She and Lee Chang'ann had a tacit understanding, she did not wish for him to come here. Even when Cui sent someone to invite him, he did not move the carriage.

Since she didn't see anything, she told everyone in the room to withdraw and lay down on the bed. However, after spending so many nights with him and not being around tonight, he still felt like he couldn't sleep at all.

The next day, when she woke up, she found that his usual sleeping position was neat and tidy. From the looks of it, he had not come last night.

She seemed to have understood something. There was indeed a huge gap between them, and it was not easy to cross that gap. After a breakfast, Yun Pianxian took Cui to the market to buy a bunch of things and then asked the brother and sister of Yu Family to bring them back to Jiangnan.

When they arrived at the Chenxi Garden, they saw Hong'er and Unrivaled Super Hottie packing up their things. Seeing Yun Pianxian bringing so many things over was really worrying the two of them to death.

Hong'er looked at the items in the Qiansui Mansion servant's hands and sighed: "Miss Biao, are you planning to move the shops back to Jiangnan?"

"You are just a lazy person. If it wasn't because I couldn't move to Jiangnan, I wouldn't have wandered around for so long and picked so many things!"

Hearing the commotion outside the house, the brother and sister of Yu Family also came out. Seeing that they were in a good mood today, Yun Pianxian knew that he had made the right decision last night.

The moment he saw Yu Chuchu coming out, Yun Pianxian ran over to her side and asked, "Cousin sister, what did you say to Chi Mulan last night?"

"Nothing much, just talking about poems and songs. This time, Mulan really does have some ink in his stomach."

As the younger sister of Yu Ziqian, she was naturally full of talent as well. To be able to receive Yu Chuchu's acknowledgement, it seemed that this Chi Mulan really did have some skills up his sleeve.

Yu Chuchu had been blushing a little while ago, but now, he was not too happy. Naturally, he asked her: "Cousin sister, what's wrong with you?"

"He's about to leave the capital. I can't bear to."

"Cousin, are you unwilling to part with me, or are you unwilling to part with Mulan?"

The moment she heard Chi Mulan's name, Yu Chuchu's face flushed red again. He sighed, "Cousin sister, I understand.

A sensible girl would always make people's hearts ache the most. Seeing Yu Chuchu like this, Yun Pianxian's heart also felt sour. Yu Ziqian walked over and asked, "You two have muttered enough, right?"

"I can't stay in the Chenxi Garden for too long today either. After all, the capital isn't like Jiangnan. If people see me walking together with you, you will be in danger."

Only now did Yu Chuchu realize why Yun Pianxian had told them to go back in such a hurry. After all, before they came, their parents had never told them that the capital was not safe.

Yun Pianxian had wandered the streets for an entire day, but when he returned to his Qiansui Mansion, his heart was empty. He had a nagging feeling that something bad was going to happen.

At the moment, she was most worried about brother and sister of Yu Family, so she asked Yu Zhi to come over. Hu Kui had followed Lee Chang'ann for a very long time, so he naturally knew of Yun Pianxian's intentions. After coming here, he first paid his respects, then said: "Madam, you want to ask about brother and sister of Yu Family's return to Jiangnan, right?"

"Hu Kui, you are really smart, tell me, how many people did you send to escort them back?"


In fact, going down from the capital city to the Jiangzhou City where the Yu Clan was located, in a few days, there were only fifty people, and they were all elites. Yun Pianxian felt that there were already quite a few people there: "You personally picked this person yourself?"

"Yes, they are all old men who have followed me for many years."

With Hu Kui's words, Yun Pianxian naturally felt a lot more at ease. The confidence in his heart, had finally dropped to the ground. But when Hu Kui just replied, he was called over by Nangong Ji, and from the looks of it, Lee Chang'ann had returned.

Her Hubby, when she went back to the manor in the past, had always come to look for her. She thought that only when a woman was angry would she be able to ignore the other half. She didn't expect that a man would be like that.

Since he was even ignoring her, there was no need for her to stick to Lee Chang'ann's cold butt with her own face. She didn't care much about it, she could forget about living her own Buddhist life, why would she fawn over others?

Since the start of the cold war with Yun Pianxian, Lee Chang'ann had been somewhat absent-minded. Even when Nangong Ji was talking to him, he seemed to not be able to catch a single word of what Yun Pianxian was saying.

Seeing Lee Chang'ann like this, Nangong Ji knew that no matter how much he said, it would be a waste of his time, "9000 years old, how about we end it here today?"

"No need, go on."

"9000 years old. Should we invite Madam Qing Ming?"

"We're talking business. What is a woman doing here?"

Previously, Lee Chang'ann had accepted Yun Pianxian's suggestions, but this time, he had slapped his own face. Even if Nangong Ji was smart, he couldn't figure out the relationship between men and women.

Hu Kui, who was at the side, was quite smart and interrupted: "Qingming, pick one out for me. How about the people who will escort brother and sister of Yu Family back to Jiangzhou City tomorrow morning?"


Without waiting for Lee Chang'ann to speak, the two of them immediately ran, and Lee Chang'ann understood that the two of them were hiding from him. Forget it, there wasn't anything too big that needed to have a result today, so Lee Chang'ann decided to let them go.

The room was empty, so Lee Chang'ann left the study and wandered around. By the time he had reacted, he was already at the door of Phoenix House.

Damn it! He had been so concerned about this woman, but this woman had treated him like thin air and refused to share a room with him. He had been underestimating her, why was he still looking for her?

He had originally planned to return, but the words "nine thousand years old" from Cui stunned him. Upon seeing Cui, Lee Chang'ann immediately pulled back his face, "The matter of me coming here, cannot be mentioned to anyone, understand?"

"Why?" Cui was just a muscle.

"If you dare to let your young lady find out, I'll cut your tongue and sell it to you in a brothel!"

Lee Chang'ann this fellow, had truly frightened the silly girl, Cui. Her entire body was trembling, with a "putong" sound, she kneeled on the ground: "This servant will remember this."

The weather was getting hotter, so Yun Pianxian asked Cui to go to the cellar to bring some ice cubes over. Unexpectedly, not only were Cui's hands and feet so slow, when he returned, he felt that something was wrong, as if he had seen a ghost.

She could immediately tell that something was wrong. "Cui, it's still daytime, what the hell are you doing?"

"No …." "No."

Within the Qiansui Mansion, the person Cui was most afraid of was naturally Lee Chang'ann, could it be that the brat, Lee Chang'ann, was venting his anger on him?

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