Yun Pianxian immediately spoke out, "There are many good things in the capital. Since Uncle and Aunt doted on me so much, I naturally have to bring some things back to them. Cousin, can you help me go to the market to select them?"

"Alright!" Yu Chuchu forced himself to do so.

But unexpectedly, when he just stepped out of the Chenxi Garden door, Yun Pianxian sent someone to find out where Chi Mulan was. Only now did Yu Chuchu realize that Yun Pianxian was being too kind.

The news spread very quickly, but it made Yun Pianxian feel a little awkward, because not long after Mulan returned to the Chi Family, he went to the Drunken Immortal Tavern.

Yu Chuchu knew of this place. A while ago, Wu Yu Ziqian had been distracted by Drunken Immortal Tavern for the sake of Miss Xiao Xiang! Yu Chuchu's expression was a little ugly. The person she had her eyes on, was actually going to the brothel!

Seeing Yu Chuchu like this, Yun Pianxian thought for a while: "Actually, Chi Mulan has a bosom friend in Drunken Immortal Tavern, she's just going to talk. How about, calling her cousin, we go to Drunken Immortal Tavern to drink together?"

Damn it! She didn't know how she came up with the idea of saying such unpleasant words. At this moment, she couldn't help but want to slap herself in the face!

However, Cui seemed to have followed him and became wild. She immediately pushed open the Chenxi Garden door and told Yu Ziqian that she wanted to go there.

No matter what Yu Ziqian said, she was still a scholar, so she naturally did not want to go. Yun Pianxian rolled her eyes at him. "Cousin, your room is filled with portraits of Xiao Xiang, yet you're still so stubborn. If you say you're going to that kind of place, would it be a disgrace?"

At this moment, she felt that she was part of a professional demolition team, but Yu Ziqian was embarrassed. Yue Yang had completely ignored Yu Ziqian, so there was nothing he could do. He could only agree, "Then how can you girls go?"

"She's disguised, I promise. Even if Aunt was here, she wouldn't recognize Cousin."

Sneaking out of the Qiansui Mansion and messing around was one of Yun Pianxian's strong point, even his clothes were readily available. Immediately, he ordered his men to fetch the swords from the Qiansui Mansion and change them with Yu Chuchu.

Furthermore, Yun Pianxian had even left a mole and beard on Yu Chuchu's face. When Yu Ziqian saw them like this, she was extremely shocked. It was hard to accept that these two beautiful ladies had suddenly become greasy men.

Just as he went out, Yun Pianxian opened his mouth: "Cousin cousin, I'll let it be for all of you to practice tonight. Next time you come to the capital, Pianxian will definitely take care of you."

Actually, they had already been in the capital for more than a month. Yun Pianxian had been here almost every day, so Yu Ziqian and Yu Chuchu were very satisfied. Just arriving at Drunken Immortal Tavern, without needing Yun Pianxian to speak, the girls had already made arrangements. After a while, Miss Xiao Xiang came.

When Yun Pianxian saw Lady Xiao Xiang, he immediately turned silly. Yun Pianxian also wanted to help her. "Beauty Xiao Xiang, this is my big brother. He has also studied music before.

Xiao Xiang had been on the wind and moon arena for several years, so he naturally could tell that Yu Ziqian had feelings for him. However, a scholar like Yu Ziqian knew the etiquette. She immediately called for someone to bring the zither over and exchange notes with Yu Ziqian.

She had settled Yu Ziqian's matter, now she had to help Yu Chuchu. She called the servant over: "Go to Miss Tingyu's room, tell her that Zhang Zixu is going to find Young Master Chi to have a drink."

She would often follow Lee Chang'ann, and as she was an honored guest here, the servant did not dare delay any further, and immediately went to Tingyu's room. Chi Mulan came down very quickly, his clothes and hair were neat and tidy. It seemed that Tingyu had really become's bosom friend, and they drank in Tingyu's room, talking and drinking.

Seeing that Mulan had come late, she found an excuse to go out and walk around the courtyard behind the Drunken Immortal Tavern. After walking for a short while, he saw that Lee Chang'ann had arrived.

At night, the Drunken Immortal Tavern was crowded and complicated, so Lee Chang'ann naturally did not feel at ease, and came over. When he came to the private room he often stayed in, he didn't see Yun Pianxian, so he came over: "What are you doing?"

"Farewell, Cousin and Cousin."

The way she bid farewell was really special. Forget about Yu Ziqian, she even brought Yu Chuchu, the young miss, to visit the brothels. He had even left Yu Chuchu and Chi Mulan alone together, "Are you going to send me off or are you playing with fire?"

"Since they still have unfulfilled hopes, as their cousin, I naturally have to help them."

Lee Chang'ann was about to clap his hands and praise her for speaking so nicely. However, Lee Chang'ann had a nagging feeling that no matter how well they hid the brother and sister of Yu Family, someone would still notice them. "When are they leaving?"

"The day after tomorrow."

"He really is impatient."

"The earlier they leave, the safer they will be. I don't want anything to happen to them."

"Your husband doesn't want anything to happen to them. Don't worry, your husband will have people protect them from the shadows."

"Thank you, Hubby!"

They were husband and wife. He was surprised that she thanked him. After all, he had never thought of asking her to thank him. Since she had already spoken, he decided to play a hooligan. "My wife, how should I thank you?"

"Husband, tell me, what do you want?"

"Promise me with your body."

He could do anything he wanted, but she took two steps back, "Husband, let's talk about this in the future!"

"My wife is a rose with thorns. Your husband's thorns, haven't you peeled them enough?"

She was a modern person, and since she had come here, she would surely leave one day. She did not wish to leave her child here. They had already been married for almost half a year, and even then, they still hadn't consummated. Lee Chang'ann couldn't wrap his head around it anymore: "My wife, can you still tell your husband why?"

"There's no why. I'm just not ready!"

This was the reason why every time Yun Pianxian heard it, he was already tired of it. He pushed her against the tree trunk. "Can you use a new excuse?"

"I, I …"

"Is there anyone else in your heart? Lee Changsheng? Or Lee Changfeng? "

The thoughts running through his brain were truly extraordinary. He could even think of something like that. She turned her head away, not daring to look at him again. He punched the tree trunk a few times.

His fists were bleeding. Only then did he stop. As Yun Pianxian looked at this, his heart ached. "Hubby, let's go back to the residence and bandage your wounds!"

"Don't worry about it!" With that, he turned and left.

Not long after Lee Chang'ann left, Yun Pianxian returned to the Qiansui Mansion. Tonight was different from before. Lee Chang'ann did not come to the Phoenix House, nor did she ask Cui to ask about it, but this silly girl, Cui, did not bring up any pot at all. "Miss, it's so late for nine thousand years, this servant has already sent someone to invite you!"

Damn it! Cui, this silly girl, really wanted to kill me, but I am not willing to roll in the bed with Lee Chang'ann, why would she ask for Lee Chang'ann's help?

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