Last night, it was Yu Chuchu who wanted to follow Xiao Wenhan, what methods did she have?

Madame Yu thought that this was not anything strange, Yun Pianxian could understand it. Rather than here, and talking endlessly, it would be more practical to let Madame Yu look at her children first.

But when they moved to Yu Ziqian's room, Yu Ziqian remained like that, lying on the bed without moving at all. When Madame Yu saw his own child, who was unconscious, she cried, "My son! How did you end up in such a predicament? "

"Aunt, the sky in the capital is going to change. You can't stay in the capital for too long, do you understand?"

"Is the capital going to change? Could it be that your eunuch husband is about to commit some evil deeds again? "

Hearing Madame Yu talk about his own husband, Yun Pianxian felt a little unhappy in his heart, "Aunt, my Hubby has a name. He's called Lee Chang'ann!"

"This Lee Ergou always bullies the Emperor, and everyone calls him 9000 years old. From Aunt's point of view, he really wants to add one thousand years for himself, to become master!"

This Madame Yu was really something, her mouth was not covered at all, and she actually said such a thing. She immediately covered Madame Yu's mouth, signalling him not to say any more nasty things!

Seeing Yun Pianxian like this, Madame Yu pulled her hand away: "You are just a small traitor. How long have you been married to that eunuch's husband of yours, you are truly angering me to death!"

This Madame Yu, she really had a bad temper. At this time, she was still in the Qiansui Mansion, and she dared to say such words to Lee Chang'ann. She really wasn't afraid that someone would complain.

Since Madame Yu had already seen his son, Yun Pianxian did not wish for her to say anything bad about Lee Chang'ann at Qiansui Mansion, so he brought her to the Xiao family.

Her identity was sensitive to this point, so she naturally had to inform the Xiao family first. Fortunately, after waiting for a while, the maidservants came out and brought them in.

Xiao Wenhan was still considered capable, so she placed Yu Chuchu in Xiao Sese's courtyard. She and Xiao Sese could be considered to have some feelings for each other.

But when Yu Chuchu came here, the moment she saw Yun Pianxian, she hid behind Xiao Sese and said, "She's here to kill me.

had already explained last night's situation to Xiao Sese clearly, and she knew that it was just a misunderstanding. But with Yu Chuchu's reaction, she didn't know what to do either.

Yun Pianxian was still self-aware, and retreated to the side: "Aunt, Cousin has forgotten a lot of things, and also seems to have forgotten about you."


Madame Yu could not believe what Yun Pianxian had said. His two children were fine before they came to the capital, why was it that after they came to the capital, their son was in a coma and their daughter did not even recognize him?

Madame Yu cried all of a sudden, "What did Si Bo and I do wrong? Both of our children are in trouble! "This is not fair, even after doing so many good deeds on behalf of the people in his lifetime, he still ended up in the same situation."

Madame Yu's tearful voice scared Yu Chuchu. Yun Pianxian's eyes were sharp, and she saw it: "Aunt, you scared my cousin!"

At this time, a young maid ran over anxiously: "Young miss, Young Noble Chi Family is here!"

Chi Mulan is here? He looked at Xiao Sese and said, "Before Cousin had lost her memories, we had interacted with Young Master Chi."

Only then did Xiao Sese understand why Chi Mulan had come to the Xiao family's residence. "Pianxian, let's go outside the door and explain everything to Young Master Chi. Let Madame Yu and Chuchu have a good talk, alright?"


Yun Pianxian felt that since Yu Chuchu had already forgotten a lot of things, he should not dream of letting Chi Mulan, this useless woman, off.

Chi Mulan paid a visit today and was very courteous, even handing over a greeting letter. However, when he saw Xiao Sese coming out together with Yun Pianxian, with a name scroll in her hand, Chi Mulan was stunned, "What are you guys doing?"

"My cousin is resting in the Xiao family. I'm here to take a look."

She did not want to get involved with Chi Mulan, so she did not want to get involved with her first cousin. He glanced at Yun Pianxian. "Cousin sister Pianxian, I'm worried about Lady Wu Yu. I just want to take a look at her.

"Chi Mulan, my cousin had an accident a few days ago and I don't remember you anymore. Even if you meet her, it would be useless."

"I just want to take a look today and know that she's fine before I'm satisfied."

"Then let me tell you, aside from you not remembering people and things from the past, everything else is fine. If there's nothing else, you can leave."

Chi Mulan knew that Yun Pianxian did not need to lie to him, and he did not know if he was right or wrong for pestering Yu Chuchu like this, as he stood there stunned, not moving an inch.

Yun Pianxian could tell that Chi Mulan was currently very confused: "Young Master Chi, I think it's time for you to go back. If you guys are unlucky, you might not even be able to make much of a difference by staying here."

In the past, Chi Mulan thought that Yun Pianxian was the best girl in the world, but she was the Royal Consort, a woman that he couldn't get his hands on.

It wasn't easy for him to meet Yu Chuchu, but today he was in such a situation. Yu Chuchu did not remember him, so he waited for the chance to let them meet again.

Furthermore, Chi Mulan could also tell that the Xiao Clan did not welcome him and had left as well. But the things that he gifted were still delivered to Yu Chuchu.

Returning back to Xiao Sese's courtyard, Yun Pianxian saw that Yu Chuchu seemed to have already accepted her mother, and her heart was filled with joy. Seeing the mother and daughter duo, Yun Pianxian thought about how he had not teleported himself, and his eyes immediately turned red.

Xiao Sese looked at Yun Pianxian with a puzzled expression. "Pianxian, what's wrong?"

"I miss my mother. In the past, she was just as good to me."

Xiao Sese was naturally clear of the Yun Family. "Pianxian, your mother passed away when you were five years old, and you still remember her appearance. That's pretty good.

For some inexplicable reason, she had just transmigrated. To her parents, she was like a white-haired man giving away a black-haired man! She was the only daughter of her parents. At this time, their hearts should have been broken.

This was the first time she thought like this about everything modern since she came to this place. She did not say her goodbyes to Madame Yu and Yu Chuchu, only leaving a few people to escort Madame Yu back to the manor and went back by herself.

After exiting the Xiao Clan's gate, Yun Pianxian had a nagging feeling that these few people who were following him were really irritable, so he let them go back. He walked aimlessly on the streets of Beijing.

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