To love someone, she had already shown it on her face. Even Yu Zhi was making fun of her. Just as she wanted to scold Yu Zhi, even Cui had the guts to make fun of her. "Empress, you're just jealous, that's why you're like this. If His Highness Crown Prince knows about this, he'll definitely be happy!"

These two damn girls were getting bolder and bolder, teasing him together. Yun Pianxian was so angry that she chased them both out.

Only now could she calm down, but her Cheng'en Hall had waited for a long time and she still hadn't seen Lee Chang'ann come back. He sent someone to inquire about the situation, and the person who came reported that Lee Chang'ann had been locked in the resting hall and did not come out ever since he entered Ganlu Hall.

Yun Pianxian was an impatient person. Since Lee Chang'ann was not coming back, she would go and find him. She brought Yu Zhi and Cui to Ganlu Hall.

The moment he saw the Ganlu Hall entrance, he was stopped by a few guards. They said that if Yun Pianxian barged in now, she would disturb Lee Chang'ann and Qingping's rest.

Hearing the guard's words, Yun Pianxian was stupefied. Lee Chang'ann is resting at the Ganlu Hall? Her husband was a woman who doted on others. This was something that Yun Pianxian had never even thought about.

At this moment, she was filled with anger. Lee Chang'ann said that he would be back soon. But he never thought that he would actually bump into that woman Qingping at Ganlu Hall!

With her personality, if she bumped into the south wall, as long as she didn't die, she would absolutely not turn back. The guards said that Lee Chang'ann had favoured Qingping. If she didn't see it with her own eyes, she wouldn't let the matter rest.

Even if a few guards tried to stop them, Yu Zhi wasn't someone to be trifled with. In just a few breaths, she had beaten those guards to the ground. Yun Pianxian acted like she was catching a spy as she kicked the door to the bedroom open.

What appeared in front of him was an unsightly scene. Lee Chang'ann and Qingping were lying on the bed. Qingping got up immediately, but Lee Chang'ann still had his eyes closed.

Qingping was not afraid at all. She calmly put on her clothes and got off the bed. "Empress, why have you come?"

At this moment, Lee Chang'ann, who was lying on the bed, rubbed his eyes and realized that he was bare-chested. Yun Pianxian looked at him and Qingping angrily.

He only remembered that when he came here and saw Qingping lying on the bed, her forehead was a little hot, so he didn't remember what happened next. From the looks of it, he had suffered a loss to this woman.

Just as he wanted to speak, he saw Yun Pianxian pointing at him, "Lee Chang'ann, you want me to wait for you like this?"

Seeing Yun Pianxian's tears, Lee Chang'ann wanted to coax her, but he couldn't lift the blanket because he was only wearing underpants. Cui and Yu Zhi were still here, so he couldn't get off the bed.

Seeing that he wasn't going to explain, Yun Pianxian's tears streamed down as she turned around and left. After Yun Pianxian left, Qingping had a pitiful look on her face. "Your Highness, what happened to the Empress?"

"You know it well!" Lee Chang'ann was furious.

Seeing that she couldn't get anything good from Lee Chang'ann, Qingping chased after her. After catching up to Yun Pianxian, he kneeled down in front of her and said righteously, "Niangniang, you don't need to be so angry. Chenqie is Her Highness's woman after all. If you blame her, you'll only make people say you're being petty!"

At a time like this, Qingping was still trying to lie to him! Yun Pianxian looked at Qingping, gritting her teeth. "You're satisfied, right?"

Seeing that there was no one else around, Qingping got up from the ground. "Of course chenqie is satisfied. Your Highness loved chenqie with all his might just now and never once said a word about the Empress!"

Was this woman trying to goad him? At this moment, Yun Pianxian was extremely agitated. She couldn't wait to tear this woman's face apart. Her hands were at a loss for words, but luckily, Yu Zhi stopped her. "Empress, don't be impulsive. Otherwise, you'll be tricked by this woman!"

Yu Zhi was smart. Qingping was just a b * tch. He had to be more careful. At this moment, the sound of Lee Chang'ann's footsteps came from not too far away. Qingping held Yun Pianxian's hand and said, "Empress, it was chenqie who seduced Your Highness. Don't blame His Highness!"

She had always disliked this woman. At this moment, she didn't want to have any physical contact with this woman, so she shook off her hand. However, like a porcelain doll, Qingping was thrown away by him.

When Lee Chang'ann caught up to her, he saw Qingping falling to the ground. Yun Pianxian looked at Qingping furiously. Yun Pianxian finally understood that Qingping was scheming against her.

She knew that Lee Chang'ann would chase after her, intentionally pulling and pulling on her and even deliberately allowing her to get rid of her. Then, he put on a weak look and showed it to Lee Chang'ann.

Lee Chang'ann came over and helped Qingping up without even looking at Yun Pianxian. "Qingping, you're not hurt from the fall, are you?"

"No, no." Qingping subconsciously hid her hands behind her back.

Lee Chang'ann glanced at Qingping and pulled Qingping's hand out. Seeing that Qingping's arm had broken, he asked with blood seeping out of it, "What's going on here?"

"Nothing, chenqie fell down on her own!"

The moment Qingping finished her sentence, Lee Chang'ann glanced at Yun Pianxian: "Your Highness already knows, you can go back now!"

Qingping could not believe her ears. She had purposely fallen into such a sorry state, yet Lee Chang'ann was still so indifferent. However, he couldn't say it out loud. Yun Pianxian had pushed him to the side, causing him to fall like that.

Weakness is a woman's weapon. Qingping naturally understood this logic and retreated a step forward, "Your Highness, chenqie's injury really has nothing to do with the Imperial Concubine Empress. Please don't blame the Imperial Concubine Empress!"

On the surface, this woman told Lee Chang'ann not to blame Yun Pianxian. In fact, it was Yun Pianxian who did it. Lee Chang'ann was the one who punished Yun Pianxian.

They were both foxes who had lived for a thousand years. Qingping's chat with Yun Pianxian was really laughable! She looked at Qingping with a haughty expression, "I don't need you to help me explain myself. Since I'm not angry yet, why don't you just scram?"

It was taboo for Yun Pianxian not to give in in front of a man, and it was taboo for her to do so. Qingping was pleased with herself, but she did not show it on her face.

After Qingping left, Lee Chang'ann finally opened his mouth, "Xian, why did you do this?"

"Relax, what else can I do? If it's possible, I'd rather throw her to death!"

Hearing Yun Pianxian's words, Lee Chang'ann slapped his forehead, "Yun Pianxian, don't be like this!"

"How am I? Do I sleep in the same bed as other men, or do I have other men who do that kind of thing, and who knows if I have other people's seeds in my stomach? "

Yu Zhi and Cui, who were standing to the side, were both frightened as she vented out all the anger in her heart. Lee Chang'ann took a deep breath and left without saying anything.

Today, she caught him red-handed, and even tore apart Lady Ping. This matter spread very quickly, and when they were eating dinner, Cui, who was in the royal kitchen, could hear the Imperial Study palace maid chomping on her tongue.

Cui, who returned with her meal, was furious. Yun Pianxian thought that someone had bullied her when she saw it. After the palace maids placed the food on the table, they let them go. "Cui, what happened to you? Why is it that you can have such a big temper just by passing on a meal? "

"Empress, you really don't know how people talk about you outside?" This servant truly wants to tear their mouths to pieces, or take a needle and sew their mouths shut! "

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