It was not in vain that Cui had protected him like this. Seeing Cui like this, she pulled her to a seat.

At this moment, Yu Zhi felt that she was being excessive. She wanted to leave, but Yun Pianxian rolled her eyes. "Yu Zhi, where are you going?"

"This servant feels that I no longer need this servant in this room. I had originally planned to rest here."

"You're the only one who knows how to be lazy. Come over here and sit down. Come and drink a few cups with me!"

Hearing that Yun Pianxian wanted to drink, Yu Zhi and Cui were extremely shocked. Cui couldn't hold back her words and asked, "Empress, how can we eat at the same table as you?"

"Why not? Could it be that the delicious food you ate with me in your thousand years was all eaten on the ground? "

Her words completely blocked off Cui's path. After holding back for a long while, Cui opened her mouth again, "If His Highness Crown Prince saw this, wouldn't he chop off both of our heads?"

"He won't come today." Yun Pianxian muttered.

Although she didn't cry, Yu Zhi knew that her heart was as sharp as a knife. Yu Zhi had been following Yun Pianxian for half a year now. She and Lee Chang'ann were like a pair of gummed up flowers. She had already seen the relationship between them clearly.

Love is like a poppy. Even though you know you will be addicted to it, you still indulge in it. Yu Zhi was willing to stay unmoved for the rest of her life to avoid suffering the same fate as Yun Pianxian.

Yu Zhi went to get a bottle of wine and filled it up for Yun Pianxian. "Young lady, Yu Zhi will accompany you tonight. I'm so drunk!"

"It's said that alcohol can help relieve anxiety, but who would have known that it's better to take out a knife to remove water. Drinking up a cup of wine to dispel sorrow is even more worrisome." Yun Pianxian finished her words in one gulp.

Although she would occasionally drink with Lee Chang'ann before, she still drank with big gulps today. She threw up for a while, but then saw Lee Chang'ann in front of her. Maybe she drank too much, that's why she hallucinated.

To her, this illusion was like the ghostly hand that had been holding her when she was in the sepulchral bed. As long as he faced it bravely, nothing would happen.

She did not think of anything, nor did she avoid him. She thought she would pass through him, but the impact was so painful that tears were about to fall.

Only then did she realize that all of this was not an illusion. This trash of a man was right in front of her eyes. She looked around the room and saw that Cui was lying on the table, unconscious.

Luckily, Yu Zhi was still conscious and helped Cui to leave. Seeing that she was drunk, Lee Chang'ann frowned, "My wife, what's there to be unhappy about? Just tell your husband that there's no need to use the wine to dispel your worries."

"I am not unhappy about anything. I am very happy to see the Hubby."

"Really?" Lee Chang'ann was skeptical.

"Since you've already met a gentleman, do you not like it?" As soon as she finished speaking, Yun Pianxian felt nauseous again. She immediately ran out of the house and started vomiting.

When she woke up the next day, Yun Pianxian discovered that the other half of her bed was neat and tidy. It seemed like Lee Chang'ann had slept at Ganlu Hall last night.

When he woke up in the morning, he did not see Cui. Yu Zhi was the only one there, so Yun Pianxian asked, "Cui, that damned girl, did she slack off again?"

"To reply esteemed wangfei, Cui still hasn't woken up."

I have a splitting headache right now, not to mention Cui, that little girl who couldn't hold back anymore. Yun Pianxian glanced at Yu Zhi, "Last night, Crown Prince Your Highness didn't come to Cheng'en Hall, right?"

Yu Zhi didn't answer her directly. After a moment of hesitation, she said, "No."

Luckily, Lee Chang'ann didn't come last night. Otherwise, it would have been really embarrassing to see him like that. But in his mind, there was still the image of him bumping into him. Even when he came, he still said with a smile, "Since we meet, do you like it?"

Fortunately, everything was just a dream. She looked at herself in the mirror and saw that there was a wound on her face, and it was also a hit. What was going on? She pulled Yu Zhi to a seat and asked, "Yu Zhi, what happened to the wound on my face?"

"This servant will show you."

As soon as she finished speaking, Yu Zhi took a careful look at the wound and asked, "This must have been caused by some kind of injury, right?"

Damn it! Yun Pianxian immediately covered her face and said, "I don't want to live anymore. How can I bump into Lee Chang'ann, and even make a fool out of myself in front of him, and say 'seeing a gentleman before my eyes'?"

With that, Yun Pianxian ran back to the bed and covered herself with a blanket so that no one would see her like this. Seeing her like that, Yu Zhi also ran over to the bedside and sat down. "Empress, Crown Prince really did not come last night. You bumped into a pillar.

With these words from Yu Zhi, Yun Pianxian then lifted the blanket and asked, "Really?"

"Of course, don't you believe in servants?"

"Of course, of course I do."

Of course, Yun Pianxian would rather believe it than not! Only now did she start laughing, "Yu Zhi, quickly, get someone to help me get my makeup done."

Since no one had seen her disgrace last night, Yun Pianxian was naturally in a good mood. However, Yu Zhi reminded her, "Empress, according to the palace rules, you have to go with His Highness Crown Prince to Scenic Spot Palace today to pay respects to the empress!"

"What?" Her face was filled with disbelief.

"Aunt Lingshuang told you yesterday, did you forget?"

Damn it! His head had been kicked by a donkey. He had forgotten about such a thing! Her body was still reeking of alcohol. She glanced at Yu Zhi. "Yu Zhi, please get someone to prepare hot water for me to bathe in!"

"Yes sir!" Yu Zhi withdrew after she finished speaking.

Yun Pianxian always felt it was a little late to pay respects to Chi Zhaoyan after she had finished bathing and had her makeup combed.

However, Lee Chang'ann still hadn't reached the Cheng'en Hall yet, so he planned to look for him himself. The moment he opened the door, he almost bumped into Lee Chang'ann.

Fortunately, he had braked in time and hadn't hit it yet. If he had hit it, his makeup and hair would have been messed up. That would have been a small matter and if he had hit his face and hurt it, it would have been a huge problem.

However, when she looked up, Lee Chang'ann had bruises on his chin. She had no idea what hit him: "Your Highness, what happened to your chin?"

Lee Chang'ann immediately covered his chin: "Shaving, accidentally scratched."

This was clearly a collision. Lee Chang'ann actually said that it was a scratch, how strange. Presumably, he had a great time with Qingping at the Ganlu Hall last night, and was embarrassed to tell her about it after they bumped into each other.

She was indeed jealous. She knew better than anyone that it was a normal thing for an ancient man to have three wives and four concubines. But she, Yun Pianxian, was a lowly modern person, not an ancient person. She simply could not accept the idea of having three wives and four concubines.

Since he didn't want to talk about it, she didn't want to talk about it. After all, it wasn't a good thing for her husband to linger on someone else's bed.

In the past, she and his concubine had always been laughing and talking together, but today, they seemed to be on completely different terms. This was truly strange. She wondered if he had something he wanted to say to her. She stole a glance at him, only to discover that he also had to lower his head to look at her.

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