Xia Bai looks at Yin Zhu frowning. This child is different from them. Yin Zhu suddenly changes. Xia Bai doesn't doubt it. To them, it's a miracle.

How could the child suddenly ask about 5000 years? This child suddenly knows a lot of things. Does it have something to do with 5000 year old people?

If so, we can understand why Yin Zhu suddenly knows so much, but is it necessary for a weak female to recite the truth 5000 years ago? It's too hard for Yin Zhu. Thinking of his guess, Xia Bai once again affirmed that Yin Zhu should be the female in the forefathers' prophecy.

As a priest of daze tribe, however, his strength is far lower than that of his ancestors at that time. I'm really ashamed.

"Yin Zhu, if you want to know something about 5000 years, then I think there are several places where there may be clues." Since the child is destined to shoulder the responsibility of revitalizing the tribe, she will try her best to help the child.

"Granny, tell me about it." If you can have a clue, it's unknown if you want her.

"If I say there are three places, let's start from the safest place." Xia Bai looks at Yin Zhu lovingly.

"The first is the city of the king of beasts. The city of the king of beasts is the place where the king of beasts lived. It is said that the city of the king of beasts was there five thousand years ago. Although the city of the king of beasts is rebuilt in the back, it still leaves some historical relics." Xia Bai analyzes it.

Yin Zhu nodded. She is sure to go to the orc city. It is said that this is the most prosperous area in the orc world.

"The second is Mt. beast. It is said that Mt. beast exists everywhere in the world. The place that has not changed after years is Mt. beast. But Mt. beast is not so easy to get in. It's very dangerous there. However, a mysterious person broke through Mt. beast some time ago. Maybe you can find him and ask him what Mt. beast is like." Xia Bai sighs, that mysterious figure is not so easy to find.

Yin Zhu was surprised to hear that the person who passed the test of beast mountain was silver star. Next time when silver star comes to see him, ask him.

The second dangerous thing is Mt. beast. It's said that it took ten years for someone to pass Mt. beast. What's the third most dangerous thing? How dangerous it is.

"The third is the place of divine punishment. The legendary place of divine punishment was formed after the disaster of five thousand years ago. There was no place of divine punishment five thousand years ago, but the place of divine punishment was too dangerous, and people who went in never came out again." Xia Bai sighs, thinking that Tengxiao almost went to the place of divine punishment.

Yin did not expect that the third place was the place of divine punishment. The place of divine punishment was formed by the catastrophe. So the secret he was looking for was probably in the place of divine punishment.

But in that place, she would die fast.

"Yin Zhu, I don't know what kind of fortune you have. Grandma tells you that if you don't have the strength, don't do what you can't do. Many things will pass, and you're just a little female. You don't have to bear some things. It's been too long since 5000 years ago. Grandma doesn't want anything to happen to you." Xia Bai gently rubbed Yin Zhu's head.

Yin Zhu heard this embarrassed smile: "grandma, don't worry, I won't put myself in danger." She is most afraid of death. Besides, she has three cubs in her stomach. Even if she wants to manage them, she has to wait until she has the strength to manage them. She won't do things like beating a stone with an egg.

"Well, since you know something, grandma won't say it. You are a smart child." Xia Bai smiles.

Yin Zhu also knows that Xia Bai is suspicious when he suddenly asks about things five thousand years ago, but the people here are so nice that they don't ask more questions even if they doubt, which saves her a lot of explanation.

"Thank you, granny. I'll go back first." Yin Zhu said goodbye to Xia Bai with a smile.

Xia Bai looks at Yin Zhu and turns away. Her face is straight. At this time, she looks down at the hair in her hand. This is from her head when she touched Yin Zhu just now. She didn't ask what Yin Zhu wanted to do, but she wanted to help the child to make a fortune.

Normal divination only needs one name, but it's related to the catastrophe five thousand years ago. Xia Bai knew it was a big thing, and it was not so easy, so he got a long hair of Yin Zhu.

Xia Bai went back to her room and solemnly wrapped Yin Zhu's hair around her tortoise shell, dripping three drops of blood, reciting words in her mouth, and then threw the tortoise shell into the air.

Xia Bai's eyes look at the turtle shell. The turtle shell suddenly vibrates in the air, and then suddenly falls down and breaks into five or six pieces. Xia Bai spits out a mouthful of blood, and his face is pale. The whole person crawls on the ground, shaking.

This is taboo. When she asked about taboo, she was strongly reprimanded. What happened to Yin Zhu? She couldn't even do a little divination. Why is this.

Looking at the broken shell on the ground, Xia Bai can't help but feel heartache. It's something handed down from her ancestors. It's destroyed in her hands. It's

Xia Bai's body trembles unceasingly, another mouthful of blood gushes up.

Xia Bai looks at the effort to control her body, she sighs, her way to the end of the priest, see this, she can't help but raise her hand again, no turtle shell, the last divination.Xia Bai once again divined with her own blood, but this time she did not dare to divine what Yin Zhu asked. She only divined the future of the tribe. Fortunately, divination came out first, which was good. That would be good.

Xia Bai closed her eyes, and then began to communicate with Meng Tai. Meng Tai ran quickly to Xia Bai's residence at this time, "Xia Bai, what's the matter with you? Who hurt you? "

Although Xia Bai is a female, Xia Bai is the priest of the tribe. It can be said that he is the most powerful person in the tribe. It's just that Xia Bai is always in the tribe and doesn't go out to fight, so no one knows.

Priests usually see doctors to communicate with heaven and earth. It seems that there is nothing wrong with priests. However, no generation of priests will give their life-long kilometers to the next generation of priests before they die. There is only one tribe of priests. Only when the last generation of priests is dying, the next generation of priests will appear.

When Xia Bai heard this, he shook his head. "No one hurt me. It was my careless divination that was backfired."

"What is your divination that will be backfired?" Mengtai was surprised. Normal divination should not be able to backfire. Moreover, Xia Bai's backfire is very serious. Xia Bai is old, so he can backfire.

"Meng Tai, if you remember what I'm going to do next, you must remember that Yin Zhu will lead the tribe to prosperity, and even reproduce the prosperous age of 5000 years ago. Don't object to what she wants to do, and try to help her." Xia Bai grabs Meng Tai's hand.

"Well, I will. Xia Bai, you can't do it because of divination..." Meng Tai was very surprised. He knew that Yin Zhu was powerful, but he never thought that Yin Zhu could lead them back to the prosperous age of 5000 years ago. This news was too shocking.

"Well, well, now go and invite the new priest of the tribe. It's the child of Jiuyue. Bring her here." At this time, Xia Bai already felt that he was going to take his place.

Hearing this, Meng Tai looks at Xia Bai in shock. He knows that Xia Bai is seriously injured, but even his successor appears, "Xia Bai, you..." Meng Tai looks at Xia Bai with great pain.

"Go, bring the child here, and I can teach her something. Go ahead. " As for her destination, Xia Bai knew her destination as soon as she became a priest. Besides, she had lived long enough and was not sad. She was very happy to know the grand occasion of the tribe.

Mengtai can only nod tearfully, and then go to find the child of Jiuyue.

Jiuyue is an eight year old female, a child in the tribe. When Mengtai found her, the little girl was looking at Mengtai with a smile, "Uncle clan leader, I know you will come to me."

Meng Tai looked at her head that faint light, slowly squatted down the body, the nine Yue to hold up, "uncle take you to summer white granny home."

Jiuyue nodded. When she was chosen as a new priest, she knew it. Even she suddenly knew it, as if she had grown up suddenly.

Mengtai takes people to Xiabai's side and leaves. The priest's inheritance is unknown even if he is the patriarch. Mengtai wipes his tears and he will send Xiabai away later.

Xia Bai has an accident here, but Yin Zhu doesn't know. In the afternoon, Yin Zhu hears the news from the tribe. Xia Bai is gone, and the priest of the tribe is Jiu Yue.

Yin Zhu was stunned when she heard this, because she had talked with Xia Bai before. Xia Bai was still fine. How could she disappear after a while? It's impossible. How could that loving old man suddenly disappear?

Yin Zhu runs to Guangchao of the tribe in a hurry. Mengtai will see Xia Bai off there.

Xia Bai is the priest of the tribe. When she leaves, the whole tribe will send her off.

Yin Zhu tightly grasped the hand of Qiao Nuo beside him, "Qiao Nuo, you said that Aunt Xia Bai was OK. How did she suddenly disappear? I still talked to her in the morning. She was OK." Yin Zhu said tears fell down, how can suddenly No.

Before that, the tribe also died, but Yin Zhu didn't feel so deeply. After all, even if those people died, she knew it in her heart, but her very amiable old man was gone, and there was no omen.

Meng Tai, standing on one side, sighs when he hears this. Yin Zhu actually went to Xia Bai in the morning. Xia Bai should listen to what Yin Zhu said before he went to divination. So Yin Zhu killed Xia Bai?

"Yin Zhu, tell me what you said to Xia Bai before?" Meng Tai asks, he won't tell Yin Zhu about the cause of Xia Bai's death, so that Yin Zhu won't feel sad. But he has to think about what Yin Zhu asked.

Yin Zhu then simply asked himself to say it again.

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