After Hiashi and his daughter returned home, they rested separately.

The next morning, Hiashi called Hinata to his study.

Hiashi knew that Hinata had not explained her entire situation clearly just now. Even Hizashi knew that Hinata had her own little secrets, but when he saw Hinata was vague, he just pretended not to know.

""Tell me, what's going on? When did you start to roll your eyes?" Rizu tapped the table with his fingers and asked softly.

"Haha, Dad, you are really awesome. How did you know I had my Byakugan turned on?"

Hinata flattered him.

"Humph, how do you know? I saw it with my own eyes."Hiashi didn't buy it, and asked,"Why do you have to go to the Forest of Death to practice?" Hinata nodded, and first admitted that she had opened her Byakugan, and then said,"But my Byakugan is a little different from yours, which is why I have to go to the Forest of Death."

Hinata then told him that she could feel and absorb natural energy. Hiashi was shocked when he heard it, and he wanted to laugh three times to the sky.

Look, I said that old guy Sarutobi Hiruzen was so old that even a genius like Hinata could make a mistake.

He could absorb natural energy directly.

The first generation of Hokage had to enter the Sage Mode to use and absorb it.

The Sage Body of the first generation was called the perfect form.

Except for a little pattern around the eyes, there was no other anomaly, and Hinata didn't even have that little pattern.

She was no different from an ordinary person, and she could even deceive the Sandaime and above.

After watching the medical ninja's investigation, he thought of Hinata's unreasonable physical strength.

Isn't this a natural immortal body? Could it be? My daughter's talent is even better? Will my daughter be able to compete with the first generation in the future?

Being able to be compared with the first generation was already a bold guess by Hiashi. He didn't dare to think more, but vaguely, he had thought that maybe the first generation's strength was not Hinata's end point, but he quickly extinguished this idea.

Hiashi said sternly:"Hinata, you need to keep your ability to use natural energy a secret. Don't tell anyone and don't show it outside.

I see that the color of your gas mask is blue. If someone asks about your chakra attribute, you can say that you have wind attribute chakra."

Then Hiashi said:"Can you open your Byakugan now? Open it again and show me."

Hinata smiled and said:"It's open now."

Hiashi frowned, looking at Hinata's unchanged face. Her Byakugan was the same as usual after it was activated. He thought to himself, could natural energy really be so incredible?

The fairy technique mentioned by the first generation used natural energy, so Hinata's Byakugan could also be called fairy technique Byakugan?

"Don't tell anyone about your eye roll. Well, just say that you don't have enough chakra to open your eyes." Hiashi rubbed his forehead, feeling a little headache. He couldn't tell anyone about his daughter's skills.

After hearing his daughter's story, Hiashi understood why his daughter had to go to the Death Forest to practice.

Apart from there, there was no place where natural energy gathered near Konoha. It had been decades since the first generation planted that forest. According to Hinata, those trees could absorb free natural energy. The amount absorbed over the past few decades was not small, which was more than enough for Hinata to practice alone.

"In that case, you can go without worry. Dad supports you. I plan to take turns with Uncle Hiashi to protect you. You can just practice there with peace of mind."

Hiashi said

""Dad, thank you." Hinata was overjoyed. Since she came here, she could feel Rizu's care and love for her, and she gradually accepted Rizu in her heart.

"Dad, there is one more thing. In yesterday's battle, I found that I lacked the means of long-range attack."

Hizu laughed,"Really? I saw it too."

Hinata's face was full of black lines. You saw it, but you didn't come to help me? Why are you still grinning?

Perhaps it was because his daughter's eyes were too sharp, Hizu held back his laughter, thinking that his daughter also had a time when she was defeated, which was really rare.

"Dad saw the situation you described yesterday. It's a good thing that you can find your own shortcomings. Similar situations will become less and less in the future. Your progress is very fast, so fast that Dad can't believe it. If you keep this speed of progress, you will definitely reach the same level as the first generation in the future. Dad will do his best to support you, and all the resources of the Hyuga clan are at your disposal."

Hiashi said firmly, and the partiality and doting in his words made Hinata moved and amused.

Although Hiashi always had a stern face and looked serious, he was really good to his daughter.

Now he supports Hinata unconditionally, and he believes in whatever Hinata says unconditionally.

Hiashi asked curiously:"Now that you have opened your Byakugan, can you learn higher-level secret techniques? For example, Baguazhang, Huitian and the like." Hinata thought about it and said,"It should be possible, but I haven't tried it. Dad, why don't you teach me a secret technique that can attack from a distance."

Hiashi said:"After mastering the soft fist, the advanced physical technique of the Hyuga clan is Bagua Palm. Whether it is the so-called Huitian, Bagua Thirty-two Palms, or Sixty-four Palms, they are all applications of Bagua Palm. You can use them after learning Bagua Palm. One of them is Bagua Empty Palm, which is the long-range attack method of our Hyuga clan."

Hiashi paused and said:"Besides this, do you have any plans in the future?"

Hinata nodded:"I feel that I still need to continue to practice my close combat physical skills. In the future, I need to improve my defense against ninjutsu and illusions, as well as my ability to deal with some special ninjutsu, such as those puppet masters who use poison in the Sand Village."

Hiashi frowned after hearing this and said:"It's hard to say about other things, but when it comes to illusions, the Uchiha clan and the Kurama clan are still the strongest, and the illusions of other families are relatively ordinary.

We have never gotten along with the Uchiha clan, so don't even think about asking them to help you train against illusions. As for the Kurama clan, they only have one heir now, and I heard that he is very weak, and probably can't help you train illusions.

I have a friend named Yuhi Kurenai, and she is the only one who can help you. When you graduate from the ninja school, I will arrange you in her team. But I will tell the outside world that it is because you have been unable to open your eyes, so I will deprive you of your status as the heir of the Hyuga clan and let you join the Hokage line. Do you understand?"

Hinata nodded and whispered,"I know, Dad. Don't worry, I won't be sad."

Hyuga Hiashi nodded,

"That's good, you go practice with your uncle Hizashi first, he will also teach you Baguazhang."

Oh yeah, hearing what Hizashi said, Hinata jumped up excitedly and ran to find Hizashi.

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