

""Dad, but...but I want to come." Hinata poked her finger like in the original book.

This move was even more powerful. None of Hiashi and Hiashi could withstand it. They all surrendered.

"Are you looking for something? Do you want your uncle to help you? Just tell me and I will definitely help you." Hizashi said, patting his chest.

Hiashi beside him glanced at Hizashi and said nothing.

Hinata's big eyes turned around, and after thinking for a while, she said,"I want to come here to practice. The environment here is good, and ordinary food can no longer meet the needs of my body. I want to try and see if the meat of ninja beasts can provide more energy."

Hinata didn't want to say much about natural energy, but ordinary food did have a smaller effect on Hinata's strength. It is estimated that after eating for a while, ordinary food will be of no help to Hinata, and it can only fill her stomach.

"So that's how it is."

Hiashi could also see his daughter's talent, and it seemed that she needed a lot of food with higher energy.

But Hiashi was really worried about his pink and tender little daughter going to the Death Forest to suffer, and he said to Hinata with hesitation:"Do we have to go to the Death Forest? Food rich in energy can also be found in the village. If not, we will issue a task, or I will go to the Nara family to get you a few deer. Don't worry, Dad has money, and our Hyuga family doesn't lack you for food."

Hiashi also persuaded from the side:"Wait until you grow up a little, then we will go again, it's really dangerous there."

Hinata waved her little fist, and said to Hiashi and Hiashi:"Father, Uncle Hiashi, don't you believe in my strength? Besides, didn't I ask Uncle Hiashi to go with me? It shouldn't be a big deal, and we can just run away if we meet a strong one."Hiashi thought about it again and again, and reluctantly agreed, but still asked Hinata to go back with him first and make preparations before coming.

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