Originally, Lee Chang'ann planned to enter the palace after finishing his breakfast, but Qingping barged in. Without waiting for Lee Chang'ann to ask her what was going on, "Putong", he kneeled on the ground and said: "9000 years old, I beg of you, please allow this servant to stay in Qiansui Mansion, okay?"

With great difficulty, Yun Pianxian finally managed to look forward to Qingping leaving the Qiansui Mansion. What was this woman doing now?

Qingping had received a full body injury last night, and now that she was kneeling in front of Lee Chang'ann, it was not good for him to directly decline back. But Yun Pianxian didn't like Qingping. With Qingping here, Yun Pianxian would be unhappy.

It was a good thing that at this time, Hu Kui was very smart: "9000 years old, you should enter the palace!"

With Hu Kui's reminder, Lee Chang'ann immediately left, throwing the blame onto him. Qingping looked at Lee Chang'ann's departing figure, and two streams of tears fell. "Madam, this servant really doesn't have anywhere else to go.

That was why Lee Chang'ann allowed Qingping to go to the Chenxi Garden. It was because Yun Pianxian did not mind, but at the moment, Qingping was truly interesting! Yun Pianxian knew that Qingping was pitiful, but he couldn't let her stay here!

She walked in front of Qingping and said condescendingly, "Qingping, I also know that you are very loyal to the age of 9000, but you are a free man. You should stay here to recuperate your injuries, wait for your body to recover, then go to another courtyard!"

Qingping could not accept Yun Pianxian's decision, but he was still a servant girl and simply did not have the qualifications to reject his decision. At this time, there was no one else in the house, so Qingping took a step back and crashed into a pillar.

Yun Pianxian was so frightened that his face turned pale, naturally he provoked a lot of servants. When they came in and saw that Qingping's head was bleeding, they were extremely shocked.

A few months ago, Yun Pianxian was still talking in a weird tone, but today, Qingping's head was smashed into pieces. Those people naturally thought that this was Yun Pianxian's masterpiece.

This woman was truly vicious. He had actually used such a method to force him to submit. Yun Pianxian was not a merciful person, he had an innocent look on his face: "Qingping, your brain was injured by someone last night right?"

"Please excuse me, Madam! I want Qingping to stay in the Qiansui Mansion!"

The matter of Lee Chang'ann giving Qingping the indenture contract, was something only a few people in this house knew. The servants naturally thought that Yun Pianxian was too jealous and wanted to sell Qingping. The maids were even more afraid.

Although Yun Pianxian did not recklessly beat people up, he did not have much of a smile on his face. Everyone had misunderstood him, so it was not strange for them to treat her as a bad person.

Yun Pianxian flipped the chair over with a kick. "Qingping, you are now a free man, you should have a beautiful future, what future do you have by staying in the Qiansui Mansion?"

"Madam, this servant is a 9000 year old person. Even if I die, I am a 9000 year old ghost. Please …" Before he even finished speaking, Qingping had fainted.

After being led by Qingping, Yun Pianxian felt that his cultivation was shallow, so he waved his hand: "Take her back to her room. Before his wounds heal, he is not allowed to take even half a step out of the courtyard.

Although the servants were stunned, the guards were different from the maids. They would naturally listen to Yun Pianxian and watch him closely.

Qingping's matter had just been settled, and Yu Ziqian's matter had begun. This morning, the people from Qiansui Mansion had brought Yu Ziqian back. Just in case, it was Hu Kui himself who went.

Yun Pianxian waited at the door for a while. But when he saw that Yu Ziqian and the others were still carried in from the outside, Yun Pianxian became anxious once again.

After Hu Kui finished making the arrangements, he immediately went to the Phoenix House to report to Yun Pianxian. This fiery-tempered aunt of his was already far away from Jiangnan and had gone north. Yun Pianxian naturally had to know what was going on with Yu Ziqian.

Luckily, even hearing it from Hu Kui's mouth wasn't bad news. Yu Ziqian was already out of danger, it was about time he woke up, and the situation that wasn't confused, was about the same.

Yu Ziqian and the injuries that he did not doubt were not fatal, they were only a loss of blood and a weak body. Just as Hu Kui finished speaking, he heard someone report from outside, "Jiangzhou City County's Yu Shi Bo's wife requests an audience!"

If it really was Cao Cao, then naturally, Yun Pianxian had to personally go welcome him. Seeing this Madame Yu, Yun Pianxian did not put on any airs of arrogance, and was extremely respectful to him.

Originally, Madame Yu came here to denounce him, but when she saw Yun Pianxian inside the Qiansui Mansion, she knew that this matter wasn't Yun Pianxian's fault, so there wasn't anything unpleasant to say.

They all said that their nieces were married off to another man and their husband was under one person and over nine thousand years old. However, in the eyes of the Madame Yu, this girl, Yun Pianxian, was really pitiful.

They were both women, and they were both people who had experienced the past. How could the Madame Yu not know that marrying a eunuch would end her life! When Hu Kui and Madame Yu finished reporting about Yu Ziqian's situation, Madame Yu would not say anything unpleasant.

After the servants had all left, Madame Yu's eyes reddened. "Xian, you've married into the Qiansui Mansion, and Uncle and Aunt have no other choice. We have truly wronged you!"

It seems that this aunt really dotes on him. That way, she can even talk. Seeing that there was no longer a third person in the room, Yun Pianxian bluntly said, "Aunt, marrying nine thousand years is actually not a bad thing for Xian."

"How can it not be a bad thing? After all, Lee Chang'ann is a eunuch, he cannot be treated humanely. If you follow him, what will happen in the future?"

also did not know how to respond, and could only change the topic: "Aunt, you have not seen your cousin or cousin yet. Xian will first bring you to see your cousin, and after that, we can go out of the house to see your cousin, right?"

When Yun Pianxian said this, the Madame Yu was puzzled, "Why are you still going out to see Chuchu?"

"There was an accident last night. Cousin was afraid of being hurt so she went to the Xiao family."

"Xiao family? What Xiao Clan? "

"It's General Xiao Guanghe's residence."

When it came to Xiao Guanghe, Madame Yu was naturally aware of it, "This Xiao Guanghe, no matter what, is almost fifty. How did she end up targeting our family's Chuchu?"

Yun Pianxian could only explain, "Aunt, you misunderstood. Last night was the little General Xiao, so Xiao Wenhan took my cousin away!"

Even if Yun Pianxian said that it was Xiao Wenhan who brought Yu Chuchu away, the Madame Yu was still puzzled: "Xian! Even if Xiao Wenhan is a good person, you can't let him take Chuchu away! [Isn't this Chuchu's reputation ruined?]

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