Meng Tai felt that his hair had lost a lot in the past two days because of Yin Zhu's death seeking. He went up to Yin Zhu and said, "Yin Zhu, in fact, you don't have to look for life and death for a male. It's like losing the face of a female. You're so beautiful that you don't have to worry about your partner."

Yin Zhu listened to the affirmative nod, that is, she never worried about her marriage.

"Don't worry, patriarch. I'll stick to my word. If I say I won't marry Tengxiao, I won't marry him. Don't worry, I don't want to die. I want to live well." Yin Zhu patted his chest to guarantee.

"That's right. You should live well at a young age." Montaigne was very glad to hear that. Who just said that the child was going to die, almost didn't scare his heart out.

"It's all right. Let's go, clan leader." Watching a group of people treat themselves as monkeys, Yin Zhu can't help but start to drive people.

"Patriarch, Yin Zhu wants to eat mushrooms, but he says he hasn't tried to die." Sophie pointed to the mushroom on the floor that had been trampled by Jamin.

Montaigne looked down at the trampled mushroom. His face was very bad. He was very happy before. Yin Zhu lied to himself or wanted to die. What should he do? To say about his contribution to the tribe, one Tengxiao is worth more than ten thousand Yin Zhu. He is ten thousand who do not want to lose Tengxiao. Even for the sake of the tribe, Tengxiao should not die.

Can Yin bamboo mouth said around Tengxiao, secretly and death, Yin Zhu died, Tengxiao how to do?

"Yinzhu, there are many good men in our tribe. What do you think of Jono? He's the second best in the tribe, and he's good-looking. " After thinking about it, Montaigne can't think of any good way. Since Yin Zhu likes the brave and beautiful man, he should be able to stop by compensating her.

Montaigne really wants to solve this problem completely. Jono is his son. In order to comfort Yin Zhu, he decides to sacrifice his son.

Jono, who had been watching, turned pale when he heard this. It was a natural disaster.

"Father, you don't pit your son like that." Jono was speechless.

Originally, several females who had a crush on Jono stared at Yinzhu one by one when they heard this. Yinzhu really made a lot of money. Without Tengxiao, there was Jono.

"No, uncle, I don't want it." Yin Zhu took two steps back.

Meili really wants to slap Yinzhu hard at this time. Jono, the patriarch has spoken, which is absolutely stable. As a result, Yinzhu said no, no, she is really angry.

Determined not to let Yinzhu make any more trouble, Meili covered Yinzhu's mouth, and then said to Mengtai with a smile: "patriarch, Yinzhu in our family is too excited to know what to say. She wants it. You can rest assured that I will take good care of her."

Sophie's face became more and more ugly when she heard this. A female can choose several partners, and this Jono is also one of the males she values. As a result, Yin Zhu ate Tengxiao, and now she wants to occupy Jono again. Why can people who can fight and act get a good partner?

"Patriarch, how can you do this? Jono, he likes mine Sophie thinks that Yin Zhu is her nemesis. It's not enough to rob Tengxiao, even Jono.

Montaigne was stunned at this, and then looked at Jono, who had never heard his son say he liked Sophie.

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