It was still a hot summer's day, and Yun Pianxian felt that the sky had already turned cold. She looked at the execution ground, and after Lee Changfeng finished pouring the oil, everyone started to cheer.

Under the shouts of the crowd, Lee Changfeng held the torch that he prepared beforehand and walked in front of Prince Ning's corpse. Yun Pianxian bit her lips and kneeled down, murmuring something. Even from afar, Yun Pianxian didn't know what Lee Changfeng was talking about.

But she could guess, that what Lee Changfeng said to himself was probably saying things that let down the Prince Ning. At this time, Lee Changfeng stood up, and threw the fire on Prince Ning's corpse.

When the Prince Ning was alive, he was a respectable person, but after he died, he only had a single set of clothes on him.

Even though he was ruthless, Prince Ning was still a formidable person when he was alive. Under Prince Ning's corpse was a pile of firewood. As soon as the firewood left the ground, it ignited a fire.

When they passed the afternoon gate, Yun Pianxian smelled the scent of barbecue. After seeing such a scene, she would probably never eat barbecue for the rest of her life.

It was indeed a happy family. Even though it was a happy occasion, there was no trace of a smile on Yun Pianxian's face. Lee Chang'ann knew that she was troubled by the matter of him taking in her second wife, so he didn't dare to ask.

Just after they passed the afternoon gate, Lee Changsheng sent a bunch of people to greet them. Furthermore, the officials were standing to the side. Although they had a big fight, Yun Pianxian could not laugh at all.

She sneaked a glance at Lee Chang'ann and saw that he seemed to enjoy this kind of treatment. In the past, she had thought that they were of the same heart. But in the end, she had missed out on the last one.

After walking from the entrance of the palace to the East Palace, before long, before Yun Pianxian could settle down, she heard a young eunuch announcing, "Lady Ping requests an audience!"

"Lady Ping?" Yun Pianxian frowned.

At this time, the servant girl who had followed them from the Qiansui Mansion, upon seeing Yun Pianxian becoming puzzled, did not dare to say that the Lady Ping was actually the chief servant of the Qiansui Mansion, Qingping.

This Cui, on the other hand, was straightforward, and her face was full of atmosphere: "It's the Qiansui Mansion's Qingping. Last night, she was still hanging herself, and now she's nine thousand years old, no, the Crown Prince's Lady Ping!"

So that's how it is, Lee Chang'ann's harem collection speed is really fast, the Crown Prince's crowning ceremony was not even held yet and he already expanded the harem.

Even if Yun Pianxian wanted to hide from Qingping, she would not be able to avoid fifteen. Even if she wanted to hide from Qingping, she had to see Qingping at all costs and let her in.

Having her room taken by Lee Chang'ann, Qingping's mental state was still alright. If not for the traces of suicide last night on her neck, Yun Pianxian wouldn't even dare to believe that this woman almost hanged herself last night.

She got someone to serve Qingping tea, and acted as though she was the boss's wife: "Lady Ping, why did you come to my Cheng'en Hall?"

"Entering the Eastern Palace today is a joyous occasion. I naturally have come to congratulate you, sister."

This was when his sister called out to him. Yun Pianxian was still not used to it, "Qingping, you're 21 out of 20, but I'm only 17. I can't afford to call you sister. Furthermore, we are all women of the Crown Prince, even if we are happy, we are also happy, there is no need for you to come to congratulate me. "

Just a simple sentence was enough to pull the relationship between him and this woman. This woman's expression did not change as she continued, "It is not strange for the Empress to look down on a person who comes from a servant's background. "Qingping has been too rude. The Empress doesn't like her, and it's because Qingping doesn't have the ability."

"It doesn't matter what background you have, it matters what kind of thoughts you have."

"Empress, what is the meaning of this?"

"Your feelings for His Highness the Crown Prince have already been in your heart for many years. Even if you become his woman, don't forget, why did he take you in?"

Last night, Qingping had met with the terrifying events of her life. Qingping couldn't bear to think about it, so she hanged herself. When he woke up, he heard from his father that Lee Chang'ann had come before and saw him hanging beam and his eyes were red.

His father also told him that Lee Chang'ann had already agreed to bring him into the room. She thought she was just a concubine with Qiansui Mansion, but her father said that nine thousand years old was the only son of Prince Rende, and he had already been conferred the title of Crown Prince.

Not only had he become Lee Chang'ann's woman, he had also become the title, the Lady Ping of the Eastern Palace. Once they entered the Eastern Palace, they stayed at Ganlu Hall, which was not far from the Cheng'en Hall.

As soon as she woke up, she found so much good news. Qingping might have wanted to die previously, but because of her status, she now had the hope of surviving.

Although his body wasn't clean anymore, Lee Chang'ann was someone who valued relationships, so he still had a chance. Never would he have thought that Yun Pianxian would mock him like this the moment she reached the Cheng'en Hall.

At this time, the young eunuch at the door announced: "Crown Prince has arrived!"

Having just been told by Yun Pianxian, Qingping put on a pitiful appearance when she heard Lee Chang'ann had come over. She knelt on the ground and said, "Empress, even if you don't like Qingping, it doesn't matter. But you can't slander Qingping's father!"

The moment he entered, he heard Qingping crying and complaining that it was Yun Pianxian slandering the Old Housekeeper. Although Yun Pianxian was unhappy that she accepted Qingping, she could not find trouble with Old Housekeeper like this!

Yun Pianxian did not like Qingping from the start, so it should be difficult for Qingping now. After all, since the Old Housekeeper was on his side, Lee Chang'ann couldn't allow Yun Pianxian to say that the Old Housekeeper was wrong: "My beloved concubine, even if you were angry, you should just vent your anger on this prince. Don't make things difficult for the Lady Ping, she's innocent!"

In this world, it was reasonable who was a bitch. Since he didn't do anything, Lee Chang'ann misunderstood. He not only called himself his beloved concubine, but also called himself Your Highness. Yun Pianxian always felt that even though the person in front of her was still that devilish brat, he was still a stranger.

"Yes, it's all my fault. I wantonly scolded Qingping and slandered the Old Housekeeper. 9000 years old, you must be feeling sorry for me, right?"

She claimed to be his concubine, and even called out his vulgar name, the three words he didn't want to hear again. Lee Chang'ann was a bit angry. He glanced at the people at the side and motioned for them to leave.

All of the servants who came out of the Qiansui Mansion were smart people, so they naturally left. Even Qingping didn't dare to linger around. When there was no one else in the room, Lee Chang'ann opened his mouth, "My wife, your husband has worked so hard for so many years for today. Why don't you change your address?"

Yun Pianxian was naturally happy that her husband was rich. However, now that there was an extra woman who had shared him with him, her heart was in more pain than anyone else.

She looked at Lee Chang'ann and felt a little strange: "It's all my fault. Your Highness, are you satisfied?"

Even though she was trying to show weakness and beg for mercy, he had a nagging feeling that she was throwing a tantrum. "Xian, even if Qingping has become the Lady Ping, the person in my heart is still you!"

Yun Pianxian knew better than anyone that a man's mouth was a lie. "Lee Chang'ann, I always thought that we would be able to spend our entire lives together. But in the end, you still have someone else."

He did not expect that she would cry in front of him. At this moment, he hated himself and wanted to coax her, but a report came through the door saying that it was Chi Zhaoyan.

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