While following the maid, he was thinking about the skills he had just obtained from the system.

Skill 1: Big Eater.

The ability to consume food increases by 300%, the speed of strength growth increases by 300%, and the speed of physical fitness growth increases by +300%.

Skill 2: White Eyes (unopened).

The blood limit of the Hyuga clan, perspective + insight, has not yet been awakened.

The two skills are the abilities of Hyuga Hinata in the original work, especially the big eater, which seems to have more potential. This is also the reason why the original body is so powerful.

As the saying goes, being able to eat is a blessing, and people are iron and rice is steel. For physical ninjas like the Hyuga clan, the big eater is simply a magical skill.

As for why Hinata in the original work did not show her strength, Chu Tian estimated that the little girl was too shy and did not dare to let go of her appetite, resulting in a big eater but always hungry. Even the basic food and clothing were not solved, where would there be extra energy to supply the body, wasting a good talent of a physical ninja.

In this case, when we get the simplification points, the skill that will be simplified first is the glutton. As for the Byakugan, it requires too many simplification points, so it is better to put it aside for later.

The training ground is not far away and they will arrive soon.

The maid stepped forward to open the door for Hinata. Hinata went in and saw that her cheap father Hyuga Hiashi had arrived. Next to him stood a handsome uncle who seemed to be carved from the same mold as her father. If he hadn't tied a headband on his forehead, Hinata would have thought that this was her father's shadow clone.

Needless to say, this is Hiashi's younger brother Hizashi.

Behind Hizashi stood a cool little boy, who also had long hair. There was no caged bird mark on his smooth forehead.

"What are you still daydreaming about? Come in quickly."Hinata Hiashi said coldly.

""Oh," Hinata responded in a low voice, lowering her head and walking in front of Hiashi.

Hiashi frowned, wondering why his daughter was so stupid today. Although she didn't seem very smart before, he thought that his daughter might have been frightened today. His heart softened and his tone softened.

"Go, continue the basic soft fist training with your brother today."

Hearing what Hiashi said, the little boy walked to the center of the field and looked at Hinata quietly. He had a calm demeanor at a young age.

Hiashi said on the side:"Ningji, Hinata has just started learning, you have to slow down a bit and use less strength."

"Yes, father."Ningci nodded.

Hinata walked in front of Neci, her mind went blank, damn, they are going to fight directly? I don't know anything yet!

Seeing Neci opposite her making a soft fist opening posture,

Hinata hurriedly imitated Neci and made an opening posture, but the movements were loose and full of flaws.

Looking at Hinata's posture, the veins on his head jumped, he learned soft fist for a month, and this is it? Even the opening posture is wrong. He took a deep breath and said silently: Don't be angry, don't be angry, my dear, my dear.

Hyuga Hizashi next to him also had an unbearable expression on his face, Hinata is so talented!

""Start!" Hiashi shouted in a low voice.

Neji looked at Hinata, not understanding why his sister was in a daze. He was waiting to feed her moves, why didn't she attack?

Hinata also looked at Neji with a silly expression, what soft fist? I don't know how to do it.

The two sides were deadlocked for a quarter of an hour, still motionless.

Hiashi couldn't stand it anymore, and shouted:"Hinata, what are you doing, hurry up and do it.

Hinata had no choice but to throw a straight punch at Neji's face.

Although Neji was surprised to see Hinata's punch full of flaws, his years of training habit still made him subconsciously use the soft fist to deal with it. Neji quickly put one hand on Hinata's fist and pulled it aside, and the other hand was clenched into a fist and hit Hinata's lower abdomen with an uppercut.

This is a soft fist move to dissolve the opponent's attack and counterattack. Neji used it like flowing water, as beautiful as dancing.

The two brothers Hiashi and Hizashi saw that Neji's moves were clean and neat, and nodded in approval at the same time.

They thought at the same time that Neji was indeed a genius. It was rare for him to reach this level after practicing soft fist for a short time. Even some adult ninjas in the family could not do such an elegant and smooth counterattack as Neji. Hit.

But when Hiashi saw his daughter's punch, his face darkened a little. He was simply unbearable to watch, just like an ordinary person who had not been trained.

The thoughts of several people were only a moment. Ningci smiled, and the punch that attacked his little sister's belly was naturally not powerful. He just wanted to deflect his sister's fist, make her lose balance, and then lightly touch her belly. How could he bear to hit such a soft and cute sister hard.

I will protect my sister for the rest of my life.

Ningci thought secretly in his heart.

But in the next moment, Ningci's face changed. His sister's fist was so heavy that he couldn't lift it at all!

No, one hand can't defend it. Ningci quickly gave up the counterattack and switched to two-handed defense.

Then he saw that white and tender little hand, pressing Ningci's two crossed defensive hands, and punched Ningci in the face.


Ningji's head was hit and fell back violently.

When he stood up, his hands fell weakly, two streams of red blood flowed down his nostrils, and his two little eyes were dazed, with circles of mosquito coils in them.

His body swayed for a while, and then he lay back and fell into a sweet sleep.

"Uh, this~"

The sudden change made Hiashi and Hizashi lose their ability to speak for a while, and they didn't know what to say.

After a while, Hizashi finally reacted and rushed over with a shout,


Hizashi jumped to Ningci's side in a few steps, picked up his son nervously and checked him carefully.

Hiashi followed behind Hizashi and checked the condition of Hyuga Ningci.

Both of them were Jonin, and it was easy to judge that Ningci was just unconscious, and there was nothing else wrong.

Hizashi let out a long sigh, picked up Ningci with some heartache, and said to his eldest brother:"Brother, I think Ningci should not be able to accompany Hinata to train today, why don't we stay here?" Hiashi looked at Hizashi embarrassedly, turned his head and scolded Hinata:"You hit so hard, how could you hit your brother so hard, why don't you apologize to your second uncle quickly."

Hinata whispered:"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it." Hizashi hurriedly said:"Brother, it's not Hinata's fault, I think Ningci was too arrogant, and he deserved it. When he wakes up, I will definitely give him more training."

Hiashi comforted,"Hizashi, take Neci back and have a good rest. There is no rush for training. Let Neci heal his injury first."

Hizashi nodded, picked up Neci and went back.

After Hizashi walked away, Hiashi looked at Hinata with a complicated expression. Hinata

's punch just now was too slapping. Originally, he thought that Hinata would be fooled by Neci's soft fist, so he stepped forward to stop, and then he could scold his daughter with a legitimate reason, and then let her start to practice more.

Unexpectedly, the straight punch that seemed to have many flaws was so powerful that it directly knocked Neci unconscious. It was difficult to say any more scolding.

The next second, Hiashi's eyes flashed. Hiashi saw the scene just now clearly. Neci reacted very quickly. He did a good job from unloading the force by transforming the force to switching to full defense when the force failed. , but still couldn't defend against Hinata's straight punch and was crushed.

Hinata's straight punch had no skills at all, and even the force was not complete. She just waved her hand like an ordinary person.

There was no force technique, just relying on the strength of one hand. No, Hinata's punching posture was not right either. Such a bad posture could not even exert 50% of the power.

In other words, Hinata crushed Neci with only half of her hand.

Neci was an absolute genius. He had mastered the soft fist in one year and had already started practicing chakra.


Hiashi took a deep breath, and it was horrible to think about it. Could it be that his daughter was born with supernatural power?

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