Looking at Ning Xiaoman, who is obviously addicted, Qingkou suddenly feels whether his decision is wrong. In fact, it's OK to be reasonable. Why do you have to do it? I'm afraid he can't stop doing it. Qingkou regrets it at this time.

Sure enough, from this day on, Ning Xiaoman relied on Qingkou. She always took some time to compete with Qingkou every day. Of course, it was not easy to take out this time, because mother Huang and mother Lao watched closely, and the fight with Qingkou had to leave their eyelids.

Although mother Huang and mother Lao know that some green buttons are miss Ning's masters, so miss Ning will obey them. However, they don't know what they teach. In their eyes, they should teach some high-grade embroidery, piano, chess, calligraphy and painting.

In their imagination, they can't think of a eldest lady of the Marquis house to learn any medicine or practice any martial arts. Therefore, they have no doubt about Ning Xiaoman. They just think she wants more time to relax. They think she will marry into the royal family soon. I'm afraid they won't be a girl again. They are also relieved.

Qingkou is sad. She is forced to fight with her every day by Ning Xiaoman, and she is afraid to hurt Ning Xiaoman accidentally. She is about to get married and still wants to marry into the prince's house. But now there can't be any mistakes. In case of injury, Ning Xiaoman will have defects, not to mention Wu Yu Hou's house, even the third prince, she can't spare herself.

"Xiaoman, let's discuss whether we can practice this again after entering the prince's house. Your old man is very valuable now. There is really no accuracy in martial arts competition. Just be careful. In case of a mistake, it will be a great thing."

Ning Xiaoman doesn't want to miss such a good opportunity easily,

"Master, you can't blame me. Who made me realize that I'm just talking on paper at this time? If you mentioned the actual combat to me earlier, I don't have to bother you until the end of autumn."

"Moreover, your master is not competent. You should tell me that martial arts is to accumulate experience in actual combat as soon as I enter the house. Why should I waste so much good time? If I don't hurry up and strengthen myself in these last days, if I enter the palace, I will be in danger. Who will save me then?"

"Master, don't you also say that it's better to rely on yourself than on anyone. Even if you and wooden bell can often follow me, they can't guarantee not to leave all day. In case I lose your protection, I don't rely on myself. Therefore, I'll be ready to sharpen my gun these days. I'm not happy."

Qingkou was so entangled by Ning Xiaoman that she had to fight with her every day. However, Qingkou's attention was highly focused and really reflected the essence of the point. After half a month of competition, Qingkou sighed,

"Xiaoman, don't say you improved it. Even I improved a lot. The accuracy of moves is unprecedented."

Isn't it unprecedented? In the past, it was the goal to make every effort to achieve the highest lethality against the enemy, but now it's not. Now it's required that every move be accurate and stop half an inch above his body without being countered by Ning Xiaoman. This is really a test for people.

"So, actual combat is the only way to improve your skills."

Ning Xiaoman fought with Qingkou with a smile, but her men were not slow at all, because she didn't have so many scruples about Qingkou, so she started to have a great time.

But the competition will hurt. Even if there is no place to hurt muscles and bones, the bruises caused by the collision between the barriers are inevitable. It also tests the master's medical skills. In a month, the master has made full progress in both medical skills and martial arts.

Ning Xiaoman, in particular, can almost be described as flying in suddenly. It is because during the same time of Qingkou's training, she can detect the changes of her body. All her muscles and muscles are more flexible and responsive. Her internal power is soaring day by day.

Now Ning Xiaoman, as long as Qingkou doesn't have a hard hand, it's OK to fight with her for more than a hundred moves, but it's because of this that she let Qingkou give training again,

"Xiaoman, learn to make a quick decision. Don't delay your Kung Fu."

"If you really meet the enemy, do you just play with others like practicing martial arts? Doesn't that give the opponent time to find help? You should remember, don't think about catching the living mouth before the critical time, which will waste the most time. This is the best way to fight. If you can't take it down at once, you can't give the other party too many opportunities."

"If your skills are inferior to others, try to run for your life. Don't grind haw with your opponent there. Who knows who will come next?"

Ning Xiaoman quickly nodded and said he understood. Then he kicked Qingkou's belly without leaving any room.

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