Yin Zhu first burned a little water, then put the animal bone in it and scalded it to remove the blood. Then he put the bone in the water and boiled it. When the bone was boiling, Yin Zhu was ready to put the mushroom into the pot, but he was knocked out by Jamin. "What do you do, Yin Zhu? This thing can't be eaten."

Yin Zhu watched helplessly as his clean mushrooms fell into the soil and were covered with dust.

"Uncle Jamin, this is a mushroom. It's edible." Yin Zhu squats down to pick up the mushroom and explains to Jamin.

"No, I can't. do you remember Uncle Denny in our tribe? That's what killed him. " Jamin is anxious to knock down the mushroom in Yinzhu's hand again. Up to now, he remembers that when Danni died, he was bleeding all over his body and his face was black, which made people afraid. From then on, people in the tribe changed color when they talked about mushrooms.

"Uncle Jamin, this mushroom can be eaten. Some mushrooms are poisonous and can't be eaten. This mushroom can be eaten without poison. It tastes delicious and is very delicious for soup." Yin Zhu explained in a hurry.

"Uncle Yin Zhu, I know you are sad, but people always have to live. In fact, there are many beautiful men in the tribe. Even if you don't like our tribe, there are several tribes around you. You look so beautiful. Tengxiao can't see that it's his loss. Let's go back to the next few tribes, seduce all the beautiful men from their side, and then fight hard Do you think it's a good idea to hit Tengxiao's face Benjamin gently persuades.

He felt that his conscience would hurt when he said this, but in order to dispel Yin Zhu's idea of his own birth, he could say anything.

Jamin thinks that Yin Zhu is still eating mushrooms because he doesn't want to die, so when he says this, he hastily tramples on the mushrooms he knocked down, and doesn't let Yin Zhu have the chance to pick them up again.

Yin Zhu originally thought that his uncle was cute, but when he saw the rotten mushrooms, he couldn't help turning black. The delicious food she had worked hard to pick was ruined.

"Uncle, I don't really want to die. Do I look like a person who doesn't cherish life? This mushroom is really edible. It's really edible. " Yin Zhu emphasized it sentence by sentence.

One side of the mark heard this sarcastic said, "you cherish life, can die twice?" Think of Melly for this matter almost did not cry faint, mark is distressed, to Yin Zhu is also very unhappy.

Melly has been regretting that she didn't teach Yin Zhu well for so many years, which makes Yin Zhu so extreme and stubborn.

One side of Martin leisurely mend the knife, "is really cherish life, ordinary people want to die twice already dead."

Yin Zhu stares at Martin when he hears this. Meili even says that this man is willing to marry himself. This poisonous tongue can make her angry to death.

Yin Zhu thinks that if he doesn't prove that the mushroom can be eaten, this group of people probably won't let her eat the mushroom.

Sophie, who always pays attention to the movement of Yin Zhu, comes over at this time. "Yin Zhu, don't go too far. You say you forgive Tengxiao and die at the same time. I tell you, it's impossible. Even if you die, you will die in vain. It has nothing to do with Tengxiao. With me, you can't depend on Tengxiao any more."

At this time, the surrounding orcs also gathered around. When they heard that Yin Zhu wanted to eat mushrooms, they didn't know who yelled, "no, Yin Zhu wants to die again." So crash, inside three circle, outside three circle, Yin Zhu was surrounded.

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