She didn't know how many schemes and tricks lay behind a bustling city. However, the moment she left the Xiao family, she heard a bunch of people gossiping about Lee Chang'ann behind her back.

Walking and walking, she had finally reached the Drunken Immortal Tavern. During this period of time, she had encountered quite a few things. The only person she could talk to and trust was Xiao Xiang.

It was already the afternoon and Drunken Immortal Tavern were not open for business yet. However, when they heard their own voices, the young lady inside naturally opened the door.

Xiao Xiang was also very surprised to hear that Yun Pianxian had come. She welcomed Yun Pianxian to the backyard, where she carried Yun Pianxian's favorite peach blossom and got drunk.

This girl really knew what she was thinking. Yun Pianxian smiled. "Xiao Xiang, you're really considerate!"

"Of course, otherwise how could I be the most famous among so many girls in this Smoke Lane!"

"You're right. I've been troubled recently, that's why I'm here to talk to you."

"Madam, you can come find me, but you can't come find me dressed like this anymore."

Only then did she realize that she had made such a huge mistake. If someone were to discover that she was here, wouldn't that just be a burden to Xiao Xiang?

It was a good thing that this Miss Xiao Xiang was very smart. Before Yun Pianxian left, she found a maid's outfit and gave her a change of clothes before sending her out.

When he returned to the Qiansui Mansion, the sun had already set. Yun Pianxian heard a piece of good news: Yu Ziqian had woken up. Naturally, she immediately went to see Yu Ziqian. However, when she entered the room, she was surprised to see that Yu Chuchu and Madame Yu were both here.

She knew that Yu Chuchu was afraid of her. Just as she was about to turn back, Madame Yu spoke up. "Since you're here, come in!"

Since Madame Yu had already spoken, Yun Pianxian also came in. Seeing Yun Pianxian, Yu Chuchu was a little scared. However, with the Madame Yu here, there was no reason for him to have such a huge reaction.

At this time, Madame Yu looked at the people around him and said, "All of you can leave.

Madame Yu was a tigress. Even in Qiansui Mansion, she was still able to intimidate the maidservants. Yun Pianxian was truly impressed to the extreme. When there was no longer a fifth person in the room, Yu Chuchu sniffed a few times and said, "The person who wanted to kill me that day wasn't you!"

Hearing Yu Chuchu's words, Yun Pianxian was truly confused. "Cousin, I still don't understand!"

"That day, that person did indeed look the same as you. However, the smell on your body is different from that woman's."

It was only then that she remembered that Cui had told her that the Madame Yu's parents were from a powder family.

From the looks of it, Yu Chuchu seemed to have recovered her memories. "I'm really innocent. It's impossible for me to look the same. I can only say that she changed her appearance."

"En, cousin. You like roses. The incense you use is mostly the scent of roses. The person who wanted to kill me that day had the smell of osmanthus flowers mixed with a hint of orchids."

All the maids in this mansion used the same things, even the powder was no exception. She remembered that the powder of the Qiansui Mansion maids were all the fragrance of osmanthus flowers.

The fact that he could smell the fragrance of the orchids meant that this person was often in the garden. Previously, the maidservants in charge of the gardens weren't that meticulous in their areas. However, after Yun Pianxian had entered the manor, she had arranged all of these in detail.

She immediately understood who the woman who had disguised herself to assassinate Yu Chuchu was. Since there was a spy in this mansion, then getting rid of her was an urgent matter.

When Yu Ziqian woke up, Yun Pianxian ordered others to suppress the news that Yu Chuchu had gone home, afraid that someone might cause trouble again. After Lee Chang'ann returned home, Yun Pianxian went to the garden with the excuse of admiring the flowers.

Lee Chang'ann didn't understand why Yun Pianxian would come to the garden so late at night to admire the fragrance of the roses.

When they had just arrived at the garden, Yun Pianxian was already in high spirits. "Hubby, did anything big happen when we went to the palace today?"

"This palace is still as lifeless as ever, and there are many dangers."

"Isn't it the same outside the palace? Isn't today the day when my cousin escaped from death to return to the Qiansui Mansion? "

At first, Lee Chang'ann didn't know that Yun Pianxian had told him to come here, but after hearing about Yu Chuchu, he seemed to have understood something.

His face was full of worry. "I didn't expect that there would be spies in my husband's residence. We should get rid of them as soon as possible."

She was able to tell that Lee Chang'ann was very concerned about there being spies in Qiansui Mansion: "Hubby, Qiansui Mansion's spies, are only here to scout for information. Right now, we do not dare to act rashly, and reveal our identities."

The garden at night, even with the embellishment of the sweet fragrance of the night, was not as beautiful as the rose garden during the day. After staying for a short while, Yun Pianxian grew tired of it.

"Didn't you say that you want to admire the flowers and look at the fragrance of the night? Why did you leave before staying for too long?"

"Aiyo, Hubby, I just want to talk to you here right now. Think about it, the last time someone stabbed Chenxi Garden, my Phoenix House already had a spy killing my cousin, how could I speak in Phoenix House?"

Lee Chang'ann nodded: "Once you're done, it's time to return to Phoenix House, isn't it?"


After they had left, a petite figure appeared from the shadows. "Yun Pianxian, don't you know that the most unsafe place for Qiansui Mansion is in the garden?"

In the room with the Phoenix House, Yu Chuchu had originally planned to go to bed, but when she heard someone knocking on the door, Yu Chuchu was startled. Fortunately, it was Yun Pianxian who spoke so she went to open the door.

Yun Pianxian brought in a bowl of soul calming soup and placed it on the table. "Cousin, you haven't had a good sleep these past few days, have you? Drink some soul calming soup and go to bed early!"

"Cousin, you're the only one who cares. You should get some rest as well." With that, Yu Chuchu started to drink the soul calming soup.

After drinking a few mouthfuls, he felt that something was wrong. He felt dizzy and asked, "Cousin, what did you give me to drink?"

"The Soup of Tranquility. It's just some sedative, hahaha …"

Yu Chuchu's expression changed, "You …" You are not... "Cousin."

Yu Chuchu fell to the ground as soon as she finished her sentence. At this moment, the woman who came in with the Soup of Tranquility tore off her human skin and revealed her true appearance.

It's a plain looking maid, twenty years old, with a dagger in her hand." The woman squatted down, holding a dagger in her hand. Just as she was about to end Yu Chuchu's life with a single slash, Yu Chuchu, who was lying on the ground, suddenly sat up, spraying a tranquil soup on her face.

The woman immediately realized that she had fallen into his trap, but it was already too late. Yu Chuchu had also taken off her human skin mask. It was actually Yu Zhi.

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