[Ding, congratulations to the host for defeating the plot character Hyuga Neji (childhood version) and obtaining 100 points of reinforcement. ]

Hinata received the system prompt and was delighted at first.

So you get 100 points?

It's easy. As long as you work hard in the future and get 200 points, you can upgrade the glutton skill.

Now the glutton can use food to improve his own strength and physique. I don't know if there will be new benefits after the upgrade. I'm really looking forward to it.

Then Hinata was worried about whether her punch just now had hit Neji too hard?

What if he was injured and couldn't continue to brush experience in the future?

Besides, in the original work, Neji is also a senior sister control. In the end, he would rather sacrifice himself to protect Hinata, so of course he should be treated better. Hyuga Hiashi stared at Hinata, while Hinata looked at her cheap father with an innocent face.

My heart was beating like a drum. What was he doing? To punish myself for hurting Neji?

I didn't work hard, it was a sin. Hinata didn't know that she had so much strength.

Neci didn't even have the strength to block it with his hands, and was knocked unconscious.

Hiashi had a complicated expression, and no one knew what he was thinking.

After a while, Hyuga Hiashi said,"Hinata, hit me with all your strength."

Hiashi still doubted his own judgment, wondering if Neci had been too easy on him just now.

Although he was very happy to know that his daughter was a genius.

But judging from Hinata's usual performance, this possibility was not very high, so it needed to be verified again.

Hinata was stunned for a moment when she heard this request. What did you mean? She wanted to punch her old father herself?

And with all her strength, didn't she see what happened to Neci just now? Is Hiashi so arrogant?

Hinata knew that her body was very strong, but she had no idea how strong it was. What if something happened? What if... did she have to inherit the position of the head of the main family directly?

Just as Hinata was thinking about it, Hiashi interrupted her train of thought.

"Don't be afraid, use all your strength, let me test your strength"


Hinata was still a little hesitant, for she was afraid that her strength would knock Hiashi unconscious again, or what if she injured him?

Hiashi saw her expression, guessed what she was thinking, and couldn't help laughing secretly.

His daughter was really cute. Did she think her fist could hurt a jonin like him?

You must know that when a ninja is practicing chakra, the chakra will also strengthen the ninja's body.

The muscle density and bone strength of a ninja are far greater than that of ordinary people.

Even the illusion ninja Yuhi Kurenai, who is relatively"weak" among the ninjas, her physical strength is equivalent to several times that of an ordinary person.

Not to mention that the Hyuga clan, as a physical family, has a physical strength two or three times that of an ordinary ninja.

So he comforted Hinata,"Don't worry, father has the strength of a jonin, just try your best and let me see your strength."

But under Hyuga Hiashi's repeated requests, Hinata was skeptical and said,"Father, then you be careful."

After saying that, he imitated Hinata and threw a straight punch. The small fist, with the sound of breaking wind, hit Hinata's stomach. When

Hinata saw Hinata's punching posture, his brows slightly frowned. It was really unbearable to watch. It seems that Hinata's basic training should be strengthened. It has been nearly a month of training, and there is not even a trace of training left. If the movements are not standard, no matter how great the strength is, it cannot be fully exerted.

Hiashi did not intend to use chakra defense, but was ready to take Hinata's punch.

Let's see how strong his daughter is?



Hinata's fist hit Hiashi's stomach with a gust of wind.


Rizu's face suddenly changed, and he was about to spit out a mouthful of blood. Rizu quickly closed his mouth and swallowed the blood that surged up his throat. He almost lost his master. The terrible force brought by the small fist made him feel as if his intestines had been broken.

The severe pain in his abdomen made Rizu's facial features twisted together, and his head was even more dizzy. He was careless. This was the first sentence that rang in Rizu's mind.

The second sentence was that he must not faint!

Hinata Rizu gritted his teeth and tried his best to hold on, not letting himself He fell down, but his staggering body had already shown the power of Hinata's punch.

He personally felt the terrifying power of that little fist, which was like a tidal wave rushing over, and he couldn't stop it at all.

On Hiashi's painful expression, there was a trace of relieved smile. It was great that his daughter was indeed a genius, and the Hyuga clan had a successor.

He was happy and painful, and the expression on his face was simply wonderful.

After a while, Hiashi heard Hinata's worried voice coming from the side, and the soft and sticky voice asked with concern:"Are you okay?"

Hiashi gritted his teeth and said slowly, word by word:"I'm fine, don't worry. I have the strength of an elite jonin."

Hinata was relieved to hear Hiashi's words. A jonin is indeed a jonin, and his ability to withstand blows is strong.

【Ding, congratulations to the host for defeating the plot character Hyuga Hiashi (Jonin) and obtaining 400 reinforcement points. 】

Haha, Hinata's eyes lit up when she heard the system prompt.

Thinking that Hiashi is so valuable!

Tilting her head to look at her cheap dad, Hinata's eyes were like looking at a glittering treasure.

Do you want to come a few more times?

400 points for one punch, a huge profit.

Hiashi looked at Hinata's strange eyes, and had no idea what her little head was thinking. He just felt a slight chill on his body for no reason.

"Hinata, go change your clothes and have dinner. Today's training is over."

Hinata still felt a little unsatisfied when she heard that the training was over.

What a sloppy training. They only threw two punches and finished the training. There was not even enough time to change clothes.

She looked down at the uniform on her body, which was spotless and clean.

Hinata didn't want to change clothes anymore. In her previous life, she had played night basketball and went to eat barbecue sweating all over. Now she was asked to change clothes without even a drop of sweat. It was really troublesome.

But the Hyuga clan was a powerful clan with so many rules and regulations. She couldn't eat at the table wearing this uniform.

Hinata had no choice but to follow her maid back to the room to change clothes.

"Miss, the bath water is ready, please go take a bath."

Hinata, who wanted to put on her clothes quickly and go to eat, was caught by the maid, and was stripped naked and thrown into the bathtub. Hinata, lying in the bathtub, looked like she had no desire to live, and let the maid rub her back and forth,"

I'm so hungry, tired, destroy me."

While taking a bath, Hinata also strengthened her gluttony.

【Ding, 200 points of strengthening points are consumed, the big eater is strengthened into a glutton, and the next strengthening requires 500,000 points.

Current host skills:

Skill 1: glutton.

The ability to consume food is increased by 1000%, the speed of strength growth is +1000%, and the speed of physical growth is +1000%. Energy bodies can be devoured.

Skill 2: White eyes (unopened)

The blood limit of the Hyuga clan, perspective + insight, has not yet awakened.

Half an hour later, Hinata, who had been washed and smelled fragrant, changed into a new set of clothes and followed the maid to the restaurant.

A beautiful young woman looked at her gently. It was Hinata's mother, Hyuga Riko.

"Hinata, you've worked hard, come and have dinner."

The gentle voice with a strong maternal love immediately evoked the blood memory in the body.

Hinata rushed over and shouted,"Mom!"

Hyuga Riko looked at her lovingly and gently held Hinata in her arms.

"My little Hinata, you must have worked hard in training."

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