There was no need to mention Yu Zhi's skill, she had already taken off the weapon in the woman's hand. Then a group of guards came in from outside and surrounded the woman.

At this time, Yun Pianxian and Lee Chang'ann also came in. Lee Chang'ann looked at Yun Pianxian with praise written all over his face, "My wife, you're really smart. You actually let this traitor show himself!"

"I already knew that traitor. He is the one responsible for taking care of the orchids in the garden, Peaches."

The maid who was called Jade Peaches had an expression of disbelief as she said, "Impossible! I didn't leave any traces behind last time, how did you guess that it was me?"

"Indeed, no matter how inconspicuous your Qiansui Mansion is, other than the few maidservants in charge of the garden being able to call out your name, no one else is able to.

"You can't easily guess that it's mine!"

"Yes, you changed your appearance to mine, and even attacked when something happened to your Chenxi Garden. The timing is very right, but you forgot one thing."

Jade Peaches had been inside for years and had always been cautious. She really didn't know what she had done to make Yun Pianxian notice her. "What did I forget?"

"Smell, this Qiansui Mansion's servant girl uses osmanthus powder. However, on your body, other than the scent of osmanthus, there is also a trace of the fragrance of orchids."

"But I never use orchid powder!"

"Because you are in the Orchid Garden, you are there every day, so naturally you smell the fragrance of the orchids."

It was only then that Peaches realized that she had failed to notice this detail. At this moment, if she wanted to run, even if she died, she couldn't fall into Lee Chang'ann's hands.

It was because of Yu Zhi's hot soup that Yu Zhi had been able to get away with it so easily, and that caused her to be surrounded. At this moment, in order to escape, Peaches naturally chose to take the initiative to attack.

But with a bunch of guards and Yu Zhi around, even doing so wouldn't be of any help. As soon as he was caught, he intended to bite off more than he could chew. Yun Pianxian looked at her. "You won't die from biting your tongue. It's just that your words aren't fast enough!"

"If you want to kill me, then kill me. What's the point of saying so much nonsense?"

"Nonsense? "Hahahaha, I'll let someone torture me later so I can know. Are you talking nonsense?"

"Up to you. I'm not afraid of death anyway!"

This traitor was truly courageous. Yun Pianxian clapped a few times. "Don't worry, I won't beat you. I'll make them serve you well!" "You're an old lady of twenty years of age. I'll let you have a taste of what men are like. Look at the smell in this room, it's probably different. After you finish tasting, there's still a bunch of them outside."

When she said those words, not to mention Yu Zhi and those guards, even Lee Chang'ann felt that it was inconceivable. After all, Yun Pianxian was from the Shangguan Family, so why would she say such words?

When Peaches heard this, her face changed. "You wicked woman. If you have the ability, then kill me. What's the point of torturing me?"

"I like to torture people. Right, right, once you've tasted what these men are like, I'll let them carve words on your face. I can think of any kind of vulgar words!"

"You wicked woman! You will die a horrible death! "

She wasn't afraid of being scolded, was she? She hadn't done anything, or was she being scolded behind her back? How dirty and despicable was that phrase used on her to deal with a spy? What was she afraid of?

She walked in front of Peaches and lifted up her ugly face. "Peaches, actually, I just said the wrong thing. It's not like you haven't tasted what it's like to be a man. You've even given birth to a son, so you should be five years old this year, right?"

Hearing Yun Pianxian's words, Bi Tao's face changed. "Don't touch him! He is innocent! "

"In this world, there is no lack of innocent people. Your son is innocent. You are not a peaches, you just look like one, like a peaches.

The spy's face was filled with disbelief. After all, he had been hiding so many secrets from Royal Consort, and Royal Consort had revealed them all of a sudden.

"To ensure that you are not speaking the truth, I will first tell you what I know. Your name is Shanzhu, the daughter of a hunter. You grew up in the mountains, so you're different from other girls. When you were fourteen years old, you rescued a scholar who had rushed to the capital to take the exam, then took him home to recuperate. After staying for a few days, the two of them went through some things that shouldn't have happened, but after training hard in high school, you abandoned me and decided to marry a beautiful young lady from the Shangguan family. "

After Yun Pianxian finished speaking, Shanzhu started crying. "He said that he would marry me to the name of the Golden Ranking, but that was all a front! He lost a hundred taels of silver and humiliated my parents, scolding me for not loving myself! "I didn't want to kill him, but after I gave birth to his child, he wanted to marry the young lady of the Shangguan family. He actually wanted to kill the two of us. I had no choice but to kill him!"

This Shanzhu was also a pitiful person. Yun Pianxian wanted to let her off, but the crime she committed was not only the murder of an imperial court official.

She sighed, "I know that you are a pitiful person, but to kill someone ungrateful for your own child, it's not your fault. But the real Peaches were killed by you, and if you say what you have to say, I'll give you a quick death."

"You know that I'm a spy, so just kill me. I can't say who my benefactor is!"

"Yan Xiu's fiancee is the distant niece of the Prince Ning's imperial concubine. Did you know that?"

Shanzhu was shocked by her words. "How could that be?"

"Why not? In order to win her over, Prince Ning had bestowed her far away niece to Yan Xiu, so it wasn't really a big deal. Do you think that the Prince Ning is your savior? He's the one who killed you! "

"What evidence do you have?"

In fact, Yun Pianxian had already investigated the evidence. Yan Xiu did indeed have some ink, but this ink was not worthy of that rank. It was the Prince Ning who spoke, which was why the Han Lin Institution gave such a rank.

The reason Prince Ning did this was only because Yan Xiu was a poor scholar without any background, and only because he had it in his hands. Yun Pianxian sneered, "A poor Elementary Scholar like Yan Xiu is the chess piece that the Prince Ning wants. He even reminded my father to let go of this matter, how come I didn't know that?"

Thank you for last time, Lee Chang'ann told me to go to Yun Gaoxing's study room to find the old story about Prince Rende. I just saw what Yun Gaoxing wrote and it really came in handy now.

Actually, what Yun Pianxian said made sense. Shanzhu also understood. "Alright, I will tell you everything. I just hope that Madam can let my son and my old parents go!"

"Of course."

Since Yun Pianxian had already promised, the guards would naturally take Shanzhu to interrogate her. Lee Chang'ann looked at her, "My wife, your husband really did not expect you to be able to persuade that spy to confess."

"That's only natural. People are willing to do anything for the people they care about."

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