Seeing Yun Pianxian targeting Chi Xiyan and Yun Ruyan, Lee Chang'ann kept thinking that maybe he really couldn't figure out what a woman's heart was. Since Yun Pianxian had already put it down, why did he have to torture them like this?

In front of her, he was unwilling to hold back his words, "My wife, do you do this because you still care about Lee Changfeng?"

"No, it's because of revenge. Husband, don't forget, Yun Ruyan wants my life.

Yun Pianxian understood that she just didn't want the Prince Ning Palace to be at peace because of her family's prosperity. If the inner chamber was to fight to the death, Prince Ning and Lee Changfeng would not have the mind to meddle in other people's affairs.

To be able to turn the entire Prince Ning Palace upside down with such a small matter, it was truly interesting. After finishing the wedding wine, Lee Chang'ann would naturally not join in the fun and would enter the bridal room together with the other party. It would be better to go home and get married to someone else.

Chi Xiyan thought that tonight, Lee Changfeng would return to his room with flowers in his room, but he would not see Lee Changfeng even in the middle of the night, it was truly strange.

She had asked her maid, Caiwei, to find out if Lee Changfeng had gone to where Yun Ruyan was. However, when Cai Wei returned, she said something that was unacceptable to Chi Xiyan. On the night of their wedding, Lee Changfeng was actually not in the mansion.

Furthermore, when Caiwei asked Lee Changfeng's errand boy, he was extremely stubborn and could not gather any information at all. Even if Chi Xiyan was angry, she did not dare to vent her anger. This was the first night she had married into the Prince Ning Palace, if the Concubine of Prince Ning knew about it, it would be incredible.

As the main wife, it was already wrong for Chi Xiyan to not be able to control Lee Changfeng's heart. At the end of the hour, Lee Changfeng finally returned from outside.

As soon as he heard the news of Lee Changfeng's return, let alone late Xiyan, even Yun Ruyan immediately went to welcome him. But Lee Changfeng was completely drunk, his face rubbing against a lot of women's rouge.

From the looks of it, Lee Chang'ann had gone out on the night of the wedding and strolled through the fireworks area. When she heard the news that Lee Changfeng was not in the Palace, as soon as she heard that Lee Changfeng had returned, she naturally wanted to take a look as well.

However, when they saw their own son having such an affair on his wedding night, they naturally felt angry in their hearts and asked, "What are you all standing here for? Why aren't you helping the Noble Heir Lord into his room to rest? "

Hearing the Prince Ning Concubine's words, Chi Xiyan and Yun Ruyan naturally had to go and support Lee Changfeng. But when they saw these two women, the anger in Lee Changfeng's heart grew even stronger, and he pushed them away. "This Noble Heir will go back to the study to sleep!"

Yun Ruyan and Chi Xiyan did not know what had happened to Lee Changfeng either. He was so angry, it was clearly a day of celebration.

But they did not dare to follow Lee Changfeng because they were afraid that he would be angered and kill them with one palm strike. Looking at these two disappointing daughter-in-law, the Prince Ning Concubine said many times, "The two of you truly don't have any abilities at all.

Being lectured by the Prince Ning's Concubine like this, these two women naturally felt wronged in their hearts. However, what the Prince Ning's Concubine said was the truth, so he could only swallow his anger.

After Lee Changfeng entered the study room, he locked the door from the inside. He did not want anyone from and to disturb him.

After he found out the true identities of the two women, he also thought of breaking the engagement, but since the marriage was given to him by Lee Changsheng, he naturally could not break it off, and could only marry these two women to come in.

Even if the one he wanted was Yun Pianxian, he couldn't do anything. He had truly loved Yun Pianxian, and for her, he had given up everything on himself and flew far away with her.

This was how things went in the capital. As long as one was ugly, it would immediately spread. Last night, the news of Lee Changfeng marrying into a brothel and drinking wine had spread throughout the capital.

Yun Pianxian had just woken up and heard the news, although she knew that Lee Changfeng had not seen eye to eye after hearing the news. However, he was not a god, so he did not let Lee Changfeng be happy.

She had already looked through it, and did not have any random thoughts from the start. Instead, like usual, she brought Cui and Yu Zhi along, disguised herself, and wandered around.

The moment he returned to his residence, Lee Chang'ann took out a letter and showed it to him. She didn't understand the traditional Chinese characters, so she made Cui read it to her. When Cui finished reading, she found out that her cousin in Jiangnan, Yu Ziqian, was going to rush to the capital to take the exam.

Furthermore, his own cousin Yu Chuchu had also accompanied Yu Ziqian to the capital. He heard Cui say that when he was in Jiangnan, the people of the Wu Yu Clan treated him extremely well and he got along well with the brother and sister of Yu Family.

Aside from Yun Ruhong, not a single person with Yun Family treated him well. Suddenly, a cousin came to the capital to take the examination, Yun Pianxian was extremely happy.

Lee Chang'ann originally wanted to accept the siblings into his Qiansui Mansion, but Yun Pianxian felt that this wasn't appropriate. After all, she knew very well what kind of reputation Lee Chang'ann had in the capital. "Hubby, how about this?

"This is also good, to prevent them from being related to Qiansui Mansion, and encountering some sort of danger."

According to their hearts, they should be able to reach the capital before sunset. Yun Pianxian changed into a new set of clothes and went out to pick them up so that he would not scare them.

She was dressed like jade and had brought Cui and Yu Zhi to wait at the south gate. Not long after, she saw the Yu Clan's horse carriage.

The coachman was an old man of the Yu Clan, so he immediately recognized Cui and her and stopped the carriage in front of them. Although Yun Pianxian didn't remember his cousin, according to what Cui had said, he still looked forward to it a little.

There were four people who alighted from the carriage. Other than Yu Ziqian and Yu Chuchu, there was also Yu Chuchu's maid Hong'er and Yu Ziqian's errand boy.

had no impression of these four people, but seeing that his cousin was so happy, Yun Pianxian laughed awkwardly.

When they saw Yun Pianxian, the two siblings felt that something was wrong. If it wasn't for the fact that there wasn't much of a change in their appearances, they really wouldn't have recognized him.

Seeing them acting this way, Cui also knew that they were slightly perplexed in their hearts. "Young Master Cousin, Young Miss Cousin Cousin, these past few years of my family's Miss's life in the Yun Family was not easy, her personality is also not the same as before."

In the past, they knew that Chi Jindai's family was huge, and the reason her uncle was able to enjoy his current state was largely because of the Chi Family. Yun Pianxian's life in the Yun Family wasn't too good, so it wasn't strange.

It was just that this girl, Yu Chuchu, was crying like she was about to cry. Cui just said that and she cried like she was crying, "Cousin sister, you're not living a good life, why don't you go to Jiangnan and find us?"

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