Lee Chang'ann had experienced this before, he was willing to do anything for the people he cared about. However, after he gained power, no matter what he did, he couldn't allow his loved ones to return to him.

Now, the only person he valued was Yun Pianxian. If anyone wanted to touch her in the slightest, then that person would surely suffer a fate worse than death!

After returning to the Phoenix House, Lee Chang'ann did not stay idle. He held a brush on the side, and it was unknown what he was doing. Yun Pianxian walked over and saw that he was drawing her.

Even if the person in the painting was gentle and generous, a person who was completely different from what he was doing, this blind flirtatiousness was exactly the same as his.

She was a little puzzled: "Hubby, are you sure the person you are drawing is me?"

"Of course it is. Painting is about charm. Look and see. The charm in your eyes, how is it different?"

She was indeed enlightened. After finishing the painting, he had someone take it out tomorrow morning to put it on the wall and then let her help him change his clothes. This ancient man was born to do something, and he didn't even want to do such a small thing.

At this moment, Yun Pianxian sighed and went to help him take off his clothes. In the beginning, she had tossed and turned for a long time, but she could not take off a single piece of clothing.

After she took off his clothes, he still wanted to help her take off her clothes. She pushed him away, "Hubby, my principle is to do it myself.

After she rejected him, he didn't insist. He just sat to the side. She had also realized that he was still sitting here. "Hubby, we all say that there is a difference between males and females, can you move a step?"

"Men and women are different? We're husband and wife, so naturally, we don't have to care about such things. "

It was said that the ancients were secretive, so why was this fake eunuch acting so arrogantly? In any case, he couldn't see anything special about this ancient undergarment, so he could only do this.

Tonight, they slept in the same clothes as usual. When she woke up on the second day, he had already disappeared without a trace. As soon as he finished washing his face, Yu Zhi came over. "Madam, 9000 years old said that you would take care of that spy of Shanzhu."

He had really thought highly of her. He even had to handle this kind of matter by himself. "If I were to make a stand, then what about Shanzhu's confession?"

"Madam, please have a look!" Yu Zhi presented her confession.

Bullying someone who couldn't read traditional characters? She rolled her eyes and said, "My eyes aren't good. Read it!"

Although Yu Zhi was surprised, she still followed Yun Pianxian's instructions and read the confession letter through. The confession was just a little bit away from Yun Pianxian's guess and that was that the real peaches were not killed by Shanzhu, but were killed before they could even enter the palace by someone from the Prince Ning.

She thought for a moment. "Peaches' family has already lost their daughter. Since Shanzhu has lived in her place for a while, let her live in her place for the rest of her life!"

"What?" Yu Zhi was very surprised by Yun Pianxian's decision.

He had caught a spy with Qiansui Mansion and even admitted it. Yun Pianxian was actually going to let this woman go!

Yun Pianxian also knew that Yu Zhi was very surprised with her decision. "The families of Peaches are all living off the monthly income from Peaches. If Shanzhu died, how would the couple and their young brother survive?"

Yu Zhi did not have any objections to Yun Pianxian's question. Although the spies were hateful, the family members of Peaches were innocent after all. Yu Zhi could understand Yun Pianxian's decision.

After breakfast, he heard someone report that Shanzhu wanted to see him. Yun Pianxian knew why Shanzhu had come to find her.

She ordered someone to bring Shanzhu up. When Shanzhu saw her, she kneeled down and said, "Madam, I thank you for your great kindness!"

"You came here to express your gratitude. No need, I'll forgive your death sentence, but you won't be able to escape punishment for your crimes."

"As long as you don't hurt my children and my old parents, I have no regrets."

It seemed like Shanzhu didn't know yet, but after she entered the mansion, her old parents were killed and her son was taken away. Yun Pianxian hadn't intended to tell her all of this. She had told her to make the peaches properly and live well for the peaches.

But thinking about it, after Shanzhu left home, she would naturally go back to see her old parents and son. Even if she hadn't said it herself, she would have known.

She looked at Shanzhu, unable to say a word. "Shanzhu, there are some things that you must know."

"Madam, please speak."

"Your old parents have passed away. The grave is a few miles south of your house. The two of them are sharing a grave, so they are not alone."

"What?" Shanzhu's eyes instantly turned red.

"Not long after you entered the Qiansui Mansion, you died." Yun Pianxian repeated.

"How did he die?"

"I was attacked by wild wolves in the mountains."

Shanzhu had grown up in the mountains. How could she not know how skilled her father was? Besides, my mother broke her leg when she was young. Her leg was never good, and she never went deep into the mountains. How could she die in the mouth of a wild wolf?

Shanzhu instantly burst into tears. "That's impossible. My father is so skilled, he never goes into the mountains at night. How is it possible that my mother never goes deep into the mountains when her legs are inconvenient?"

"In any case, that's all I found out. It's fine if you don't believe me."

Upon hearing this news, Shanzhu sat paralyzed on the floor. "Madam, you lied to me, right?"

"I also hope that I'm lying to you. I'm also not willing to tell you such a cruel thing."

"Madam, this is not true!"

Shanzhu immediately stood up after she finished her sentence, wanting to run out. It seemed like she wanted to go home and see if what she said was true. But with so many guards, how could she let him succeed?

After the guard had restrained Shanzhu, Yun Pianxian slapped her across the face and said, "I let you go so that you can atone for your sins. I won't let you live for your life so recklessly and impulsively!"

As Yun Pianxian said this, she seemed to be roaring. Shanzhu had also calmed down. Yun Pianxian told the rest to leave, leaving only Yu Zhi and Cui behind.

She looked at Cui and said, "Go to the garden and destroy some of the roses while the maidservant who was taking care of the rose garden is not around."

In the whole garden, the rose was Yun Pianxian's favorite. At this moment, Cui was stupefied. "Miss, you love roses the most, how can you do that?"

"If I tell you to go, then hurry up. Remember, don't let anyone find out!"

Cui did not dare to disobey her, so she could only leave immediately. She glanced at Yu Zhi: "Give Shanzhu a slap on the face for twenty years, then follow the rules of Qiansui Mansion, and drive out of the residence!"

Yu Zhi was different from Cui. She also knew that Yun Pianxian did this for Shanzhu. As long as Shanzhu was chased out of the Prince Ning Palace, they would not keep pestering her to do something against her conscience.

Furthermore, the Prince Ning was already sick to death, and there was no way to deal with such a petty spy. Shanzhu was safe.

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