Right after returning to the Qiansui Mansion, Lee Chang'ann asked the servants to pack their things and move to the Eastern Palace. Yun Pianxian had a nagging feeling that even if they were to enter the Eastern Palace, shouldn't it be a lucky day for someone to clean up the Eastern Palace first?

Seeing that Yun Pianxian had just left the palace, she became restless and asked, "My wife, what's wrong with you?"

If she wanted to live with him for her entire life, she had to make everything clear: "Hubby, congratulations on becoming a Crown Prince of Jun'ann Kingdom!"

Even though she was congratulating him, Lee Chang'ann still felt that Yun Pianxian's words didn't sound right. She was his wife, so she should be happy for him. Why was she looking so worried?

As the saying goes, a woman's heart is like a needle on the seabed. Lee Chang'ann wanted to find where this needle on the seabed was: "My wife, you should be congratulating us. Your husband is the Crown Prince, you are the Imperial Concubine! In the future, when your husband becomes the emperor, you will be the queen of Jun'ann Kingdom. "

He had seized the world and allowed her to ascend to the throne, but in her heart, it wasn't as if she was as happy as saying, "Soon, my husband will have many secondary wives. I will no longer be my husband's only wife."

Hearing this, Lee Chang'ann finally understood why Yun Pianxian would be so weird. Before he could become the side concubine, she had already turned over the other party with her jealousy.

Looking at her sullen expression, Lee Chang'ann smirked: "My wife, are you jealous?"

"Who said that?" A certain woman said she didn't mean it.

Initially, Lee Chang'ann wanted to tease Yun Pianxian a little, but he did not expect Old Housekeeper to rush over here so quickly. Old Housekeeper was already so old, but he still came all the way to find him. Lee Chang'ann knew that something bad must have happened.

Before he could ask the housekeeper, the first thing he said was, "9000 years old, not good. Qingping, she …"

The butler wanted to say something but held back as tears flowed from his eyes. Lee Chang'ann seemed to have understood something, leaving Yun Pianxian behind and ran straight to Qingping's yard.

Yun Pianxian had a nagging feeling that the thing she was most afraid of was about to happen. When they arrived and saw Qingping unconscious in her arms and looked around the room, she knew what had happened.

The entire room was a mess. Qingping's clothes were in disarray, her hair was in disarray, her bed was wrinkled, and there was even a pool of blood on the bed. It must have been because the rebel army took over Qiansui Mansion today.

Looking at the three foot long white silk on the ceiling beam and the mark on Qingping's neck, she must have committed suicide. Old Housekeeper couldn't open the door, so after hearing the news that they had returned, he hurriedly went to look for them.

Although she didn't like Qingping, she didn't want to see such a thing happen to Qingping either. Today, when the rebel soldiers entered the Qiansui Mansion, it was as if they were entering a village from the invader. They did everything they could to commit evil and many of their maids died miserable deaths under the blade.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Lee Chang'ann's eyes reddened, as if he was about to eat someone: "The sins of Prince Ning, are they really all redemptive if they were to be burned to ashes?"

In ancient times, the chastity of a woman was very important. Even though she was not killed in the midst of the war, none of the girls who were harmed by the rebel army seemed to want to live.

Yun Pianxian backed out of the room, called Yu Zhi, and told her to go take a look. There were also some maidservants who had encountered the same situation as Qingping, and that someone should go and comfort them.

At this time, the sky was about to brighten, and only then did Lee Chang'ann return to his Phoenix House. He looked like he wanted to speak, but he stopped.

"My wife, your husband wants to take a concubine."

These words were like a cold rain that was slapping her face randomly. Yun Pianxian was stupefied. She had not expected this kind of thing to happen so quickly.

In the end, half of her Hubby s were going to split up, "Hubby, you're wrong.

Didn't this woman say she loved me? Why is it that when I want a concubine, she doesn't even cry or make a ruckus? He was looking forward to her making a scene with him, even going so far as to force her to not give him any status as a woman.

After waiting for a while, she did not ask any further. He could not hold it in any longer. "My wife, do you have anything to say?"

"The Hubby has become the Crown Prince. It's not strange for there to be many women in the backyard." She rolled over with her back to him.

Lee Chang'ann indeed wanted to give Qingping a name in order to repay the Old Housekeeper's kindness. After all, the Old Housekeeper had provided him with help when he needed it.

Qingping was the only daughter of the Old Housekeeper. In the end, this girl's fate was not good. After encountering this kind of situation, Old Housekeeper could only kneel on the ground and beg him with tears in his eyes.

He had a feeling that as long as he didn't touch Qingping, Yun Pianxian wouldn't be angry. Unbeknownst to them, Yun Pianxian had been severely injured by him.

On the morning of the second day, when Yun Pianxian woke up, Lee Chang'ann was no longer by her side. When she walked out of the room, she saw the servant of Qiansui Mansion moving things.

Her Hubby had changed after all, and she wholeheartedly wanted to enter that palace wall, that high lock cage. At this time, Old Housekeeper's face was filled with joy. Coming here, he commanded the servants and servants of Phoenix House to carry the things in the house.

This Qiansui Mansion was a blessing in disguise, while the Prince Ning Palace was filled with endless sorrowful wails. When the Prince Ning left, only the old wangfei remained. After hearing others say that Lee Changfeng had killed the Prince Ning and even promised Lee Changsheng to burn the bones and scatter the ashes in the Prince Ning, the old wangfei's voice became hoarse from crying.

She and Lee Chang'ann were sitting in a horse carriage. When they entered the palace, they had to pass the noontime gate. From afar, they could hear the crowd cursing.

When the Prince Ning initiated the military mutiny, those people were scolding Lee Chang'ann and himself. He had switched people in one night, so he really wasn't used to it.

When it was almost noon, they even heard Qiushu, who oversaw Lee Changfeng burning Prince Ning's bones to ashes, shouting to Lee Changfeng to pour some fire oil on Prince Ning's corpse.

Hearing this voice, Yun Pianxian lifted the curtain and looked towards the execution grounds. Lee Chang'ann always felt that it might be easier for her to have nightmares when she saw this: "My wife, it's better if you stop. You won't be able to sleep at night."

"Sick Emperor, you are quite vicious. Let Lee Changfeng inherit the position of Prince Ning and use him to restrain you and suppress you. He even took away the military power of the Prince Ning Palace, made Lee Changfeng personally burn his own father's bones and scatter his ashes, made Lee Changfeng bear the shame of the world, and would never have the chance to rise again! "

"My wife, your husband already knew that the Sick Emperor was ruthless. However, you don't have to fear him, because the world will fall into our hands sooner or later!"

He wanted the world, but he wanted him. What a contradiction! [He doesn't belong to me after all!]

She looked at Lee Changfeng, who was on the execution ground, and without any expression, she poured oil on her father's body. Yun Pianxian could see his patience and hatred. "It's not a good thing to force a person into a corner."

"He forced Li Changmeng to grind his father's bones and scatter his ashes. He who bears the burden of infamy is not a husband, so what's there to be afraid of?"

"Hubby, during the avalanche, not a single snowflake was innocent. When the river broke its banks, which drop of water wasn't wrong?"

"Then your husband will have to get rid of the roots and kill Lee Changfeng as well."

In front of power, he had changed his mind after all. Yun Pianxian's heart was as cold as the imperial city of La Yue after she heard those words.

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