What was there to be unhappy about? She felt that there were many things about her that she did not know, and still thought that she knew everything. It was just laughable.

"Hubby, I don't have anything to be unhappy about. I just think that the things I know are too few, and there are a lot of things that might not be as they seem to be."

"Like what?"

"The matter with the Noble Heir Lord is one thing, maybe I do not know about my father either."

After so many years, Yun Gaoxing had never treated her in this way, but as her father, he would never treat her in this way. There must be a reason behind it.

Yun Pianxian didn't think too much into it. The next day was still the same as usual, shuttling back and forth the teahouse. But unexpectedly, Lee Changfeng actually came knocking.

She was disguised to such an extent that even her own mother would not be able to recognize her. Did this Lee Changfeng have Fiery Eyes of Truth? Fortunately, he was sitting in a private room and there was no one around him.

and Yu Zhi were naturally surprised to see Lee Changfeng here. Cui was very clear that Yun Pianxian had already forgotten about Lee Changfeng and thus he ordered Lee Changfeng to leave: "Noble Heir Lord, this is not a place you should be, please quickly leave!"

"Is it even up to a maidservant like you to interrupt the conversation between this Noble Heir and Xian?" Lee Changfeng's words had completely blocked off Cui's escape.

Yun Pianxian knew that Lee Changfeng had come prepared, so he let Yu Zhi and Cui out. She took an empty cup and gave Lee Changfeng a cup of tea. "Lord Noble Heir, don't be so angry.

"Nothing much, I'm just getting married and want to see you."

"It just so happens that Pianxian also has something to say to Noble Heir Lord."

"Xian, if you have something to say, just say it."

"We have already missed it. Please take a look, Master Noble Heir."

Indeed, during this period of time, because Yun Pianxian had been wandering around in his mind, it was difficult for him to fall asleep. I, Noble Heir, am truly unable to bear to watch this. I hate this, I hate Lee Chang'ann!

"Lord Noble Heir, the person you should hate, should not be Pianxian's husband, but your main wife. Without them, Pianxian would not have become the Royal Consort, and without them, Pianxian would not have been reborn and change his personality greatly."

She had spoken already, so Lee Changfeng clenched his fist: "What?"

"Does this Noble Heir Lord not understand? Then Pianxian would explain it clearly, it was because the people from the Chi Family had done something to it, and marked the name list of the Royal Consort, which was why Pianxian was chosen, bestowed the marriage upon His Majesty, such a huge gift, how could Pianxian not marry? "

All this while, Lee Changfeng had always felt that Yun Ruyan and Chi Xiyan were not bad people, they had merely been acting in a domineering and arrogant manner, but he never thought that they would actually be so malicious!

He hated her even more, that Yun Ruyan, this woman, had acted so pitifully in front of him, but he never expected her to be such a malicious person.

He stood up and walked towards Yun Pianxian: "Xian, tell me, what did Yun Ruyan do to you?"

Yun Ruyan was an evil person, it was time to get his revenge. Yun Pianxian did not exaggerate and directly told them about the events that happened on the night before the funeral. She made Lee Changfeng sit down: "Lord Noble Heir, we eloped because Chi Jindai informed the Prince Ning's Concubine. After we were captured, Xian was beaten up, but the mother and daughter duo felt that only if Xian died, would they not threaten his position."

"So, what did they do to you?"

"The three feet long white silk was so tight that it had lost all its breath. Luckily, I was a scourge and was still alive. All of these things are true, Cui can testify. "

She did not exaggerate any further. Lee Changfeng's eyes were already red, and he wanted to kill someone. She added, "The mother and daughter also told me that you know everything!"

Although she hadn't personally experienced what had happened that night, she had often dreamt of such a scene. The mother and daughter said something that would make the original owner give up. In the end, the original owner would hold back his tears and not struggle until he breathed his last.

After she finished speaking, seeing Lee Changfeng sitting there in a daze, she knew that her objective had already been achieved. Even if Yun Ruyan and Chi Xiyan were to marry into the Prince Ning Palace as per their wishes, they would not obtain the slightest bit of favor from Lee Changfeng.

Although they would rather destroy ten temples than marry anyone, people like Yun Ruyan and Chi Xiyan were not worthy of happiness. In his eyes, at least.

After she finished speaking, she also left. After all, she didn't have the thought of turning back, so she directly sat in the carriage with Qiansui Mansion and returned to Qiansui Mansion.

The day of Prince Ning's wedding was quickly approaching. Everyone in the circle of noble wives in the capital was guessing whether Yun Pianxian had the face to go. But on the day of the wedding, Yun Pianxian acted like an outsider and went along with Lee Chang'ann.

Furthermore, his moves were very generous. It was really unexpected that he even gifted her an identical pair of Jade Guanyin. Even if the entire Prince Ning Palace did not welcome him, Yun Pianxian did not mind. After all, she had already come.

When she and Lee Chang'ann just arrived, Lee Changfeng had already returned to escort the bride in. Yun Ruyan was the secondary wife, so normally, she would be considered a concubine. Naturally, she wouldn't be able to enter through the main door, and had already been secretly carried in through the back door.

But on Lee Changfeng's face, there was not a trace of smile. If not for his red wedding robe, she would have thought that the Prince Ning's Palace was holding a funeral! Even when he was bowing to the heavens and earth, Lee Changfeng did not have a trace of a smile on his face.

All of the etiquette, including the way Chi Xiyan bowed, were faster than Lee Changfeng. Yun Pianxian knew that's retribution was coming.

And her presence here, was precisely waiting for Yun Ruyan's retribution. After Chi Xiyan and Lee Changfeng finished paying their respects, the ceremony to receive a concubine had also begun. When Yun Ruyan came over from the backyard, he did not have a trace of a smile on his face.

At this time, had already removed the cover on Chi Xiyan's head. Seeing Yun Ruyan's expression, Lee Changfeng felt like he was dead mother, Chi Xiyan felt extremely proud of himself.

But only Yun Pianxian knew, that Lee Changfeng was unsatisfied with the two women he married today, and they were completely oblivious to it.

Looking at Yun Ruyan's smiling face while giving Chi Xiyan and Lee Changfeng a cup of tea in his concubine's room, Yun Pianxian had the feeling that this woman was very pitiful, but she hadn't realized it at all.

Yun Pianxian was standing at the side, confused. He ignored the fact that this was a public place and whispered in her ear, "My wife, what happened? Why are you so happy?"

"That is to say, tell all that the wicked person has done to me to those who should know."

It was only then that he understood why on such a happy day, Lee Changfeng felt like her mother had died. It seemed that Lee Changfeng already knew who the seductive b * stard was that he had married, so even if it was him, he wouldn't be able to smile.

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