Qingkou's face suddenly appeared a little awkward, but his answer was without hesitation,

"Of course, your master is powerful. He and I are not at the same level. He is already a top-ranking expert in the Jianghu."

Ning Xiaoman's big eyes blinked when she heard Qingkou say so,

"According to you, Master Wu is already a first-class expert, and you can barely count yourself as a second-class expert. If you beat me within five moves, I won't be in the class?"

Ning Xiaoman's words amused Qingkou,

"What do you think? You just don't go into the stream. You really think you're a peerless expert. Come on, show me your skills and let me see your skills."

"Wait, wait, master, you said you were just second rate. Are you modest? Don't fool me. Take the skills of a top expert to make my little transparent eat flat."

Ning Xiaoman doesn't believe that there is such a big gap between Qingkou and Master Wu.

"Let's try to know the strength of you and me. As for the strength of me and your martial arts master, let's wait and see when you have a chance. You won't believe what I say now. Always see is true. Now I'm making you see is true and know how many kilograms you have, so as not to be arrogant and lose your life."

Ning Xiaoman really doesn't believe what Qingkou said. She can't even support her five rounds. At least she has been praised by Master Wu for her talent. She says she is a talent for practicing martial arts. She has practiced for several years. How can she not even resist five moves? Ning Xiaoman really doesn't believe it.

"Well, let's start."

Qingkou shouted at the beginning, but she didn't take the initiative to attack. She wanted to convince Ning Xiaoman to lose, so that Ning Xiaoman would never dare to act negligently like today.

Ning Xiaoman hears Qingkou's cry and immediately gets on his body. With a crack in his fist, he comes to Qingkou in an instant. The fist style even brings the bangs between the green buttonholes. Ning Xiaoman almost thinks he is about to hit, and his strength is about to begin to close, but he finds that Qingkou is gone.

Ning Xiaoman, who immediately closed his fist and turned back, was still half a beat slow. Qingkou had stretched out his palm behind her and wrapped her arm around her. In an instant, he pulled Ning Xiaoman's arm behind her. A burst of sharp pain quickly tightened Ning Xiaoman's spirit, and his right foot didn't hesitate to kick the people behind him. At this time, Ning Xiaoman couldn't care who the people behind her were.

I only heard a slight smile behind me. One leg pressed Ning Xiaoman's right leg, and scattered the strength of this leg at a strange angle. It ran into Ning Xiaoman's two legs and rowed gently to the right. Ning Xiaoman couldn't stand stably, but because his arm was still held behind his back, the pain was really painful.

Fortunately, Qingkou immediately stopped and patted his hand,

"I thought you could support five moves. As a result, none of the three moves came next."

Ning Xiaoman was so excited that her heart was inflamed, and her war intention was completely picked up.

"Master, let's come again."

Ning Xiaoman posed to start. This time, she was absorbed and Qingkou smiled,

"Do you think you didn't play anything and were killed by me, so you're very unwilling?"

Ning Xiaoman doesn't refute when Qingkou says that he is thinking about the center. He just stubbornly poses. Qingkou shakes his head and raises his hand. Suddenly, he hits it with the same palm. Ning Xiaoman doesn't block it with his arm this time, but quickly sideways to the left of Qingkou, and the palm of his right hand cuts obliquely to Qingkou's waist, The right foot was kicked out at the bend of her knee.

Knowing that Qingkou's martial arts are better than his own, Ning Xiaoman didn't hold his hand any longer. He made full use of his strength. Qingkou quickly twisted his body and missed Ning Xiaoman's right hand. His left leg slightly bent and walked obliquely. He wanted to unload Ning Xiaoman's strength. As a result, she was swept by her leg wind, and Qingkou gave a light "eh".

This time, Ning Xiaoman insisted on the five moves, but he still failed in the fifth move. Ning Xiaoman really realized that his kung fu was not enough to mention this time. It was tofu that met a kitchen knife, and that was the share of slaughter.

"Master, come again -"

Although he lost miserably and had little power to fight back, Ning Xiaoman found some clues after two fights. Shifu is really powerful, but he is not so powerful that he lost so miserably.

I still lack actual combat experience. Shifu is right. If I want to cultivate my martial arts to a certain level, I must accumulate experience in actual combat. I'm just locked in the house to stretch my fist and kick my legs. No matter how clever my martial arts are, it's useless for the blind to light the lamp.

"Xiaoman, I fought with you today to make you realize that your ability is not enough to protect yourself, so you should be careful in all actions, don't be too careless, don't blindly believe in your ability and judgment, and think of the danger ahead. You should know that you are in danger, and a large group of people may be involved."

Ning Xiaoman naturally understood Qingkou's words,

"Master, I understand what you said. Before I do anything again, I will first consider the consequences, not reckless and capricious, and believe you, but I also have to believe in my ability. Therefore, master, let's have another game."

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